Quote:If this IS an evolving universe, shouldn't there be hundreds, thousands or even millions of planets throught the galaxy with intellegent life. Space should be filled with radio signals from all these other planets that were formed at the same time as earth, yet SETI has yet to hear a peep.
Only if you ignore ALL science would this make sense. Lets see what's wrong with your statement.
Earth has put out radio signals of any quantity for less than 100 years. A very short time period. Will earth still be putting out radio signals in 100 years? Hard to say as we move to other technologies. Seti can only check for patterns in radio signals based on how earth uses radio technology. 20 years ago we probably wouldn't have noticed patterns that are now used for digital signals. Your assumption that all intelligent life would be putting out recognizable radio signals is probably not true.
Secondly, the output of earth's radio signals is very small compared to the large output by natural forces in the universe. A quasar would more than drown out earth's signals even a few light years from here. We have a hard time hearing the signal from our probes that are out past Jupiter. Now compare that strength to the strength we would get from the closest yellow star which is 43 light years away. Signals weaken over distances and more and more background noise creeps in.
Would you care to explain why you think all radio signals from other planets would be instantly recognizable and would be guaranteed to reach Seti's radio telescopes?