Quote: 1930 Joseph Stalin: He felt evolution provided no basis for conscience or morals. He felt free to torture and murder to whatever extent he chose to achieve his communist goals
Stalin was not a believer in the evolutionary research.He thought It was bourgeoise. He became a Lamarkian devotee and therefore his entire system of biology was set back byTrofim Lysenko, who, "after thousands of attempts at hacking off mouses tails, failed to show that acquired traits are inheritable"
Jack-youre use of the ERO is also kind of laughable because it was through the careful criticizing of davenport that his embarrassed funders were soon to leave him "grantless" . Actually, truth be known, The fortunes of the Harrimans (Averils daddy) Rockerfeller, and the one you left out , Preston Bush (heard of him) were most concerned about rampant immigration, so the misuse of a sound scientific principle by a huckster was quite convenient for them. However , with exception of Preston, most funding was quietly removed ever since H L Mencken took on to make The ERO and eugenics applied a personal mission in his later years
If you wish a non-spun discussion of the eugenics "era" in US history try reading Allan Chases book
The Legacy of MalthusIts a bit more of a chronical of some sorry ass thinking and misapplication of Natural Selection(not an "attempted linkage to evil" as you seem to indicate)
I recalled a series of lines from an essay by Jay Gould when he was talking about how Ronald Reagan seemed to resurrect the Creation Inc mission that resulted in the 1987 Supreme Court decision.
Gould said, after a visit to Dayton Tenn
"I learned something in Dayton ( where Scopes was tried), or rather, I remembered something I never should have forgotten. While sipping the five cent coke around the original table at Robinson's Drug Store.The enemy is not fundamentalism;it is intolerance.In this case, the intolerance is perverse since it masquerades under the 'liberal" rhetoric of "equal time". But mistake it not. Creationists are trying to impose a specific religious view by legislative fiat upon teachers who reject it both by conscience and training.For all their talk about weighing both sides( a mere question of political expediency), they would also substitute biblical authority for free scientific inquiry as a source of empirical knowledge.
...(therefore) We have nothing to fear from the vast majority of fundamentalists like many citizens of Dayton, who live by a doctrine that is legitemately indigenous to their area. Rather, we must combat the few yahoos who exploit the fruits of poor education for ready cash and greater political ends."