Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:21 am
Re: Another thought
rosborne979 wrote:
Biliskner wrote:
Your Disc Theory fails you. The speed at which the gases are moving would rip anyone's skin clean off their bones before you can say "oh sh..."
At that rate, nothing forms (ie: your planets suddenly "disappear") and you have to adhoc it and make some other excuse as to how the planets form (like remains of an enormous asteroid belt used to revolve around here and they "smash" together to give us mercury, then venus, earth etc. etc.)

like i said, Your Disc Theory fails you.

No, your disk theory fails you. Mine works just fine.

Take a chill pill man Wink And get your head out of the creationist web sites, they're making you look like a fool.

looks? lmfao. take a chill pill yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:21 am
Re: Marx,Hitler and Mao
rosborne979 wrote:
And we don't worship evolution either. What's your point?

lol.... okay keep telling yourself that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:25 am
Re: Marx,Hitler and Mao
rosborne979 wrote:
Biliskner wrote:
Location: Melbourne, Australia

So what's the weather like in Melbourne this time of year?

We've still got snow on the ground in New Hampshire, and no leaves on the trees yet.

it's summer here. today was a perfect day for an engagement party - filled with cakes (triple coated choc chip!), wine, sausage rolls/tomato sauce, sushi, coke, coffee (purculator), tea, coke, pepsi, champagne, 5000000 different fruits, dips, bread, jazz band etc.

it is usually hot and sunny, dry air (but not like Darwin)... a bit of cloud for shade, but you need to use suncream, otherwise your skin just falls off. lookin' like tomorrow will be another nice sunny day for the beach.... having said that, it snowed in the victorian alps in the middle of summer 4 weeks ago. and the yarra river flooded southbank (which is the CBD of melbourne city) - that was a "lmao week", only at melbourne.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 08:31 am
Re: Marx,Hitler and Mao
Biliskner wrote:
it's summer here. today was a perfect day for an engagement party - filled with cakes (triple coated choc chip!), wine, sausage rolls/tomato sauce, sushi, coke, coffee (purculator), tea, coke, pepsi, champagne, 5000000 different fruits, dips, bread, jazz band etc.

it is usually hot and sunny, dry air (but not like Darwin)... a bit of cloud for shade, but you need to use suncream, otherwise your skin just falls off. lookin' like tomorrow will be another nice sunny day for the beach.... having said that, it snowed in the victorian alps in the middle of summer 4 weeks ago. and the yarra river flooded southbank (which is the CBD of melbourne city) - that was a "lmao week", only at melbourne.

Sounds great (seriously). I'ld love to visit that area sometime... as long as I don't have to run into any creationist fanatics who say things like "take a chill pill" Wink (gag me with a spoon) Hahahahaha, later Bill.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:01 am
Re: Marx,Hitler and Mao
rosborne979 wrote:
Biliskner wrote:
it's summer here. today was a perfect day for an engagement party - filled with cakes (triple coated choc chip!), wine, sausage rolls/tomato sauce, sushi, coke, coffee (purculator), tea, coke, pepsi, champagne, 5000000 different fruits, dips, bread, jazz band etc.

it is usually hot and sunny, dry air (but not like Darwin)... a bit of cloud for shade, but you need to use suncream, otherwise your skin just falls off. lookin' like tomorrow will be another nice sunny day for the beach.... having said that, it snowed in the victorian alps in the middle of summer 4 weeks ago. and the yarra river flooded southbank (which is the CBD of melbourne city) - that was a "lmao week", only at melbourne.

Sounds great (seriously). I'ld love to visit that area sometime... as long as I don't have to run into any creationist fanatics who say things like "take a chill pill" Wink (gag me with a spoon) Hahahahaha, later Bill.

lmao. i thought for a moment there you were gonna ask me if i had a spare room for you to stay in. Cool
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Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:18 am
rosborne, you might run into more Creationists in the years to come, i went to Franklin Graham's Festival Victoria at the Telstra Dome yesterday and the Altar Call must've gathered about 1500-2000 ppl... we were sitting and waiting for at least 15-25 minutes while the ppl went up 'cos they wanted to recieve Jesus Christ as their savior.

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Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:19 am
Biliskner wrote:
patiodog wrote:
I have to admit that I'm not keeping up, but, um, why exactly is the snake the lowliest form of all creatures in nature?

"crawls" on its belly.

So how is that lowlier than, say, a tapeworm? Or an anemone, which doesn't move at all?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:44 am
Biliskner wrote:
rosborne, you might run into more Creationists in the years to come

I guess that's possible, but for the sake of humanity, we can only hope not.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 10:48 am

Cool cult site. Thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 11:10 am
patiodog wrote:
So how is that lowlier than, say, a tapeworm? Or an anemone, which doesn't move at all?

For lowest form of life on the planet, I vote for the flu virus which attacked me (without provocation I might add) last month. Tape worms are ugly, and anemonae's look like snot when they're out of the water, but the flu just sucks.

Snakes are really cool, very highly evolved and elegant. And anemonae's may look like snot when they're out of the water, but they can be fantastic when they're submerged.

See how much you know about snakes on the Snake quiz

All in all, I would say, "There are no 'lower' life forms, only limited views"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 11:20 am
Limited views? I would say close-minded elitist views. It takes quite some arrogance to call creatures evil based on the opinions of ugliness and lowliness.
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Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 11:49 am pictures. It amazes me as to how God could create all these amazing creatures, and give them so many varied colors and shapes and our vision can see all these colors. Why, if we were evolved didn't we just stop at monochrome.
Biliksner...GLAD to see your back. I envy you getting to see a Grahm crusade. Sounds like the weather there is changing like it is here. We are just breaking into spring. The weeds are taller than my son (were, I just mowed). Who is getting engaged?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 11:53 am
Stop at monochrome? Heck, even us humans have different colorings. LOL
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Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 11:55 am
we creationists take the heat now, but the science will speak for itself. you watch, in 50 years, there'll be 50/100 creationists/evolutionists if not more creationists - the problem with evolution is they adhoc like no tomorrow. and people are finding out. and people are not liking it.

You take no heat reallyBiliksner.Its been you and jack off that have been talking about how evolution is evil and breeds National Socialism, not us.
We just dont want your ilk to have special consideration in a non-sectarian governmental document or in its practise. However, youve got quite a few supporters in our present administration.
They too believe that if you say something loudly , and over and over(like Intelligent Design is real), itbecomes true.
When we gonna see some of this magical Creationist "scientific evidence youve been alluding to?"

Was Darwin wrong, heck no, it just takes longer to explain the obvious.
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Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 12:17 pm
Darwin in the 20th century
Evolution isn't worshipped? 1860 Karl Marx... Considered the "spiritual father of comunisim". Marx wrote that Darwin's book "contains the basis in natural history for our views".
1918 Leon Trotsky said "Darwin's ideas intoxicated him and Darwin stood for me like a mighty doorkeeper at the entrance to the temple of the universe"
1930 Joseph Stalin: He felt evolution provided no basis for conscience or morals. He felt free to torture and murder to whatever extent he chose to achieve his communist goals
1940 Hitler formed his racial and social policies on the evolutionary ideas of survival of the fittest and the superiority of certain 'favoured races' (the subtitle of Darwin's book) The evolutionary 'science' of Eugenics provided him with justification for his decrees.
1975 Pol Pot From 1975 he led the Khmer Rouge to genocide against his own people which was inspired by Stalin and China's Mao Zedong. Chairman Mao regarded Darwin and Darwin's disciple Huxley as his two favorite authors.
Even in the good ole U.S.of A. we have in the name of developing a better race in 1910 Charles Davenport founded the Eugenics Record Office. This was headed by Harry Laughlin. It gained support of President Woodrow Wilson, the Rockefeller Foundation, Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood), Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, and was bankrolled by the Carnegie Institution, Rockefeller Foundation and the Hrrriman railroad fortune. Eugenice is the attempt to breed a better human race by applying evolutionary principals. The major text book of Eugenics was Hunter's Civic Biology which blatantly taught white racial supremacy. This led to laws against mixed racial marriages in 27 states, human breeding programs, forced sterilization of over 60,000 US citizens and even euthanasia.
These Ideas inspired German eugenics research (does Josef Mengele ring a bell?).
So what has evolution done for you today? Have you hugged your protozoa?

What has evolution done for you today?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 12:24 pm
"What has evolution done for you today?" It has helped millions of people with new medications to prevent many forms of human disease and ailments. The Salk Vaccine has helped eliminate polio from the planet.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 12:36 pm
Evolution has made my mind nimble enough to know that youre straw grasping there jackoff.
Hell the Conquistadors almost emptied a continent in the name of God. Lets not play games with un intentioned consequences. ANYWAY-Hitler was an avowed Young Earth Creationist .

Might I add that "in the name of God" usually preceeded a chopping sound for much of history.

I love how your acceptance of Morris's principles are done so without any comment or background, like

1Adams fall from Grace triggered the second law of Thermodynamics. (Lord Kelvin was similarly whacky)

2 A worldwide flood in less than one year laid down all the geological strata. Where did all this strata come from?Does that mean the flood erased earlier strata?

The fact that Creationist "science" makes absolutely no sense doesnt matter to you folks. Youll buy anything as long as it can be tied to something deific.
Youre always good for a hearty laugh.
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Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 02:21 pm
1930 Joseph Stalin: He felt evolution provided no basis for conscience or morals. He felt free to torture and murder to whatever extent he chose to achieve his communist goals

Stalin was not a believer in the evolutionary research.He thought It was bourgeoise. He became a Lamarkian devotee and therefore his entire system of biology was set back byTrofim Lysenko, who, "after thousands of attempts at hacking off mouses tails, failed to show that acquired traits are inheritable"

Jack-youre use of the ERO is also kind of laughable because it was through the careful criticizing of davenport that his embarrassed funders were soon to leave him "grantless" . Actually, truth be known, The fortunes of the Harrimans (Averils daddy) Rockerfeller, and the one you left out , Preston Bush (heard of him) were most concerned about rampant immigration, so the misuse of a sound scientific principle by a huckster was quite convenient for them. However , with exception of Preston, most funding was quietly removed ever since H L Mencken took on to make The ERO and eugenics applied a personal mission in his later years

If you wish a non-spun discussion of the eugenics "era" in US history try reading Allan Chases book
The Legacy of MalthusIts a bit more of a chronical of some sorry ass thinking and misapplication of Natural Selection(not an "attempted linkage to evil" as you seem to indicate)

I recalled a series of lines from an essay by Jay Gould when he was talking about how Ronald Reagan seemed to resurrect the Creation Inc mission that resulted in the 1987 Supreme Court decision.
Gould said, after a visit to Dayton Tenn

"I learned something in Dayton ( where Scopes was tried), or rather, I remembered something I never should have forgotten. While sipping the five cent coke around the original table at Robinson's Drug Store.The enemy is not fundamentalism;it is intolerance.In this case, the intolerance is perverse since it masquerades under the 'liberal" rhetoric of "equal time". But mistake it not. Creationists are trying to impose a specific religious view by legislative fiat upon teachers who reject it both by conscience and training.For all their talk about weighing both sides( a mere question of political expediency), they would also substitute biblical authority for free scientific inquiry as a source of empirical knowledge.
...(therefore) We have nothing to fear from the vast majority of fundamentalists like many citizens of Dayton, who live by a doctrine that is legitemately indigenous to their area. Rather, we must combat the few yahoos who exploit the fruits of poor education for ready cash and greater political ends."
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Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 02:26 pm
Biliskner wrote:
mesquite wrote:

John 15:6
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.


Many a man has died a horrible death due to that one. Crying or Very sad

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
- Jesus.

Carrot and stick
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 19 Mar, 2005 03:01 pm
It's more like stick and carrot; if thou does not believe in me, your penalty is death. I'm not sure when the carrot appears...
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