Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2005 06:14 am
Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory

Rest of story at
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2005 09:14 am
responding to real life is futile. He did it to goofielder. By turning the argument around , goodfielder was put on the defensive.

Real life 's responses embrace the Creationist mantra that "there is no bad publicity".
Their arguments and attempts at sounding scientifically sophisticated have been shot down within their own groups. So many defectuions from the ID and Creationists groups have occured that they no longer can even sponsor their most reasonable resaerch projects that were quite common into the 80's. Their own have asked hard questions about the "preponderance of evidence " that is stacked up against their worldview. Theyve splintered off more groups that have twisted the laws of physics and biology like so many pretzels, just because they feel that one or two points of sewrious counterevidence requires them to "create" yet another dogma.

Now, the only defenses they can muster are the "appeal to ignorance" by asking and reasking silly questions that have been answered in great detail by science. (The CReationists and IDers just act like nothings been said and they continue to push the same dumb questions to anyone wholl listen. Like the old sailor "stoppeth one of three...")
Another trick used is the out of context quotes and , as Talk origins archives calls it "quote mining". Weve been over the same roads over and over. However, Im not bored because this, and other sites , will all be available to inquiring minds who dont need some evangelical crutch to support their nderstandings of science.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2005 01:05 pm

It will ? Well, that's quite a statement of faith. I don't suppose you have any proof to support your certainty?

Do you have any proof to support your creationist mythology?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2005 01:22 pm

You seem to pick parts of lines as you choose and put words into someones mouth when they are not there.

Oh really! Show me where I put words in your mouth. Everything I quoted came right from you. I took the whole of what you said and answered it part by part.

I'll put everything in contest. Will that make you happy?

Evolution is a theory, not a science Creationism is a belief, not a science. If evolution could be proved inconclusively then we could do away with God. It seems that science is based on evolution rather than evolution being based on science. Is this a phony science since evolution has not been proven to be true? Evolutionists choose to believe in the theory of evolution because they do not want to believe in God and if creation is true there must be a God. Man would not be the supreme being he thinks he is.

The theory of evolution suggests that non living matter turned into organisms that eventually grew legs and then walked on land and turned into monkeys that further turned into today's man. The theory further goes that this all started with a big bang. They cannot answer what went bang and how that ball of plasma material got there to begin with.

If science claims that evolution took place over millions of years to produce what we see today and that the condtions had to be just right, why do scientists search the stars for other life? The odds against it happening once are beyond human comprehension. More than once?

You asked;

Where have I said that there is no proof of evolution?

And you answered;

Is this a phony science since evolution has not been proven to be true?

If evolution could be proved inconclusively then we could do away with God.

Now can you give us evidence for your Creationism?

It's obvious Real can't.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2005 02:44 pm
There's no evidence that one animal turns into another

You fool. You are like talking to a 9 year old that can't seem to phrase his question correctly. What the does "one animal turning into another mean"? That I might suddenly turn into a horse? That I wake up tomorrow and my dog is now a tiger? If that's what you're saying (and actually by the phrasing of your question it IS what your saying) then you are right there is hardly any evidence of that.

Perhaps by animal you meant "species" or "population" or "genus" or god forbid that ambiguous (and wrong) word that you keep trying to use: "type". We can't even begin to answer a question of yours until you phrase it in a way that isn't so incoherant and vague.

And you're declarative sentence, which implies that you believe what you are saying is true (assuming that by "animal" you meant "species"), is actually false. There is evidence of a species morphing into another by process of evolution. Before you're closed arrogant mind jumps to the idea that I am not going to provide the evidence rest assured that this link (of which you probably will not have clicked on unless you read this sentence) provides many cases of attributed evidence. I do not expect you to believe the link or read all of it. I doubt you have the patience to do so. More than likely if do manage to read and absord all of it you will pick one line from it and slam it and sit back grinning that you have somehow disproved all the evidence provided. Most likely though I don't expect you to answer this post. But maybe you will read that last sentence and think otherwise.

Mostly I come to this thread not to try and convince people like you, real, but to encourage myself to go find and research genetics and evolution and also keep up on news and politics of it that others post in this thread. Throughout the course of thread my adherance (belief truly is the wrong word. Evolution is not a belief nor is it something that is meant to require a great deal of faith) has actually increased tenfold because I have realized (unbeknownst to most of Creationists) that most of your "Aha I got you!" questions can actually and have been answered. Other aspects such as abiogenesis and big bang aren't even part of evolution but also have promising futures though their ground is not as firm as evolution since we have not found enough pieces to each of their puzzles, repectively
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2005 03:06 pm

There's no evidence that one animal turns into another; no one observed it happen in the past and you are unable to demonstrate empirically that it can happen now.

Are really so ignorant and foolish to think that scientists believe one animal will give birth to another?
What is evolution in your mind?
A zebra hatching from a chicken egg?
Tadpoles turning into trout?

I'll ask you again; what science do you have to support your position on Creationism. Do you have any evidence at all?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2005 12:49 am
djbt wrote:
real life wrote:
djbt wrote:
real life wrote:
What is the empirical evidence for life spontaneously generating from non-living chemicals? Who observed this?

What do you mean by 'living' in these context? Do you mean 'self-replicating? If so, then me. I observed it, in salt crystals, in GCSE chemistry.

Last time I checked (on my eggs this morning), salt crystals are not living.

Once again, in case you missed it, define 'living'.

neologist wrote:
djbt wrote:
If two tyoes of creatures are not able to reproduce, then they are of a different speciesm, right? Are you saying that small adaptations in reproductive organs could not result in this?
Just what are you saying? Are they creatures? Then they were created, no?

You know very well that's not what I mean. I'll use 'organisms' in future.

neologist wrote:
Actually, I would defer to farmer for a definition of species. I am not convinced that inability to reproduce is an essential part of the equation. And I would aver the gulf between adaptation and speciation to be galactic.

BTW; would you be so kind as to begin using the spell check feature in your posts? It would not only make them easier to understand, it would enhance your credibility.

Well, that's told me!

Might I suggest that before using terms like 'species' in a scientific discussion, you familiarize yourself with at least the basic scientific definitions (as taught to all 14 years olds, at least in the UK). That would enhance your credibility.

Anyway, now you know what 'species' means, do you still have a problem seeing how numerous, tiny, changes could result in two descendants of the same species no longer being able to reproduce, and therefore having become separate species?

Any other problems with the colour analogue?

The color analogy is a poor one. Species have distinct differences between them not just a series of gradations.

The number of chromosomes would be just one example of this.

If a creature has (for instance) 20 chromosomes, it will not gradually change to a 22 chromosome creature by gradually increases to 20.01, 20.02, 20.03, 20.04 and so on, will it?

The number of chromosomes may be quite a puzzle if evolution is the only point of reference.

Goats have 60 and camels have 70. But Guinea pigs have 64.

The shrew has 23, squirrels have 40.

King crab have 208.

Humans have 46. Bats have 44, as do porpoises.

Do all of the "closely related" creatures have the same (or even nearly the same) number of chromosomes? No they don't.

Do we see an orderly progression from simpler life to more complex in terms of the number of chromosomes. Again no.

How many chromosomes does an amoeba have?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2005 06:42 am
farmerman wrote:
I am not convinced that inability to reproduce is an essential part of the equation. And I would aver the gulf between adaptation and speciation to be galactic.

Then youve missed the basic definitions in biology . Reproductive isolation, more than morphological differences establish species . Thats what biology says.
Adaptation is a mechanism . Speciation is a result.

djbt wrote:
neologist wrote:
djbt wrote:
If two tyoes of creatures are not able to reproduce, then they are of a different speciesm, right? Are you saying that small adaptations in reproductive organs could not result in this?
Just what are you saying? Are they creatures? Then they were created, no?

You know very well that's not what I mean. I'll use 'organisms' in future.

neologist wrote:
Actually, I would defer to farmer for a definition of species. I am not convinced that inability to reproduce is an essential part of the equation. And I would aver the gulf between adaptation and speciation to be galactic.

Might I suggest that before using terms like 'species' in a scientific discussion, you familiarize yourself with at least the basic scientific definitions (as taught to all 14 years olds, at least in the UK). That would enhance your credibility.

Anyway, now you know what 'species' means, do you still have a problem seeing how numerous, tiny, changes could result in two descendants of the same species no longer being able to reproduce, and therefore having become separate species?

You are both quite right and I stand corrected. I had been confusing the bible's use of the word 'kind' with the scientific term 'species'. Perhaps a more appropriate definition, if you will, would be to equate 'kind' with 'genus'. A bear is a bear; a cat is a cat, etc. Has anyone observed repetitive speciation to produce a new genus?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2005 10:59 am
farmerman wrote:
Real life 's responses embrace the Creationist mantra that "there is no bad publicity".
Their arguments and attempts at sounding scientifically sophisticated have been shot down within their own groups. So many defectuions from the ID and Creationists groups have occured that they no longer can even sponsor their most reasonable resaerch projects that were quite common into the 80's. Their own have asked hard questions about the "preponderance of evidence " that is stacked up against their worldview. Theyve splintered off more groups that have twisted the laws of physics and biology like so many pretzels, just because they feel that one or two points of sewrious counterevidence requires them to "create" yet another dogma.

Now, the only defenses they can muster are the "appeal to ignorance" by asking and reasking silly questions that have been answered in great detail by science. (The CReationists and IDers just act like nothings been said and they continue to push the same dumb questions to anyone wholl listen. Like the old sailor "stoppeth one of three...")
Another trick used is the out of context quotes and , as Talk origins archives calls it "quote mining". Weve been over the same roads over and over. However, Im not bored because this, and other sites , will all be available to inquiring minds who dont need some evangelical crutch to support their nderstandings of science.

farmerman, if this article has any validity, their mantra may be working.


64% In Poll OK Teaching Creationism

In a finding that is likely to intensify the debate over what to teach students about the origins of life, a poll released Tuesday found that nearly two-thirds of Americans say that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in public schools.

The poll found that 42 percent of respondents hold strict creationist views, agreeing that "living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time."

In contrast, 48 percent said they believed that humans had evolved over time; but of those, 18 percent said that evolution was "guided by a supreme being," and 26 percent said that evolution occurred through natural selection. In all, 64 percent said they were open to the idea of teaching creationism in addition to evolution, while 38 percent favored replacing evolution with creationism.

The poll was conducted July 7 to 17 by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. The questions about evolution were asked of 2,000 people, and the margin of error is 2.5 percentage points.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2005 11:25 am
If 64% say teaching religion as science is OK it shows the sorry state of education in this country.

Conservative religion preaches ignorance. An uneducated mind is an easy mind to control.

Believing is easier than thinking. Hence so many more believers than thinkers.
― Bruce Calvert

Who will venture to place the authority of Copernicus above that of the Holy Spirit?
― John Calvin, citing Ps. 93:1 in his Commentary on Genesis
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2005 03:50 pm
Why don't you read my post real.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2005 07:20 pm
El-Diablo wrote:
There's no evidence that one animal turns into another

You fool. You are like talking to a 9 year old that can't seem to phrase his question correctly. What the does "one animal turning into another mean"? That I might suddenly turn into a horse? That I wake up tomorrow and my dog is now a tiger? If that's what you're saying (and actually by the phrasing of your question it IS what your saying) then you are right there is hardly any evidence of that.

Perhaps by animal you meant "species" or "population" or "genus" or god forbid that ambiguous (and wrong) word that you keep trying to use: "type". We can't even begin to answer a question of yours until you phrase it in a way that isn't so incoherant and vague.

And you're declarative sentence, which implies that you believe what you are saying is true (assuming that by "animal" you meant "species"), is actually false. There is evidence of a species morphing into another by process of evolution. Before you're closed arrogant mind jumps to the idea that I am not going to provide the evidence rest assured that this link (of which you probably will not have clicked on unless you read this sentence) provides many cases of attributed evidence. I do not expect you to believe the link or read all of it. I doubt you have the patience to do so. More than likely if do manage to read and absord all of it you will pick one line from it and slam it and sit back grinning that you have somehow disproved all the evidence provided. Most likely though I don't expect you to answer this post. But maybe you will read that last sentence and think otherwise.

Mostly I come to this thread not to try and convince people like you, real, but to encourage myself to go find and research genetics and evolution and also keep up on news and politics of it that others post in this thread. Throughout the course of thread my adherance (belief truly is the wrong word. Evolution is not a belief nor is it something that is meant to require a great deal of faith) has actually increased tenfold because I have realized (unbeknownst to most of Creationists) that most of your "Aha I got you!" questions can actually and have been answered. Other aspects such as abiogenesis and big bang aren't even part of evolution but also have promising futures though their ground is not as firm as evolution since we have not found enough pieces to each of their puzzles, repectively

Hi El Diablo,

Yes I read your post earlier but did not have time to respond. I do have a life outside of this forum, and in it my wife had a baby yesterday.

I did scan your linked site, and as you indicated it is very extensive in it's discussion. I do appreciate the tone of what I have seen so far, the writer refers to relationships in the Phylogenetic tree he presents as "inferred" which they certainly are; and his candid admission that microevolutionary theories may or may not be sufficient to account for postulated macroevolutionary concepts (therefore he leaves it a completely open question) is , I think, at least reasonably cautious instead of the usual dogmatism.

Since you seem to fear that I will cherry pick your site and answer only what I wish, why don't YOU pick one subject at a time to discuss instead of asking me to respond to 29 evidences that the writer has made reference to?

Pick one that you feel is your strongest case and present it. Be as specific as possible so the discussion still does not become overbroad. I am sure that I won't be the only one to respond. There will hopefully be folks on both sides who would like to comment on it and in this way perhaps we can address a topic with some degree of focus.

Due to my recent addition, my time here in the forum has decreased significantly in the last 30 days as the time approached (there are only 3-4 threads that I have even attempted to keep up with the past 2 weeks or so), and I do not expect it to increase soon. ( You guys could at least refrain from popping the corks until I am done speaking. Laughing ) But I hope to maintain a presence. But there are quite a few interested parties here, or so it would seem, so I hope that by focusing the discussion it might be fun and engaging for all.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2005 07:22 pm
Congratulations on the new baby, Real Life
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2005 08:28 pm
Thank you very much, Intrepid. Mrs. Real Life and Mark Isaac are doing great and looking forward to coming home tomorrow.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2005 10:26 pm
Yeah I will have to say congrats on the baby
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 3 Sep, 2005 10:14 pm
Thank you very much, El-Diablo. I appreciate it very much. They are home now and doing well.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2005 02:35 pm

Here's a picture you may find interesting.

Click on full view image to get a larger image.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2005 04:45 pm
excellent views.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2005 10:29 pm
Still looking forward to focused discussion on one of your 29, E.D.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2005 10:14 pm
If not, perhaps you'd care to comment on this story.
0 Replies

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