Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 03:56 am
How to please God...

I have left my hermit branch and I am now back at the world sphere... I would have loved to have stayed as a hermit but there is God's work to do. There are people crying and hungering for the truth yet there is so much corruption that is perverting our world. There is error upon error and there is wrong thinking upon wrong thinking. So that to strap a bomb to yourself and blow yourself up and taking innocence with you can somehow be holy? To take the body that God has formed, made and created and to use it for an evil purpose and call it "holy" is blasphemy. The heart of a terrorist is a very confused and desolate place.

Can we please God/Allah/Jehovah by bloodshed?
To sit and memorize the Koran/Bible and sway back and forth as the words pass by your understanding and out the door, is this pleasing to God?. To take "holy" words and to turn them into words of killing and sadness is travesty. Even terrorists cry tears... it is how we use these tears to bring the world to some good that sets us apart from blood crazed wild beasts.

This post is not only for Christians but it is also for Muslims, Jews and any other people who are trying to please a deity.

First of all before you go and start a "holy" war, have you even asked God/Allah/Jehovah if that is what is desired? Are you going to take directions from Allah or a man?

Is there anything that we can do to please God? Is God pleased when we memorize the Koran/Bible? Is God pleased when we help and old lady across the street? Is God pleased when we become rich sultans and wear white robes to show others how pure we are? Not that sultans cannot be pure but it does not come from a white robe.

Is it pleasing to God to bear the sufferings of Christ? Is God pleased when we shackle ourselves to a cross and walk around in the midst of the world parading our suffering and pains? Is this the abundant life that God wants for us? Do you want a God that is going to make you suffer? Is there not something wrong with this picture?

When we play upon the fiddle of our spirit is the tune pleasing to God?

How can death be a gain? Is God/Allah pleased when one of his children take their own life in his name? There are many questions that need to be answered. To simply say we don't know leaves the door open for others to twist the truth into a lie.

Yes, we die to the world, but not our physical bodies but the desires that take control over the body. The desires for the riches of this world and the white robes that can only cover and not cleanse sin. We become filled with the holy spirit within. We operate this spirit and this is the only way to please God. When we die we can no longer operate the spirit to bring about positive change in the world. On thousand virgins is only satisfying the lusts and desires of the flesh but what about satisfying God by living a good life?

Only twisted logic can kill the body and leave the evil behind. To become confused and mistake the body for the evil within. To please God is to save the body and to defeat the evil within. We do not deal with the devil but we defeat the devil in the flesh and mind. Be certain that the evil within is not distorting your view of holiness. To ridicule your neighbor while you are allowing evil to consume within is only hypocrisy. So a terrorist is a priority in God's view. They are a soul tormented by pain, suffering and wrong teaching... They breed this pain in others by evil desperate deeds. They need to be healed and taught to love again.

There is pity and compassion. Pity is where there is nothing that you can do about it. Compassion is when you have a duty to intercede.

By the time we get out of high school we know how to add two and two, calculus and physics, we can figure square roots and we know the history of the world... yet, we have not been taught the difference between pity and compassion.

We hear Christians and on school bus trips singing "Amazing Grace"... but does anyone in this chat room know the real meaning of "grace"? No, it is not walking with a swish.. Smile Grace means "divine favor"... Now is that what you were all thinking it meant? How old is the oldest person in this chat who didn't know the real meaning of grace?

I was in my early twenties when I learned about grace. By then, I knew how to work on a lawn mower and I knew how to drive a car but I could not operate my spirit.

Divine favor, now what does that even mean? It means that I please God not by the things I do, but because of the things that God has done in me.

We need to teach these things to the world... They are too busy staring at Paris Hilton eating hamburgers to care... They are too busy pleasing themselves to be concerned as to what God/Allah/Jehovah thinks. They have trained their eyes on the flesh and not the spirit. They have taken God from the schools and with it they have taken spiritual standards from the minds of world.

So we see problems compounded upon problems. All because people have not been taught the simple meaning of "grace"...

This post is not to pity killers... but to save them and their victims from the vacuum created by a world addicted to the flesh.

Ro 8:8
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 08:06 am
Double whew!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 08:37 am
Somehow this thread has morphed from an argument to a creep show.
REX-I say this in all due respect, If you wish to openly share your "spiritual voyages" , Start a thread in "original writing" and Im sure itll be popular. Your ramblings have hijacked this one and turned it into a cartoon .
If that was your initial purpose, then youve succeeded.
Otherwise,Id suggest the alternative thread option and let this one loose . Whether you know it or not, your making absolutely no sense.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 08:56 am
farmerman wrote:
Somehow this thread has morphed from an argument to a creep show.
REX-I say this in all due respect, If you wish to openly share your "spiritual voyages" , Start a thread in "original writing" and Im sure itll be popular. Your ramblings have hijacked this one and turned it into a cartoon .
If that was your initial purpose, then youve succeeded.
Otherwise,Id suggest the alternative thread option and let this one loose . Whether you know it or not, your making absolutely no sense.
Yeah, what you said. :wink:
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 11:14 am
farmerman, That's the beauty of the "scroll." LOL
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 12:41 pm
farmerman wrote:
Somehow this thread has morphed from an argument to a creep show.
REX-I say this in all due respect, If you wish to openly share your "spiritual voyages" , Start a thread in "original writing" and Im sure itll be popular. Your ramblings have hijacked this one and turned it into a cartoon .
If that was your initial purpose, then youve succeeded.
Otherwise,Id suggest the alternative thread option and let this one loose . Whether you know it or not, your making absolutely no sense.

Hijacked? You go on whenever you feel like it on any subject you please.

Read the first post on this thread... It is not about evolution but "GOD".

And again this is not a science post it is a religion and spirituality post.

If I wanted evolution jammed down my throat I would be in the science forums.

Same goes to you neo... If you want evolution go to the science forums...

I though you were a fellow Christian but you only want candy not God.

This just shows me how shallow you all are.

I haven't made the creep show I have just tried to be part of the solution.. The fact that you would raise your pen against me just shows that you are spiritual infants.

I have just put this post on the right track. Someday you will understand.

I have other forums and I will continue my journey there.

Also If you look back FM I have been at this post from nearly the beginning...

It is you and several others that have tried to cut God out of this post...

Take your dogs back to the science forum...

I am not here to please you... I can see you are probably the oldest person in this chat that still doesn't know the meaning of "grace"...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 12:51 pm
Re: Evolution? How?
vol_fan06 wrote:
What makes Evolution so believable. Just because a bunch of scientists tell you it is. It is a theory, an idea, a guess. Why?

This is the first post. The word "god" is not mentioned.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 12:54 pm
FM I suppose I should be talking about rocks instead of terrorists hijacking a religion...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 12:58 pm
Re: Evolution? How?
Setanta wrote:
vol_fan06 wrote:
What makes Evolution so believable. Just because a bunch of scientists tell you it is. It is a theory, an idea, a guess. Why?

This is the first post. The word "god" is not mentioned.

ok excuse me the second reply.... by the originator of this post...

vol_fan06 wrote:
"I seem to find a lot more truth from the Bible and not what a bunch of scientists tell me. come on seriously how believable is all the "scientific" stuff they say is right. a monkey turning in to a man? A big bang and the world was formed? How did the stuff that collided get formed?"

Go back to the science posts if you can't stand to hear about God you spiritual wimps.

I have no friends when it comes to God's word...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 04:10 pm
I joined this post because
1 Im interested in the subject

2 I find people on both sides of tyhe aisle worth hearing

3 Ive found some incredibly well reasoned insights.

Unfortunately, yours are not among them. You started out in a fairly reasonable manner with what seemed (at least to my slow head) some real questions.
Lately however, your posting, verbatim of kabbalist and fringe "pop" crap is getting , dare I say, oppressive. Call your sponsor, I think its time for a quik rinse.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 04:38 pm
farmerman wrote:
I joined this post because
1 Im interested in the subject

2 I find people on both sides of tyhe aisle worth hearing

3 Ive found some incredibly well reasoned insights.

Unfortunately, yours are not among them. You started out in a fairly reasonable manner with what seemed (at least to my slow head) some real questions.
Lately however, your posting, verbatim of kabbalist and fringe "pop" crap is getting , dare I say, oppressive. Call your sponsor, I think its time for a quik rinse.


again you just show your spiritual ineptitude...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 04:54 pm
I have already told you I am going to continue my journey elsewhere on the net...

Do you think I want to lay bare my soul here so you can trample on it?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 05:20 pm
again you just show your spiritual ineptitude...

Im teflon youre glue....
yadda yadda
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 05:57 pm
RexRed wrote:
I have already told you I am going to continue my journey elsewhere on the net...

Do you think I want to lay bare my soul here so you can trample on it?

Bye, don't let the door hit ya in the ass . . .
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 06:11 pm
Finally! Thank god. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 06:20 pm
In one of Dys threads, there was an article about Cardinal Schonborn of Vien who unilaterally stated that Darwinian "natural selection" with its randomness is in deep conflict with Catholic teaching. This , to me was news, Ever sinxce Vatican 2 and the late JP II's speech to the college of Cardinals in which he stated that , in effect, the mounds of evidence favor evolutionary theory , which , as he stated, was not in conflict with the Church. It was roughly the same time that he forgave Galileo. (that was a minor 600 year old oops). So is the Cardinal now saying that, like the evangelicals who wish to turn the clock back a few centuries, should Catholicism reevaluate its position especially since high Catholic clergy are in solidarity with the fundamental Protestant sects??
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 07:04 pm
That "ooops" misguided their flocks for centuries; they lived and died believing in some man-made religious' theory for what, exactly?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 08:47 pm
I like Rex. Don't make him go away. Just spank him and maybe he will be good. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 10:02 pm
You just like Rex because you get to beat up on him for scriptural interpretations . . . have a coke and a smile and shut the **** up.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jul, 2005 10:17 pm
neologist wrote:
I like Rex. Don't make him go away. Just spank him and maybe he will be good. :wink:

I am switching to my live journal.

then I am not constrained by the form of this post and I moderate myself...

you may join and leave comments there...

I have copied some of the gist of what I have said in this post and I plan to update my journey through the tree of life there...

No hard feelings I will check in when you least expect it. Smile
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