Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 04:20 am
Science make more sense to me than alot of the supernatural stories in holy scriptures, but science has anwers to all questions. For questions about ethics, moral etc. I prefer religion.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 07:38 am
neologist wrote:
Parents have the responsibility to educate their children, right? If they feel the state curricula is lacking, why not teach the creation lesson to their children themselves? It is, after all, a much simpler concept.

Most parents want science to be taught as science and religion to be taught as religion. Farmerman's news about the Pennsylvania legislature is distressing to many parents who feel that intelligent design is an attempt to teach religion in science classes. This is both bad science and bad religion.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 08:16 am
farmerman wrote:
real world entry point .
The Pa legislature is now taking testimony on the teaching of Intelligent DEsign. The IDers wish to stymie the case before the Federal District involving the requirement imposed upon the Dover Pa science teachers to teach ID in the science curriculum. If this passes, I shall never make fun of Mississppi and Alabama again.

Thanks for the heads up FM. I personally like the idea of ID... I think it is a sin to not teach children about God... God is a personal choice... I do not think it is right to deprive children of their own choice to choose themselves if they want to believe in God. Yet I believe in the evolution of life even though I see a few problems with the theory, it does deserve serious consideration (as does God). Please keep us informed FM thx...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 08:28 am
Arura wrote:
Science make more sense to me than alot of the supernatural stories in holy scriptures, but science has anwers to all questions. For questions about ethics, moral etc. I prefer religion.

If God can create one single drop of water he can create a whole ocean...

God is not only our guide but God is also our creator...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 08:53 am
wandeljw wrote:
neologist wrote:
Parents have the responsibility to educate their children, right? If they feel the state curricula is lacking, why not teach the creation lesson to their children themselves? It is, after all, a much simpler concept.

Most parents want science to be taught as science and religion to be taught as religion. Farmerman's news about the Pennsylvania legislature is distressing to many parents who feel that intelligent design is an attempt to teach religion in science classes. This is both bad science and bad religion.

I would not want the school teaching children religion. But I do not call simple knowledge of God religion. Religion is man made but true knowledge of God is God made. The Bible is God made... religion is what we artificially make from the Bible. Truth is not necessarily religion. God is not religion. Religion is what people twist the Bible to mean.

I would not mind a simple explanation of God being a conscious "spirit" that some theorize can create... When they get into the divinity of God and how some consider that God was a "God/man" then this is religion...

Teaching "religion" to children is just as much of a sin as not teaching God. I would be offended because I do not believe in the trinity and I do not think it's roots are biblical.

So God as a generic being is ok until you start to define what God is then you run into religion which is not necessarily truth.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 09:29 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Bread that was supplied two thousand years ago? LOL In the mean time, this world has suffered from famine and starvation. So now, you pray before you eat to thank god for the bread he gave two thousand years ago. The BIG PROBLEM with your statement is that most christians say, "we thank thee for the food which we are about to eat."

Yes very good question...

Yes we thank God for the food... we do not ask him for it. But, we need to believe that this food is available. We need to believe that God is willing to give it and we need to believe we are deserving of it. Here are a few reasons why people do not claim what is rightfully theirs.

1 Needs and wants need to be parallel (if you need it but don't want it or you want it but don't need it, God will not act.)

2 God does not respond to pleading and begging but God responds "only" to believing...

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

3 God's ability equals his willingness. (Some say God is able but not willing to help me... OR God is willing to help me but not able...

Romans 4:21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. )

God is ready, willing and able.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 10:09 am
No wonder this thread is so long! It's people double posting, triple posting, quadruple posting. Isn't that bad forum etiquette?

RexRed wrote:
Thanks for the heads up FM. I personally like the idea of ID... I think it is a sin to not teach children about God... God is a personal choice... I do not think it is right to deprive children of their own choice to choose themselves if they want to believe in God. Yet I believe in the evolution of life even though I see a few problems with the theory, it does deserve serious consideration (as does God). Please keep us informed FM thx...

Peronsally, I'd prefer it if they didn't teach about God in a science class. ID has no place in science, because the basic principle of ID cannot be tested empirically.

RexRed wrote:
I would not want the school teaching children religion. But I do not call simple knowledge of God religion. Religion is man made but true knowledge of God is God made. The Bible is God made... religion is what we artificially make from the Bible. Truth is not necessarily religion. God is not religion. Religion is what people twist the Bible to mean.

God is a religious subject, so He must be taught about in religious classes. What I think is stupid is secular schools not teaching religion because they're supposed to be secular. Rubbish.

If you want to be truly secular, teach children all religions, without forcing any single religion on any of them, then let them make their own minds up. Surely, teaching religion is teaching people about the numerous views on God?

Creationism, ID, have no place in science classes. I don't mind them being taught in school. Just not in a science class and not as science.

RexRed wrote:
Yes very good question...

Yes we thank God for the food... we do not ask him for it. But, we need to believe that this food is available. We need to believe that God is willing to give it and we need to believe we are deserving of it. Here are a few reasons why people do not claim what is rightfully theirs.

1 Needs and wants need to be parallel (if you need it but don't want it or you want it but don't need it, God will not act.)

I cannot believe that's what you're saying. Are you saying that the people who are starving in Africa, who need food, don't actually want it? I know you are speaking about Western people, people who live in countries where they're not oppressed and where they're not starving, but they don't really "need" anything do they?

Those who are needy are in want and God is not acting on their behalf.

I'm not sure about God's existence. Personally, I cannot believe He exists in the form that we think He does and especially not in the form religious people think He does. However, of this I can be sure. He may be ready, he may be able, but he certainly isn't willing.

Perhaps he's not willing because he thinks we can fend for ourselves and that we can sort out this problem ourselves?

And what, does any of this have to do with evolution?

I know it isn't you personally that started it, and if it is then I don't care, but seriously, Evolution cannot be proven by attacking God. Evolution cannot be disproved through God.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 10:21 am
neologist wrote:
Rex; Chill out.
What about the so-called Lord's prayer would not be addressed to Christians?

Also, CI is talking about regular old ordinary bread like the kind you use for your PB&J sandwich. You know; the stuff people are dying for the want of.

Jesus Christ's ministry was to Israel and not the world.. He did not change the focus of his ministry until the day of his ascension... the last verses of Mark...

I do not believe in religion I believe in what the Bible says...

Where did Jesus Christ address the "Church of the body" in the lord's prayer? He didn't...

The lord's prayer says forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors...

The epistles say, salvation is not of works and they also say that if we just ask God then we will be forgiven of our sins, no mention of our forgiveness being based on if we forgive others. Though forgiveness is a virtue in the epistles but not hinged on if God forgives us. The logic is that if God freely forgives us then we will out of a thankful heart forgive others...

God forgives if we are really sorry and our confession is with our words and heart... no mention of it being based on "works' in fact it is totally the contrary. If God forgives us and our debtors do not, then they [our debtors] are not in the image of God...

Now you may apply what was addressed to Israel... to the church, that is your free will choice, but I choose to apply in my life what was addressed to "the church" which contradicts what Jesus told Israel.

Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.

Phillipians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need [even daily bread] according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. [this is works]

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Matthew 10:5-15 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: 6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Mark 16:15
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

These contradictions simply vanish when it is understood "to whom the word is addressed..." Jesus's ministry was to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and the epistles of Paul are addressed to the church.

Ephesians 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: [that is you and me]

I am certainly not part of the lost sheep of the house of Israel... that was based on lineage not believing...

In the Gospels Jesus refers to the followers of God as "sheep"...

Romans 8
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, [we are not sheep] in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us

To whom is the word addressed? Very important...

Romans 15:4
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, [for our learning and not to us] that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

There is a difference between these two prepositions for and to...

Something can be for you but not to you...

Peace with God...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 10:54 am
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
No wonder this thread is so long! It's people double posting, triple posting, quadruple posting. Isn't that bad forum etiquette?

RexRed wrote:
Thanks for the heads up FM. I personally like the idea of ID... I think it is a sin to not teach children about God... God is a personal choice... I do not think it is right to deprive children of their own choice to choose themselves if they want to believe in God. Yet I believe in the evolution of life even though I see a few problems with the theory, it does deserve serious consideration (as does God). Please keep us informed FM thx...

Peronsally, I'd prefer it if they didn't teach about God in a science class. ID has no place in science, because the basic principle of ID cannot be tested empirically.

RexRed wrote:
I would not want the school teaching children religion. But I do not call simple knowledge of God religion. Religion is man made but true knowledge of God is God made. The Bible is God made... religion is what we artificially make from the Bible. Truth is not necessarily religion. God is not religion. Religion is what people twist the Bible to mean.

God is a religious subject, so He must be taught about in religious classes. What I think is stupid is secular schools not teaching religion because they're supposed to be secular. Rubbish.

If you want to be truly secular, teach children all religions, without forcing any single religion on any of them, then let them make their own minds up. Surely, teaching religion is teaching people about the numerous views on God?

Creationism, ID, have no place in science classes. I don't mind them being taught in school. Just not in a science class and not as science.

RexRed wrote:
Yes very good question...

Yes we thank God for the food... we do not ask him for it. But, we need to believe that this food is available. We need to believe that God is willing to give it and we need to believe we are deserving of it. Here are a few reasons why people do not claim what is rightfully theirs.

1 Needs and wants need to be parallel (if you need it but don't want it or you want it but don't need it, God will not act.)

I cannot believe that's what you're saying. Are you saying that the people who are starving in Africa, who need food, don't actually want it? I know you are speaking about Western people, people who live in countries where they're not oppressed and where they're not starving, but they don't really "need" anything do they?

Those who are needy are in want and God is not acting on their behalf.

They [Africans] maybe want it and need it [food] but do they think that God is willing or able?

Food is on the way to Africa... and where is it coming from? The largest "Christian" nation in the world... No thanks to the Muslim "extremists" slaughtering them for their land...

Also, do you really think these Africans are "believing" the God and father of our lord Jesus Christ is going to supply their need? Maybe some dear Christian in the US is "believing" for them... that too is possible...

Again, God does not respond to begging and anguish he responds to "believing"...

Faith, trust, confidence and supplication [supplication which means getting out and doing something about it]... words that get you somewhere with God... not,

worries, doubts and fears... which only bring one to an early grave...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 12:45 pm
xingu wrote:
So God writes two stories, according to you, and if we choose the wrong one it's………what?

Hellfire and damnation?

Rejection and being cast off into a void?

Eve believed a lie of the serpent and look what it got her... Cain listened to his anger and not his conscience... God tells two stories and we use our own judgement to decide which is right... These are lessons in trusting...

"Ye shall be as Gods" This was the lie Lucifer told Eve... people still believe it today... they have done away with the thought of God and sit in the throne as Gods themselves...

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The word of God, is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart...

Will one find damnation if they discern the verses of the Bible incorrectly? Maybe not... but they may find they begin to test themselves with their own spiritual inadequacy...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 01:21 pm
God tells two stories and we use our own judgement to decide which is right

Then one of them has to be a lie.

So that makes God a liar.

Will one find damnation if they discern the verses of the Bible incorrectly? Maybe not... but they may find they begin to test themselves with their own spiritual inadequacy...

Spiritual inadequacy? Doesn't bother me any.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 02:52 pm
"Ye shall be as Gods" This was the lie Lucifer told Eve... people still believe it today... they have done away with the thought of God and sit in the throne as Gods themselves...

Your right, they do. Everyone who claims they know God by their own interpretation of the scriptures is creating their own God and their own religion.

There are over 35,000 different sects of the Christian religion throughout the world, not counting every rinky dink yahoo who claims his/her interpretation of the Bible is the only correct interpretation there is.

Do you fall in that category Rex?
I'm curious; are you a believer of premillennialism or postmillennialism?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 03:00 pm
xingu, It would seem to me that any christian who reads the bible is in a catch-22 position trying to interpret conflicting messages. If one of god's law says "thou shalt not kill," but subsequently allows killing for some exceptions, the reader must choose between the two conflicting messages. When anyone reads the ten commandments, one must wonder if there are exceptions to all of them. The one of the laws of god that most christians seems to ignore is the one about " worshipping images." Most christian churches and cathedrals have an image of god and the virgin mary people "pray to."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 03:16 pm
I can't help thinking that hypocrisy is the greatest virtue of the Christian religion.

What bothers me is there are no Christians honest enough to admit to the hypocrisy in their religion.

This, in turn, make me question their honesty and ethics.

I have always wondered what is more important to evangelical Christians; a truth that will not save a soul or a lie that will save a soul?
0 Replies
shiyacic aleksandar
Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 03:32 am
A true follower of Christ or Maitreya(His "asiatic" Name) doesnt need any religious group or scriptural interpreters,for him what is important is sincerity of the mind,deep feelings towards all creatures and the whole creation.
If your refere to fake "christians" who are undoubtly very numerous and think they are better than the other religous groups ,it is like a cancer!
We must abandon them,for if you nourrish them with your attention they will last more time...
But I believe fanatics of all sorts and coloration will be soon desappointed and have to find the true way of life...simplicity! :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 03:54 am
What could that possibly have to do with the subject of evolution, Jesus?
0 Replies
shiyacic aleksandar
Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 04:12 am
My dear friend,
evolution is sometimes obstructed by some tumours or other protective shields of fear and ignorence.
Those religious groups are really constituted by individuals of that type.
So to evolute,we must get rid of these obstacles,its the price of the infinite! :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 08:54 am
Oh, how cute.
I tried the math.
Your post is moot.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 10:31 am
you say moot?
how astute,
but now I find
this thread, a hoot.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 23 Jun, 2005 10:34 am
You think it's a hoot,
I think it's cute.
0 Replies

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