Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 07:01 am
fredjones wrote:
RexRed wrote:
I think it is more than a coincidence that the earth is so perfect to suit life...

Was the earth made for life or was life made for the earth or is the earth just an extension of life.

To say that conditions here on Earth are perfect for life ignores the basic fact that the Earth is in a state of violent and ever-changing flux. Presumably there was a time when the Earth was not perfect for life, and those inhospitable conditions will probably arise again.

There is a problem with the statement, "...the earth is so perfect to suit life." If it weren't so perfect, then we wouldn't be here to comment. Since we are (obviously) here, then of course it seems perfect. As soon as it is not perfect again, we will perish, and once again the question will be irrelevant.

Just put the DVD of Earth on super-fast-forward...

Violence as the world is being formed, hot lava everywhere. Water begins to appear. Billions of years of organisms scrambling for scarce food and resources. Asteroids hit, glaciers advance, mass extinctions occur. Then humans appear. Slow down the tape just in time to hear the word: "perfect." Speed up again. Nuclear apocalypse, glaciation, mass extinction, Earth is swallowed up by sun.

That was a lot more fun than I expected. Laughing

Woa so you would call a flower imperfect because is withers and dies?

Millions of years of evolution and survival of humans is not s small feat...

Distance from the sun...
An iron core rocky planet...
A moon...
Rich elemental...
No major asteroid impacts...
No global mass extinction events in millions of years...

What could be more perfect an example of balance and design...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 07:47 am
to view balance and design in retrospect is autocorrelation. Life often developed in spite of environmental conditions , not because of them.
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shiyacic aleksandar
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 08:38 am
Setanta wrote:
Once again, Jesus, i'm not your son--as i pointed out, i am old enough to be your father, although if that were true, i'd never admit it. You say that i am a "fanatic" of a certain kind, which you do not specify. The irony is immense, and your contention about immaturity and emotional "thinking" far more applicable to you than to anyone else here. I have not the least doubt that you will continue your search for martyrdom and apotheosis as a messiah, but it has been entertaining.

Endeavor to earn the Lords Grace by observing discipline that I am keen you should follow.
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Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 08:50 am
yeah wahtever, rex had the floor dude.
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Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 08:50 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Quote, "Ever thouight that maybe God set evolution in motion?" Not according to the bible. The bible sets the earth's age at about 6,000 years.

The Bible sets Adam's geneology as going back 6000 years but nowhere in the Bible is the age of the earth said to be 6000 years old...

According to the Bible Lucifer lived before Eden this was where he fell to the earth and Eden begins... Most biblical scholars admit that Lucifer fell before the fall of Adam and Eve but they cannot add two and two and realize that there was a heaven and earth "before" Eden...
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Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 08:52 am
actually rex, bible scholars have set the age by interpreting ages of the patriarchs and all their begattin
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 09:03 am
What is so interesting about these bible-thumpers is the simple fact that they don't know the bible at all. LOL They think their meanderings that apposes bible scholars and theologians mean something.
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Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 09:05 am
farmerman wrote:
actually rex, bible scholars have set the age by interpreting ages of the patriarchs and all their begattin

True then biblical scholars have assumed that the earth is the same age as Adam. The biblical heavens and the earth were created long before the first day of paradise/Eden...
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Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 09:07 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
What is so interesting about these bible-thumpers is the simple fact that they don't know the bible at all. LOL They think their meanderings that apposes bible scholars and theologians mean something.

Examples and not generalizations and labels please...
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 09:20 am
But, ofcoarse! "Mark 10:6 But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female."
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 09:35 am
Do you understand logic? Well, give this one a try. Say that Adam and Eve were the first perfect, unsinful, couple, and they bore children. Their children bore more children without any deaths on this planet. Do you have any understanding of logistics? Without sin, humans continued to reproduce. What's the problem with this picture? Oh, my gosh! That's true with all animals on this planet too! The first male and female of their specieis must have sinned too~!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 09:35 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
"Mark 10:6 But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female."

Good point! For bible literalists, this would set creation at six thousand years ago.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 10:44 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
But, ofcoarse! "Mark 10:6 But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female."

Which creation? The creation of the heavens and the earth OR the creation of man in his own image...

When there is more than one "creation" then there is more than one "beginning"...

If you remember God did not "create" Adam and Eve but he "formed" them from the dust of the ground... This means the earth was "created" before. The earth had a different beginning...

Answer this: How did lucifer "become" a snake in the garden (the lowliest "form" of all creatures) if he was the most brilliant angel of light? If the heavens and the earth were just created... then Lucifer would have been the "son of the morning"/"the bright and morning star" and not the serpent beguiling woman and man... God would have "created" light rather than speak it "back" into being... There would have been no "darkenss on the face of the deep". This can only be explained that there was a time before the first morning of "let there be light" and after the first verse of "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". This was where Lucifer, in the first heaven and earth, sinned and fell from heaven to the earth over possibly billions of years... What is very strange is that science is telling us we evolved from forms possibly as simple as snakes... a human embryo starts out as a snake... the Bible is teaching evolution...

I do not base my beliefs on emotion, or what some scholar wrote... but on careful study of the written word of God.
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shiyacic aleksandar
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 10:55 am
If more people like Red Rex are available on this forum it would be encouraging...

Rolling Eyes
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 10:59 am
Quote, "When there is more than one "creation" then there is more than one "beginning"...

If you remember God did not "create" Adam and Eve but he "formed" them from the dust of the ground... This means the earth was "created" before. The earth had a different beginning... "

Please provide bible chapter and verse to support your claims.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 12:08 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Do you understand logic? Well, give this one a try. Say that Adam and Eve were the first perfect, unsinful, couple, and they bore children. Their children bore more children without any deaths on this planet. Do you have any understanding of logistics? Without sin, humans continued to reproduce. What's the problem with this picture? Oh, my gosh! That's true with all animals on this planet too! The first male and female of their specieis must have sinned too~!
In Starbux. Battery running low. If you were told to fill my latte cup, would you fill it to overflowing or just until it was full? Adam and Eve were told to fill the earth.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 01:27 pm
neo, You have missed the whole point of my post. It's not a matter of "fill the earth." It's a matter of 1) if no sin, no death, 2) if no death, animal population grows exponentially, 3) do you understand logistics? I think not.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 01:32 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Quote, "When there is more than one "creation" then there is more than one "beginning"...

If you remember God did not "create" Adam and Eve but he "formed" them from the dust of the ground... This means the earth was "created" before. The earth had a different beginning... "

Please provide bible chapter and verse to support your claims.

Ge 1:1
In the beginning God created [Bara'] the heaven and the earth.

Ge 1:27
So God created [Bara'] man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Two creations two beginnings...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 01:57 pm
and ifyou look in Genesis you will see that Adam and Eve were created
1same time
2 then Adam first

The Bible cant even agree with itself let alone be hailed as a "textbook"
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jun, 2005 01:59 pm
neologist wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
Do you understand logic? Well, give this one a try. Say that Adam and Eve were the first perfect, unsinful, couple, and they bore children. Their children bore more children without any deaths on this planet. Do you have any understanding of logistics? Without sin, humans continued to reproduce. What's the problem with this picture? Oh, my gosh! That's true with all animals on this planet too! The first male and female of their specieis must have sinned too~!
In Starbux. Battery running low. If you were told to fill my latte cup, would you fillit to overflowing or just until it was full[/I? Adam and Eve were told to fill the earth.[/quote]

Actually one must read the Bible again...

God did not tell Adam and Eve to fill the earth he told them, to "re-fill" the earth...

Ge 1:28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

You cannot replenish the earth if it has not been filled once before...
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