Josh Hawley warns Trump on Supreme Court disappointments
Try to keep focused on what is most important to conservative republicans. (Real conservative voters who don't buy into Trump's game, but nonetheless, vote for him.) It is all about the courts in our land and their objective in turning all the courts towards the conservative agenda. So while the SC might rule against punishment for flag burning, (red meat Trump throws out for his base)they nevertheless uphold Trump just for the Judges he appoints. So do many of the political religious leaders.
Quote:“Who actually goes out and votes for judges?” said Hawley. “It’s conservative Catholics, conservative Jews, evangelicals, Mormons. That coalition of folks is vitally important to the Republican Party. I think they feel just shocked at what's going on with the Supreme Court, so I think it’s vital that they be heard from and involved in this process.”
And they are smart to focus on the most important role our courts have on our whole way of life by deciding what we can legally do and not do as a society. What I am getting at, for example, Obama promised a lot of hope and change, he managed to pass Obamacare, but then the courts struck down some significant things that were in it. There were others ways Obama was blocked by the court. It is time we democrats as a party get serious about what it means to have a left President and a left wing senate in regards to Judges. And quit sweating the small stuff. If we want a law to take down all signs of the confederacy, we need Judges to uphold it. The same is true on many other issues. So when you go filling in the box for Green, just try to keep that in mind.