layman wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:That wikipedia report totally contradicts your "point".
No it doesn't. What do you think the point is?
I know, from extensive experience, Walt, that you seldom address any point made. Instead you immerse yourself in making totally irrelevant proclamations. You are the King of the non sequitur.
All I did was restate some points in the official, "inviolable" NAZI party platform. They are what are, whether you like them, argee with them, or not.
Wiki did not "contradict" any of this. On the contrary, it set forth those points. Criticizing those points (which wiki didn't really do either) does not "contradict" them or render them "untrue."
If you want to say that the "platform" which Hitler used to suck in supporters wasn't really adhered to later, so what? That doesn't change the official platform either.
Nor is it anything new. Every commie/socialist government does the same--it makes promises to gain power which it later ignores, as convenient. Hitler wanted to discriminate against jews. At least he limited it to one religion.
Commies, on the other hand, discriminate against EVERY religion. You can't even be a member of the communist party unless you denounce all religions and swear that your sole allegiance will be to the holy "state." Under Stalin, et al, all religions were openly discriminated against. There's certainly no difference between so-called "fascism" and commieism in that respect.
The element common to all of them is totalitarianism. They fully agree on that, too.