Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 07:50 am
@Brand X,
Brand X wrote:

Michael Moore
I’m afraid many have given up

Well, at least it's encouraging to know that Michael Moore will never give up on eating several bags full of cheese-burgers at a sitting, eh?
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 07:57 am
I mean, like, who knows? Maybe eating massive quantities of cheese-burgers provides a rare combination of ingredients which impart wisdom, eh?

Moore was one a very few, left or right, to assure the populace that Trump would win in 2016.
0 Replies
Brand X
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 08:07 am
andrew kaczynski🤔
· 57m
Biden on MSNBC last night said of his vote for the Iraq War, "I didn't believe he had those nuclear weapons. I didn't believe he had those weapons of mass destruction."

He said his vote was for inspectors to prove they didn't have WMDs.

This isn't backed by our reporting.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 08:49 am
Biden is heading into today with a good head start, but there is still a chance Sanders can catch up.

There really aren't any very good choices this time. At least with Hillary, we knew she up for the job, could do the job and do it well. Instead, we were left with the deranged crooked clown in the WH. I don't trust Sanders, so now we are left with Joe Biden who has seen better days. What choice do we have?

Not to mention the elephant in the room which is the coronavirus waiting around the corner like the grim reaper.

I might be like hightor and join a cruise. Surely they will soon stop allowing them to be run at all? They should. I feel like we aren't doing enough about this virus and that scares me.
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 09:06 am
So the VP race then. Harris, Klobuchar?
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 09:31 am
Harris or Abrams in my opinion. Or perhaps someone presently not talked about. They would have to be ready to be president at any moment, no matter who is elected this fall with all of them so old (for the job and responsibilities as President.) The prospect of Pence as President is as bad as Trump for his own reasons.

After Klobuchar had to cancel her rally due to protestors due to her role as prosecutor in Minnesota; I don't think she would make the best choice as VP.
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 09:50 am

Let’s take a trip down memory lane.

The 2008 financial crisis was brought on by the collapse of an immense housing bubble. But many on the right denied that there was anything amiss. Larry Kudlow, now Trump’s chief economist, ridiculed “bubbleheads” who suggested that housing prices were out of line.

And I can tell you from personal experience that when I began writing about the housing bubble I was relentlessly accused of playing politics: “You only say there’s a bubble because you hate President Bush.”

When the economy began to slide, mainstream Republicans remained deeply in denial. Phil Gramm, John McCain’s senior economic adviser during the 2008 presidential campaign, declared that America was only suffering a “mental recession” and had become a “nation of whiners.”

Even the failure of Lehman Brothers, which sent the economy into a full meltdown, initially didn’t put a dent in conservative denial. Kudlow hailed the failure as good news, because it signaled an end to bailouts, and predicted housing and financial recovery in “months, not years.”

Wait, there’s more. After the economic crisis helped Barack Obama win the 2008 election, right-wing pundits declared that it was all a left-wing conspiracy. Karl Rove and Bill O’Reilly accused the news media of hyping bad news to enable Obama’s socialist agenda, while Rush Limbaugh asserted that Senator Chuck Schumer personally caused the crisis (don’t ask).

The point is that Trump’s luridly delusional response to the coronavirus and his conspiracy theorizing about Democrats and the news media aren’t really that different from the way the right dealt with the financial crisis a dozen years ago. True, last time the crazy talk wasn’t coming directly from the president of the United States. But that’s not the important distinction between then and now.

No, what’s different now is that denial and the resulting delay are likely to have deadly consequences.


Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 10:00 am
We're all gunna die, I tells ya!!!
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 10:16 am
My 106 year old great grandmother had a failing heart, failing kidneys and was in the hospital for pneumonia when the common flu came along and KILLED her back in '53. Completely robbed of probably 6 months of life.

And here we are, almost 70 years later, and Trump STILL hasn't wiped out the flu virus. What a sociopath, eh!?

It's not that he didn't know it was there, lurking, and killing 70,000 people a year. He KNEW! And what did he do to cure it? NOTHING. He was too busy tweeting about the fake news, and ****, the bastard.

In 70 years he'd had plenty of time to go to med school, become an international expert, and find a way to eliminate the flu, but, nooooooo... The selfish bastard just went out to make billions of dollars for himself, leaving the poor folk to die. Impeach the muthafukka!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 10:39 am
I think Harris over Abrams for the very reason of being ready to step in to be President. Harris was prosecutor in California, so I don't think Klobuchar is out because of that, but I think Biden will nod to the African American community who came to his side.
Brand X
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 10:39 am
David Smiley
· 17h
I asked @JohnKerry today about whether he agreed that @BernieSanders Cuba literacy comments were the same as Obama’s 2014 remarks about the island’s education system in 2014. Here’s what Kerry - Sec of State during rapprochement - had to say:
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 10:41 am
Were I Sanders, now would be the time to throw a Hail Mary and name a running mate. I wonder if he has given it any thought. I don't think Warren would accept and I can't think of any other candidates.
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 10:44 am
engineer wrote:

I can't think of any other candidates.

I can. Phillip Agnew (see above). He would be the perfect running mate for Burnie.

Especially with that buckwheat doo, know what I'm sayin?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 10:49 am
How about Castro — the name alone might attract some of the more sentimental Sanders voters...
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 10:51 am
the name alone might attract some of the more sentimental Sanders voters..

Yeah, especially in Florida.
0 Replies
Brand X
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 10:53 am
He said back at the beginning of the campaign he would pick a female VP.
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 11:00 am
@Brand X,
In that case Maxine Waters is the sure bet.

She's an honorary Bernie Sista already.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 11:06 am
Krugman's The Great Unravelling is a collection of his columns in the NYTimes beginning in the earlier 2000s. Those who haven't read the book or who didn't attend to his columns likely won't know that Krugman did not start out as a strong opponent of Republican fiscal policy. He became one as he saw the growing GOP fiscal dishonesty through the Bush administration and then later. It's a book everyone should read, particularly conservatives.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 11:08 am
How about Castro — the name alone might attract some of the more sentimental Sanders voters...
You're a naughty fellow.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 11:28 am
Russians Seek To Influence Extremist Groups To Sow 2020 Election Division

Russian intelligence services have attempted to sow division in the United States ahead of the 2020 election by fueling racial division, including by influencing extremist groups, American officials told The New York Times.

The Russian government’s methods to divide Americans are broader than what the country used 2016, the Times reported, citing multiple unnamed American officials briefed on recent intelligence.

In 2016, Russian activity was meant to reach a wide number of Americans and included spreading disinformation to suppress voter turnout and creating fake Black Lives Matter Facebook pages.

In 2020, things have changed, per the Times. Efforts reportedly include pushing extremist groups to spread hate messages and inciting violence. Unlike in 2016, unnamed intelligence officials told the Times, Russian operatives have taken to using private Facebook groups and message boards like 4chan.
TPM here ... NYT piece here

Of course they are. And they are active in the Sanders v Biden contest as well. Given their motives and operational history, that's guaranteed. Sew division. Foster anger and hopelessness. Discourage consensus on the left. Discourage activism and voting. As noted earlier, Jill Stein is out helping the cause too, bless her little heart.

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