Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 08:36 am
Nancy, Chuck and their ilk are nothing but appeasers.

It's not appeasement we need now it's fighting back we need.

This bullshit ''if they go low we go high'', crap.

If they go low kick em while they're down because that's what the unscrupulous Trumplicans would do.
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 09:03 am
🎄A Christmas Carlo 🎅🏻
Retweeted Nancy Sinatra
Bernie Sanders ran as a Dem, you idiot.
You absolute moron.

He didn't steal votes from anyone, unless you thought Hillary should have been coronated and we should have skipped the primary all together. 🎄A Christmas Carlo 🎅🏻 added,
Nancy Sinatra
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We have a 2 party system whether we like it or not and people like Sanders cause wasted votes that lead to people like @realDonaldTrump winning elections. He is not the only culprit. Nader, Stein and Perot come to mind.
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 11:00 am

OPPONENTS OF THE war in Yemen have picked up momentum heading into a critical Senate vote on Wednesday on whether to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, the highest-ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee has said that he would support the measure. Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, also on the Foreign Relations Committee, has told colleagues that he supports the effort as well, Democratic aides told The Intercept.

Both senators voted to table the effort — which was introduced by Sens. Bernie Sanders, Mike Lee, and Chris Murphy — the last time it arrived on the Senate floor in March. Menendez is one of the more hawkish Democrats in the chamber, and his support for the resolution is a sign that the party is coalescing around opposition to the war.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates began their intervention in Yemen in March 2015, launching a bombing campaign aimed at restoring Yemen’s former president, Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, to power. For more than three years, the campaign has contributed to an exploding humanitarian crisis that has left millions at risk of famine.

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In a procedural vote, the Senate voted 55-44 against a similar measure in March, with 10 Democrats voting against it. But five Republicans voted in favor at the time. If those GOP senators vote the same way on Wednesday, just four of the remaining eight Democratic holdouts would have to vote in favor for the measure to pass. The renewed push to end the war comes after Saudi agents murdered Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi in October, triggering global outrage and making support for Saudi Arabia toxic on Capitol Hill.

Four Democratic aides told The Intercept that in the wake of Khashoggi’s killing, many of the Democrats who voted against the measure in March are likely to flip. In addition to Menendez and Coons, North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, and others are considering a vote in support of the measure. West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin told reporters in the Capitol on Tuesday that he was undecided and would wait until after a Trump administration briefing Wednesday morning to decide how he would vote.

It is unclear how Rhode Island Democrats Sen. Jack Reed and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse will vote. Both voted against it in the spring but have faced continued pressure from activists in their home state to support the measure. Their offices did not return requests for comment.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who voted in favor of the resolution in March, signaled his support for the measure on Twitter last week.

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The Trump administration, which has stood by Saudi Arabia in the weeks following the Khashoggi killing, is making a last-ditch lobbying effort to try and stop the resolution. Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will brief the Senate at 11 a.m. Wednesday, according to two people familiar with the matter. According to The Guardian, the White House prevented CIA Director Gina Haspel from being present. Her absence would be noteworthy, since she traveled to Turkey, where Khashoggi was killed, to learn about his murder and would be in a position to share details with the senators in the classified briefing.

The resolution would still need to pass the House of Representatives, which is unlikely while it remains in the control of Republicans. Last week, Republican leadership defanged a similar resolution — stripping it of its “privileged” status and making it less likely to receive a vote on the floor — by sneaking language into a measure about wolves that passed 201-187.

Once Democrats take back the House in January, it is likely that a similar measure could pass. At that point, it would need to go back through the newly constituted Senate again. But with enough GOP support, or perhaps as Saudi Arabia’s reputation continues to erode, passage could again be possible with enough Democratic votes.

The legislation requires President Donald Trump to withdraw U.S. forces from “hostilities” in Yemen. The Department of Defense, for its part, has disputed whether the U.S. role — limited to providing weapons, intelligence, and logistical support — amounts to participation in “hostilities.” If the measure passed both chambers of Congress, it would set the stage for a confrontation in which Trump could decide whether to veto the legislation.
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Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 12:13 pm
because that's what the unscrupulous Trumplicans would do.

If you think the party that wants open borders, allies themselves with anti-Semites, and have no respect for the rule of law are not unscrupulous you live in a fantasy world.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 12:41 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

WTF is Schumer doing?
Chuck Schumer offers Trump $1.6 billion for border security.

What is the big deal here Edgar?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 01:03 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 04:52 pm
Jay Deshpande 🌹 🌹
Just found out a significant chunk of 🍩Twitter HATES Colin Kaepernick because he dared to support Bernie Sanders, and couldn’t get himself to vote for Hillary.

Worth remembering the next time they accuse the left of being racist
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 05:17 pm
Jimmy Dore
More Jimmy Dore Retweeted Secular Talk
Pelosi is twice as unpopular as Trump and the Democrats CHOSE her to be the face of the party. This is why 1/2 country doesn't vote.Jimmy Dore added,
Secular Talk
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Trump & the GOP thank you! Nancy's 28% approval rating (and 39% among Dems) is sure to hurt Dems going into 2020. As will those bipartisan deals she can't wait to cut with far-right idiots & extremists. Nobody to her left stepped up and that's disgraceful. …
1:33 PM - 28 Nov 2018
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 05:56 pm
Bernie Sanders
For the first time, the U.S. Senate just voted to advance a resolution withdrawing U.S. Armed Forces from an unauthorized and unconstitutional war.

Let us bring this catastrophic war in Yemen to an end, and help bring peace and humanitarian aid to this tortured country.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 07:06 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Jay Deshpande 🌹 🌹
Just found out a significant chunk of 🍩Twitter HATES Colin Kaepernick because he dared to support Bernie Sanders, and couldn’t get himself to vote for Hillary.

Worth remembering the next time they accuse the left of being racist

I think Kaepernick was very wrong for that decision.

I still support his BLM protest.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 09:48 pm
Dems want to draft Beto O'Rourke in new PAC.

Published November 28, 2018
Some New England Democrats think Beto O'Rourke is Democrats' best chance at winning the White House in 2020, and they're making it official.

Tonight, Draft Beto 2020 is going live (at least the website), the organizers told CNN Wednesday.

O'Rourke is not involved with the political action committee, which is co-chaired by New England-based Democratic strategists Lauren Pardi, Will Herberich and Adam Webster.

"Beto hasn't decided whether he's running for President," the group writes in an email that will be sent to followers on Thursday morning -- an email list they say is thousands strong. "However, we believe strongly in Beto's potential candidacy and think it's critical to start organizing now. In a field that could include more than a dozen candidates, there's not a moment to waste.

"Make no mistake about it," they add, "Beto can win. A recent Politico poll showed that among the field of potential Democratic candidates, Beto was third -- behind only Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders. ... Our goal is to show Beto that there is support for his candidacy, starting here in New England."

Their first steps will be a digital push on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to convince the Texas Democrat to run for President -- plus a campaign kick-off conference call on December 9.

The group plans to formally file with the FEC before the end-of-year deadline. They are also swearing off big money donations: "We're simply looking to build a grassroots movement of people who believe in Beto like we do," the PAC's website says.

"Draft Beto 2020" is unaffiliated with the "DRAFT BETO" PAC already registered with the FEC.

Though he swore off a 2020 run during his Texas Senate race against Republican Ted Cruz, O'Rourke this week changed his tune, saying that he and his wife "made a decision not to rule anything out."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 10:44 pm
Beto is in between liberal and establishment. I would not trust him to make the right decisions.
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 10:50 pm
betraying progressives
Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2018 11:07 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

betraying progressives

Progressive issues won the House, but anti progressives own the House still.
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2018 06:53 am
No progressives stood up and challenged ANYONE. Your video says that explicitly.

You aren’t getting screwed if you’re not willing to step up to the table.

Also, when did bipartisanship become a bad thing? It’s what the vast majority of voters, citizens, people who should matter to you, want.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2018 06:55 am
Quite the purity test you have.

Completely idiotic and wrong headed, but pure for what that’s worth (nothing?).
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2018 07:59 am
The only pols I think Edgar sees as worthy are Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie. Seems his take is that everyone else's actions (and motives) are suspect.
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2018 08:11 am

8h8 hours ago
Replying to @jimmy_dore
Pelosi, Jeffries, Hoyer & Schumer appointments just assured that the Wall will be built, more tax cuts for the super rich will be passed, yet another increase in Defense spending & Trump will be re-elected in 2020.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2018 08:12 am
Seems to me people see only agenda without regard for results.
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2018 08:31 am
edgarblythe wrote:

Seems to me people see only agenda without regard for results.

That makes zero sense to me. The 110th Congress, under the first woman speaker - Nancy Pelosi- passed hundreds of significant positive measures -largely with bipartisan support. But you only want to credit Pelosi with the losses that the left has suffered. You constantly fight the good in favor of the perfect. And NOBODY is perfect.

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