Man, this Ocasio-Cortez really knows her stuff. She really impresss me with her knowledge and the passion that backs it up.
I think Alexandra is going to be a thorn in the side of the status quo. It’ll be heartening reading what she has to say.
Hope they don’t flip her.
It would be great if someone just like her could secure the 2020 presidency.
The assholes claimed the immigrants hit agents with projectiles. I have seen dozens of perfectly photographed result of the attack on these poor souls and not one of a rock getting thrown. Not even a bigfoot quality photo.
‘No Labels’ spent $2.5 million against House Democratic majority, now wants veto on their leadership
The group is pushing an effort by its "Problem Solvers Caucus" to weaken the new majority's power.
Why Democrats keep losing, case # 6,000,000,000,000,000.
David Sirota
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It took 24 hours for Democrats to start shitting on their own voters to appease corporate lobbyists. 24 HOURS. #copoliticsDavid Sirota added,
David Sirota
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Colorado Dems won the legislature on a promise to finally pass Dem bills like paid sick leave that were blocked by the GOP Senate. Days after the election, Dems say they may water down those bills now that they have the power to pass them. …
10:50 AM - 11 Nov 2018
Losing? They just won by historic numbers in some cases.
The very fact that Hyde-Smith has had to fight for the runoff in Miss. is a very telling indication that there is a wind of change in southern rural states, not to mention Abrams. I've been impressed and encouraged with democrats this year.
What is it about living in cities that makes people more likely to vote for the Democratic candidates do you think?