One of the things I find objectionable about the way "elite" has come to be used is that it suggests the existence of a rather loathsome class of people who are tapped to fill positions at the top of our social hierarchy, much like the hapless "royals" of yore. But this is the contemporary USA, not pre-WWI Europe. Anyone can join the "elite" — all they need is money, and it doesn't matter how they get their hands on it. Trump is a great example — his daddy's wealth secured him a position in society where he could afford to buy anything he wanted, bed anyone he wished, and generally flaunt his tastelessness for all to see.
But then you see comments from people (who are often wealthy) claiming to speak for the "Great Unwashed" and indicting the "coastal elites". Often the target will be someone who's earned a college degree. Someone who assessed his position in society, surveyed his opportunities, and realized that an education was the ticket to opportunity. He didn't go into the family business. He left Smallville, studied hard, pursued a career, meeting influential people along the way. He develops a rich vocabulary, a taste for gourmet food and fine art, and maybe he drives a Volvo. The folks back in Smallville see him as the local boy who made good and they're proud that one of their own now moves among the "elite".
But, should our boy indicate that the hidebound traditions of his upbringing might be seen as limiting, that Smallville's conservative congressman should be replaced, that religion might mean more than fire and brimstone sermons about the sin of homosexuality, and that children should be vaccinated, well that means he's an
elitist. Someone like Barack Obama. That's something very bad, but being an elite oligarch, like Trump, is just fine.
Speaking of elites, while I haven't really rubbed elbows with them I've worked in their gardens, built their kitchens, repaired their yachts, and played music at their weddings. I much prefer the blue bloods to the nouveau riche — I'd take George H. W. Bush over Trump any day.