Re "elitists"...
You recognize, I trust, that the primary propaganda line pushed by Boris and the other Brexit advocates was that the EU is a paradigmatic example of "elites"?
Personally, I hope Corbyn does better than it seems he might do and that Boris is run over by a big ******* truck. But I want to point out that populist use of the term "elites" has two facets and if we get lazy in our thinking this can do serious damage to our notions and discourse.
In the US, for example, right wing populism posits that the dangerous and malignant elites are people like university professors and civil servants (such as those who testified in impeachment hearings) and the courts and indeed government itself (if not controlled by the right). In rightwing world, corporations are almost universally passed over as examples of controlling elites. Financial/banking entities usually only become targets where identified with Jews.
Just a reminder that populist language and thinking is a sword with two edges.