Kos hates Bernie.
Kos has spent a lot of ink tearing down Bernie.
So, this is sweet.
And the winner will be ...BERNIE SANDERS
Nov 30, 2019 6:19pm EST by Mystic54, Community
I’m no seer, and Bernie was not my first choice, but I now fully believe Bernie Sanders will be the Democrat’s nominee to take the on Donald Trump in the 2020 general election. I don’t know why I didn’t figure this out sooner.
As a business consultant, one of the things I do is run analytics and projections based on trends. I use an aggregation of historical data, news and social media dominating, fluctuations in the commercial zeitgeist and intuition to help my clients determine where the wind is blowing for their products and services so that they can plan better.
I have now turned my skills and attention toward the field of those running for the democratic nomination for President and it is fairly clear to me Bernie will be the choice.
Bernie Sanders has an important attribute that helps him withstand the attrition and flux that has been impacting other candidates. People know what they are getting with Bernie. Never underestimate the power of certainty. At the end of the day, we come back to the comfort of what is familiar when the stakes are really high; when making the wrong choice can mean total disaster.
That said, we also like novelty and though it might be counter intuitive to think that certainty and novelty can coexist, Bernie delivers on both because he has a unique delivery style and personality unlike anyone that has ever sought the office before. He is not a boring politician. He also is likable in his own curmudgeonly way and is seen as trustworthy. These are two essential ingredients for getting people to pull the lever.
Add to this that he is polling well broadly across all demographics. Young, old, men, women and minorities all view him positively.
When I saw the initial group of 20 plus candidates in the democratic field, I was almost certain that Bernie would get lost in the mix. I was wrong, and his staying power in the top three was surprising to me, but now I understand the phenomenon of Bernie Sanders, he doesn’t disappoint. I spent some time evaluating the polling trends this week and he is rising as others seem to already be getting shopworn bit by bit. His rising poll numbers in the rust belt states seem to reflect mainly on his “trustworthiness”. Bernie has never swayed from his populist message and although Elizabeth Warren has taken similar stances on education and healthcare, there seems to be some doubt, reflected in recent polling and media coverage, that she can actually deliver the goods. When Bernie says he cares, that he will do what he says, it appears people tend believe him.
I’m ready to announce that when the smoke clears, Bernie Sanders will be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. The good news is he can, and will, defeat Donald Trump.