Saagar Enjeti: Clinton remarks on Gabbard 'shows just how deep the rot in our system goes'
Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton continued her debasement tour over the weekend in a stunning display of hubris and the perfect encapsulation of why she lost in the first place. Many of you by now I sure know that Hillary took a disgusting cheap shot at congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard over the weekend accusing her of being groomed by the Russian government for a third party run.
Worse, her team of C-list enforcers came out of the woodwork to defend her pointing to Gabbard wanting to get out of Syria as evidence. The stupidity was best summed up by Clinton spokesperson Nick Merrill when told reporters who asked what evidence exactly Clinton had to back up her accusations quote "if the nesting doll fits."
This is the same Nick Merril who Ronan Farrow tells us refused to set up an interview for him with Clinton because he was pursuing a story about sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. As journalist Michael Tracey noted after Clinton's disgusting smear, the former secretary of state is effectively accusing a major in the Hawaii national guard of a crime punishable by death.
Perhaps the only good thing that came out of Clinton's re-entry into the Democratic race was Tulsi Gabbard's epic response.
Clinton's smear is of course classic. She is a bitter woman in Chappaqua who cannot accept that policies she championed for decades and her complete lacking as a politician is why Donald Trump is now President of the United States. Only the Russians could deny the self-anointed Queen of the United States her throne, and she's so mad at Tulsi Gabbard for calling our DNC bias against Bernie Sanders in 2016 that she isn't willing to stay quiet.
The smugness of Nick Merril's response, Neera Tanden's immediate jump into the fray to defend her former boss, and the media coverage of the incident remind us all why so many people pulled the lever for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in 2016.
Take a look at this Politico headline, Hillary Clinton calls Tulsi Gabbard a Russian favorite and possible third party candidate as if it bears any credence whatsoever. As Brit Hume points out, where is the quote "without evidence" tag that the media loves to include any time Donald Trump says anything.
The New York Times, of course, left out the same caveat. Even worse in their story after going through Clinton's accusation and Tulsi's response the reporter writes "disinformation experts have noted frequent mentions of Ms. Gabbard by RT, the kremlin-backed news agency, and apparent twitter bot activity amplifying pro-Gabbard messages and hashtags."
What reasonable takeaway is a reader of that article supposed to have? Hillary's bunk is once again being accepted wholesale and parroted by the paper of record. This entire episode just how deep the Russian delusions of 2016 run through our most established institutions and so-called smart people on TV. Just look at MSNBC where a supposedly very smart reporter points out that well Tulsi didn't exactly deny being a Russian asset, I'm not joking
wish this was just a monologue making fun of Hillary Clinton's boomer musings, but it actually shows just how deep the rot in our system goes and how far they will go to destroy the character of somebody who dares to stand up to the bipartisan consensus here in Washington.
This entire episode shows us that the establishment has learned from 2016. They continue to advocate for the same endless wars in the Middle East, won't apologize for destroying our manufacturing base and selling out their own citizens to the Chinese, all while life expectancy for the average American continues to decline. If you point that out, I guess you're a Russian asset. In that case, sign me up comrades.