Quote:What Clinton is doing is reprehensible.
She has a microscopic sliver of an excuse though:
Her 2016 defeat has driven her insane
The only thing keeping her from overdosing on tranks is the perception that people actually care about what she has to say, and a mission to destroy everyone she believes cost her the election.
What excuse can be offered for the shameless Dem and liberal politicians, and pundits who have revealed, with this matter, just how devoid of principle and integrity they are? Rather than condemning the outrageous defamation of a fellow Democrat, a US congresswoman, and an armed forces veteran who joined up after 9/11, they are:
1) Responding to questions regarding this disgraceful smear campaign with "no comment"
2) Defending Clinton's attack and insinuating there are "some" indications that it might be true
3) Duck the question with blather about Russian interference
4) Complain that Gabbard is a stooge for Assad and bemoan how she somehow enabled him to kill half a million of his people, and wants to turn the region over to ISIS...despite having bent over backward to support Obama when he did nothing but retreat from his own redline, and give birth to ISIS with his precipitous withdrawal from Iraq.
5) Claim that not only is she not a progressive, but she's not really even a Democrat (Idiotic Judith Miller this morning described Gabbard as "very, very conservative")
Are they really so loyal to the candidate who snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and gave them President Donald Trump? I don't think so.
Regardless of the fact that Gabbard endorsed him in 2016 (
resigning from a DNC leadership position because a) She knew it was in the tank for Clinton and b) By doing so she immediately became an outcast and a target), Bernie Sanders, with his recent statement, has displayed admirable integrity. I suspect it will hurt his chances of winning the nomination.