Damn liberal media slamming Bernie again
Quote:As someone who has openly worried for a long time that Sanders and Biden might be too old to serve as viable challengers to Donald Trump, I’d observe that Sanders was very effective in this debate — possibly more effective than the old pre-heart attack Sanders who tended to shout ever more loudly in events like this one.
Ed Kilgore
There is no way to really know how the public is going to react to the democrat debate until about a week and polls start coming out. I predict Biden despite his gaffes and mistakes, poll numbers goes up and Warren's go down. I also predict the other moderates on the stage numbers goes up. In the health care debate; I don't think Medicare for All won last night.
Guy, neither they nor I are happy about a lot of things in this country right now, but they and I believe we are edging toward a major facelift.
Single Payer or BUST Retweeted
Dr. Victoria Dooley
When the narrative changes from “too white” to “too urban” you know you’re winning!
#BernieSquad #Bernie2020
Think about what you said.
Neither of those women covers her face.
You might have a legitimate gripe, but you definitely haven’t expressed one.
Michael Moore
1 hr ·
One of the great members of Congress in my lifetime passed away this morning — Elijah Cummings, Democrat of Maryland. He was a fighter for those who weren’t allowed a seat at the table. A strong, powerful voice for the voiceless. He was always willing to give of his time for me, offer his guidance, tell me what was really going on in ways few others would. When he agreed to be in my film, “Capitalism: A Love Story,” he pulled no punches about the Crash of ‘08 when Congress bailed out the banks and Wall Street but let millions of families lose their savings and be evicted from their homes. He told me it was all a ruse, a giant robbery of the American people.
“The word that we got in Congress was that if we didn’t act ‘immediately’ the ‘whole economy would collapse - no doubt about it.’ This whole fiasco shows you there’s some powerful forces (that are not democratic) that are in control here in this building — big time.” His point was that it was the top one-percent who owned the politicians and the government — and that we’d never be a true democracy until ‘we the people’ controlled the economy. Elijah Cummings was the real deal — authentic to his core, honest to a fault, and a peoples’ representative in the truest sense of the word. I am stunned and saddened by his death. He couldn’t have been taken from us at a worse time. Much love and gratitude to his family. We will all honor him best by carrying on his work with our own passion and an unrelenting commitment to real justice and equality. Rest In peace, my friend. We, though, will not, until your work - our work - is done.
Hillary's unhinged attacks on some presidential candidates today just made her look ugly in my eyes.
Tulsi Gabbard came back on Hillary’s slur with knives out! It was pretty satisfying.
Tulsi Gabbard chose Sean Hannity’s show to vent on again over invitations to progressive outlets like Maddow or Michelangelo Signorile. And you two think that’s just fine.
Omg !!!
Tulsi Gabbard is being interviewed on CBS about her public fight with Hillary Clinton, and Tulsi is finally able to hit back against this insane blanket Russia slur against anyone who doesn’t conform to the corrupt establishment narrative.
“She can’t control me, so she’s attacking me with this lie.”
Hillary hate will probably propel Tulsi up in the presidential race.
How do you verify what other people think? Have you had those magical powers verified?
Tulsi fights the machine, and progressives are loving it!
Tulsi’s comments are blazing through the media (which is a surprising about-face after her media blackout.)
It looks like the MSM can’t sustain their biased treatment of Bernie and Tulsi any longer. Today, I don’t think they can avoid covering Bern in NY or Tulsi — wherever she is.
Quote:Hillary's unhinged attacks on some presidential candidates today just made her look ugly in my eyes.
So, a 180 degree reversal then.
Quote:Tulsi Gabbard chose Sean Hannity’s show
Because he's the only real truth-teller in TV news. You can trust him.
Also, there's really no other American so supportive of progressive causes AND Bernie Sanders than Sean Hannity. Sanders himself has great love and respect for Hannity.
blatham wrote:
Quote:Hillary's unhinged attacks on some presidential candidates today just made her look ugly in my eyes.
So, a 180 degree reversal then.
Yeah, a real noteworthy outlook change there.
Just ribbing Edgar a bit. But the idea I really like in the last few posts is the one that celebrates all the good work Sean Hannity is doing, how he's a real newsman more trust-worthy than the NYT or the WP, etc. And, best of all, the rare recognition that Hannity is the one to turn to if you really want progressive politicos in office in the US. That's who he wants to support.