Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 04:38 pm
They were quite different people.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 05:29 pm
I just got back home after picking up a few things at the market for dinner. Turned on the news and 'bingo' the first story I hear is about another synagogue shooting. This one happened near San Diego, there were 100+ people at services and a gunman came in with an Automatic Weapon, wounding 3 and killing one woman. These attacks are coming so rapidly I can barely keep track. I live about a quarter mile away from the location where 5 reporters at the Capital Newspaper were killed, it hasn't even been a year since that outrage occurred.

What I'm trying to say is never in my life did I ever think killing school children, killing protestors, killing people at their workplace, killing people as they worship would ever get so routine that I'm having trouble keeping up. So, listening to anyone tell me that the mob in Charlottesville was just trying to peacefully protest the removal of statues of traitors, is an assault on logic and decency. The Civil War was not the War of Northern Aggression and it had nothing to do with States rights (unless you want to admit that some of the States were simply interested in retaining the right to buy, sell and own human beings)

Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 05:37 pm
No one on this thread has made any of the claims you mention —that I have seen.
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 06:02 pm
glitterbag wrote:
So, listening to anyone tell me that the mob in Charlottesville was just trying to peacefully protest the removal of statues of traitors, is an assault on logic and decency.

Lash wrote:
No one on this thread has made any of the claims you mention —that I have seen.

But you just did.

Lash wrote:
Another interpretation is that these guys were protesting statues of old white guys being removed and replaced.

Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 06:04 pm
maporsche wrote:

There were very fine people at the Nazi rally.

Shocked Shocked

Yup. On BOTH sides.😳
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 07:01 pm
Golly. I'd be surprised if Lash advanced right wing talking points and spin. I mean, it's never happened before.
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 07:03 pm
Just maybe, Facebook isn't a beneficial organization.
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg keeps dashing any hope that the world’s largest social media platform might be a positive force in the fight against catastrophic climate change.

In its latest disastrous move to fight the online epidemic of fake news, Facebook’s fact-checking effort announced last week that it was teaming up with — an arm of the conservative, anti-science media site The Daily Caller.

The Daily Caller, which has published misinformation about climate science for years, was co-founded by the science-denying Fox News host Tucker Carlson and is backed by major conservative donors, including Charles and David Koch, the billionaire fossil fuel barons who are the single biggest funders of climate science misinformation.

“It is appalling that Facebook has teamed up with a Koch-funded organization that promotes climate change denial,” leading climatologist Michael Mann told ThinkProgress. Mann, whose own work has been misrepresented by The Daily Caller, added, “Facebook must disassociate itself from this organization.”
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 07:06 pm
I'm sure everyone will be amazed on reading this
Trump Says Mar-A-Lago Can’t Find US Workers To Hire. New Documents Show Dozens Applied.
Trump often says his resorts have no choice but to hire foreign guest workers — there just aren’t any Americans to take the jobs. But government records show nearly 60 US residents applied for those jobs, and only one was hired.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 07:13 pm
It is horrifying.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 07:18 pm
It’s not happening now, either. Even a child is taught there is more than one perspective to consider for everything that happens.

Your attempts to chill any other possible perspective is censure, and I’m not bowing to it.
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 07:24 pm
neptuneblue wrote:

glitterbag wrote:
So, listening to anyone tell me that the mob in Charlottesville was just trying to peacefully protest the removal of statues of traitors, is an assault on logic and decency.

Lash wrote:
No one on this thread has made any of the claims you mention —that I have seen.

But you just did.

Lash wrote:
Another interpretation is that these guys were protesting statues of old white guys being removed and replaced.

Pointing out a different interpretation and ‘telling’ someone something as if claiming it’s a fact are two completely different things

Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 08:26 pm
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 08:44 pm
Have I ever declared someone a racist and was wrong? No. Not ever. Been spot on with that.

How wonderful it must be to have such absolute certainty of your judgment, but apparently your father provided you with the gold standard by which to judge others.

Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 08:47 pm
Not everything that people write on this thread are about you or your opinions. I seldom engage you or your comments because it's never a surprise how you will respond. So......I'm doing everything I can to avoid reading, or listening or reacting to any of your "progressive" rants about how many faults you find or how much you hate all the women running for office because no one can possibly be as pure as St. Bernie.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 08:48 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
May you never have to see how that ever came to be.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 09:07 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Have I ever declared someone a racist and was wrong? No. Not ever. Been spot on with that.

How wonderful it must be to have such absolute certainty of your judgment, but apparently your father provided you with the gold standard by which to judge others.

How odd....I've also thought it must be wonderful to be you with your absolute certainty of your judgement...I've no opinion of your Dad, but I suppose someone must have provided you with the gold standard you use to judge others. What a small world it is.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 09:52 pm
We could call it psycho- calisthenics
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 10:08 pm
oooooh, you did it again, I tip my chapeau Monsieur
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 11:25 pm
In a wide-ranging interview with CBS News's “60 Minutes,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)
said there’s “no question” President Trump is a racist.

Published January 7, 2019
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Sat 27 Apr, 2019 11:35 pm
See Ocasio-Cortez’s response to Trump’s ‘no collusion’ claims.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) discusses her line of questioning
during the Michael Cohen hearing and whether she was trying to open the door
to obtaining President Trump’s taxes.

Published March 4, 2019
0 Replies

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