Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 03:17 pm
You've undermined your own argument, you dimwit.
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 03:20 pm
As you always do, Infra, with your total lack of any evidence.
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 03:22 pm
Biden is a lunatic, given false credence by Obama. He can’t tie his shoes.
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 03:33 pm
I'm certainly not a Biden fan.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 04:48 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 06:39 pm

The secretary of the Republican Committee of Beaver County, Pennsylvania called NFL players baboons for protesting against racism during the national anthem and suggested they go back to Africa. She also whined about reverse racism, reports The Times, and predicted an impending civil war.

Carla Maloney posted the comments to Facebook in 2017.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 06:43 pm

Before becoming the governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan served on the board of the Maryland Public Policy Institute, a conservative think tank that opposes funding for public transit, and sees Betsy DeVos’ disastrous education reforms in Michigan as a model for Maryland. The Institute is part of a web of groups that opposes unions, worker protections, and environmental regulations that investigative reports have found are secretly backed by the Koch donor network.

So I asked Hogan, who’s doing well in the polls in a state Democrats outnumber Republicans 2-1 if it’s fair for him to call himself a moderate when he has ties to a group that pushes an extreme agenda, some of which he supports.

I know you billed yourself as a moderate. You’ve distanced yourself from Donald Trump. But you’re also a member of the Maryland Public Policy Institute, which is part of the State Policy Network, which is funded by the Koch brothers. Do you think you’re-

LARRY HOGAN: I have- I’m not a member of it. I used to- I used to be on the board years ago, and the Koch brothers had absolutely nothing to do with it. That’s not true. I don’t know any- I don’t know anything about the Koch brothers being associated with that. But I know about your group, though.

JAISAL NOOR: You can hear me began to say ‘President Emeritus,’ but he’s actually Director Emeritus of the Maryland Public Policy Institute, which has been called the policy arm of the Hogan administration. Hogan called my question fake news, but here’s what we do know.

The Institute wouldn’t tell us who their donors are, but according to tax records obtained by Conservative Transparency, their leading donors through 2014, which covers the period Hogan served on their board, is Donors Capital Fund, which has been called the dark money ATM of the conservative movement. Another major funder is State Policy Network, who, according to a report by the Center for Media and Democracy, is funded by the Koch donor network. On top of that, an adjunct staffer at the Institute, Wendell Cox, is the former legislative director of ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. Another arm of the Koch network, which pushes corporate-friendly and anti-worker model legislation in statehouses across the country.

The Kochs gave the maximum amount to Hogan’s 2018 campaign, and Politico reported their voter data contributed to his stunning 2014 victory. Liberals have their wealthy donors, too. George Soros gave the maximum allowed donation to Hogan’s opponent. But investigative journalists like Jane Mayer have chronicled the outsized influence the Kochs and their allies have on U.S. politics. And while Hogan decried my question as fake news, he hasn’t opposed deceptively-edited Republican Governors Association ads targeting his opponent Ben Jealous.

REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR ASSOCIATION AD: Go ahead, call me a socialist.

JAISAL NOOR: If you keep playing the tape, Jealous was actually saying he’s not a socialist.

BEN JEALOUS: Go ahead, call me a socialist. Doesn’t change the fact I’m a venture capitalist.

JAISAL NOOR: Some have questioned why Jealous is so defensive about being called a socialist in the first place.

REPORTER: Not to put too fine a point on it, but do you identify with the term ‘socialist’?

BEN JEALOUS: Are you ******* kidding me? Is that too fine a point?

JAISAL NOOR: In Maryland, Democrats outnumber Republicans 2-1. And according to a new Gallup poll, a majority of Democrats nationally have a more positive view of socialism and a negative view of capitalism. But that hasn’t stopped the Republican Governors Association from running ads like this.

REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR ASSOCIATION AD: Jealous is too extreme for Maryland.

JAISAL NOOR: The Kochs oppose regulations on healthcare, as do pharmaceutical and insurance companies, who donated over $300,000 to help air ads like this.

REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR ASSOCIATION AD: Non-partisan analysis says his healthcare plan alone could cost an extra $2800 for every man, woman, and child.

JAISAL NOOR: They don’t mention this would cut what the average Maryland resident spends on healthcare by half. Polls show that majorities of Maryland Democrats embrace single-payer healthcare, a $15 minimum wage, and even a jobs guarantee.

HOGAN SUPPORTER: They have a lot of people that need jobs. Need jobs bad.

JAISAL NOOR: So how would you, what do you think about a policy that would say anyone that can’t get a job in the private sector, the state will give them a job? A living, a living wage so they don’t have to, you know, sell drugs or commit crimes? Would you support that?

HOGAN SUPPORTER: I’d support that. Because you need-.

JAISAL NOOR: But Ben Jealous, Ben Jealous supports that.

Many analysts predict a blue wave against Republicans sparked by Donald Trump’s presidency, which Hogan predicts he can harness.

LARRY HOGAN: Good news is that I know how to surf. And 68% of all the Democrats in Maryland support my candidacy. So if there’s a wave of Democrats coming out, they’re going to be voting for me.

JAISAL NOOR: While Hogan touts his support among Democrats, the vast majority of elected Democrats have endorsed Jealous. And critics say Hogan’s policies are more similar to those backed by Trump and the Kochs than he’d like to admit.

BROOKE LIERMAN: Much of what Governor Hogan has done on substance hasn’t really been too different from what Donald Trump has done. You know, in terms of vetoing paid sick leave, a wildly an incredibly important bill to make sure that our, that all workers in Maryland have the chance to earn sick days. That’s something that Governor Hogan vetoed, and we had to override his veto. Clean energy. We passed a really important clean energy bill three years ago that Governor Hogan vetoed that would increase the amount of renewable energy that we’re using here in Maryland. Governor Hogan vetoed that. So in terms of a war on workers and a war on the environment, Governor Hogan’s doing that. He’s, he’s waging those battles here in Maryland, as well.

JAISAL NOOR: And while Jealous’ platform is more akin to FDR’s New Deal, Hogan’s governorship has included some cuts to those same institutions.

ZEKE COHEN: When you are taking an absolute hammer to our transportation system and crushing what was a $3 billion investment in high-speed East-West transit, that’s not being a moderate.

JAISAL NOOR: And while the media’s focused on a recent high-profile spat between the Kochs and Trump, they continue to work together to reduce taxes for the wealthy and gut environmental regulations. And while there aren’t direct links between Hogan and the Kochs, he supports some of the policies that are at the heart of their agenda, and of Donald Trump’s. It remains to be seen what impact that will have in the deeply blue state in November, where the Republican governor remains deeply popular.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Aug, 2018 09:19 pm
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 08:37 am
I dislike those young turk people, they are a huge turn off in my opinion. Having said that, looking at a fact check from the NYT, perhaps it is time for New York to get rid of Cuomo. (I don't like his record on unions..)Nixon seems sincere and to care about issues which are important.

Fact Check on Cuomo-Nixon Debate: Who Stretched the Truth?
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 08:38 am
Don't you think people who support war crimes are a turnoff, rev?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:05 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:05 am
Greg Palast
Sponsored ⋅ Paid for by Greg Palast ·
Black officials have stopped a mass closure of polling stations in Randolph County, Georgia but Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who also happens to be the GOP candidate in the November gubernatorial race, told his henchmen to shutter polling stations STATEWIDE ahead of the election against Stacey Abrams. Kemp also removed 591,548 voters from the rolls in 2017 — so he's counting the votes, determining who votes, where they vote, and if they vote.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:10 am
Nixon seems sincere and to care about issues which are important.

Like driver licenses for illegals? Stopping ICE from doing their jobs? And all the other goodies that come with rewarding bad behavior like taking the criminals side over the victim. It will only bring more crime and more nonsense spouted by people backing ridiculous solutions to a problem they caused by putting color and origin over common sense.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 12:40 pm
23 mins ·
"The U.S. is a willing participant in the Yemen genocide despite claims to the contrary."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 12:52 pm
HOLY SH*T! Beto O’Rourke’s DWI was MUCH WORSE than we thought — but will MSM firefighters care?

Could have killed someone ending up in oncoming traffic.
Beto wasn’t drunk on a skateboard. He was drunk behind the wheel of a car. He could’ve killed someone. And he tried to run.
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 12:57 pm
I just watched the John McCain nominating Sarah Palin speech - as much of it as I could stomach. Dodged one bullet, anyway.
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 01:11 pm
I just watched the John McCain nominating Sarah Palin speech

Nothing like worrying about 2008. That sounds regressive, not progressive.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 05:11 pm
I'm confused...
What does MSM firefighters mean, and why should firefighters care?
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 05:43 pm
Ron DeSantis’s ‘monkey’ comment was just the start of his racist dog-whistling

DeSantis was already dog-whistling mere seconds before he went full bullhorn:

[Gillum] is an articulate spokesman for those far-left views. And he’s a charismatic candidate. I watched those Democrat debates. None of that was my cup of tea, but, I mean, he performed better than the other people there.

Ask any African Americans how they feel about being called “articulate.” I hate it. “Oh, you’re so articulate!” “You’re so well-spoken!” I’ve heard it since my days at mostly-white schools in New Jersey. It has been said to me in surprised, wondrous tones. The silent finish to what the speaker believes is a compliment “for a black person” — as if the outward manifestation of my education was some miracle, instead of the same hard work they or their children put in. Most folks probably don’t even realize that what they are saying to us is incredibly offensive. Those who do are deplorable to begin with.

[Yes, Donald Trump, you are a ‘racist’]

The other ugly DeSantis utterance was “performed.” For certain people, the one thing — maybe the only thing — blacks excel at is performing, entertaining other people. Unless you’re in the same line of work as Beyonce or Jay-Z, the “compliment” is as dismissive as it is patronizing.

Beyonce and Jay-Z perform during the “On the Run II” tour at FedEx Field on July 27. (Raven Varona/Parkwood/PictureGroup)
Bare-knuckled talk is nothing new in politics. But when the president of the United States is a low-brow brawler whose ongoing rhetorical descent started when he kicked off his campaign by calling Mexicans “rapists,” brazen is the fitting word to describe Republicans seeking high office these days. Or even radio hosts.

Where Gillum “performed” well was at the ballot box on Tuesday, which was no accident. That was by design. If you listened to my interview with the mayor back in June, you learned who he was and what he was trying to do. You knew it was a long-shot, but you weren’t nearly as surprised by his victory as the rest of the country. And what has been nearly as offensive as DeSantis’s race-baiting has been the simplistic coverage of Gillum’s victory. Actually, it has been lazy. And I’ll get into that in my next post.

Follow Jonathan on Twitter: @Capehartj
Subscribe to Cape Up, Jonathan Capehart’s weekly podcast
Reply Fri 31 Aug, 2018 05:52 pm
Ron DeSantis’s ‘monkey’ comment was just the start of his racist dog-whistling

The same dog-whistles Nixon used in the Southern Strategy? Laughing Laughing Laughing Identity politics and it has been repeated since the Civil Rights act passed. Your policies hold blacks down.
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