Good grief, edgar. If you guys are listening to a diet of this, that would be unfortunate. The style of data/opinion coverage is closer to the polemics of Bill O'Reilly or a Pat Roberts broadcast than it is to, say, Rachel Maddow or Chris Hayes. It's uncareful and it's angry.
Cenk says Democrats came after TYT for covering the recent CNN hire of a GOP operative in an editorial position. That's a claim for which no evidence is provided and which makes no sense at all. Further, that hire was criticized broadly and immediately across the mainstream media and the left-leaning media.
The two say (10:36) that Brock insisted in an op ed that Dems shouldn't eat their own but that then Brock violated his own advice by attacking TYT. But TYT is not a candidate. Anyone can attack or criticize them in the same manner as they can with the NYT or MSNBC. The only way Cenk's complaint makes any sense is if he considers TYT and Sanders as, in some way, the same thing.
He said that Brock attacks any progressive candidate. Where is the evidence for that?
"Clinton Stooge". And what is it with these constant allusions to Clinton other than an appeal to keep hatreds high?
This really is not good journalism.