Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 09:54 am
eurocelticyankee wrote:

If they could meet somewhere in the middle on their policies it could work.

Edgar won't approve of meeting in the middle or compromising on any of Sanders' policies.

That's what the establishment wants, not the democratic-socialists.
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 10:02 am
That's the way it works, nobody gets everything they want, compromise.

What I'd fear is the Democratic vote being split, the hard left Vs the middle left.

Republicans would live that, oldest trick in the book, divide and conquer.
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 10:06 am
I could not agree more.

But you're not talking to rational, pragmatic people when you talk to Edgar and people who think like him.

It's Medicare for All or Trump
It's $15 minimum wage or Trump
It's free college or Trump
It's no money in politics or Trump

On this board and in 2016 there was no willingness to compromise with many of them. Those people who had protest votes forJill Stein for example.
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 10:28 am
Without getting personal, I'm sure cometh the hour when it's a choice between say getting half of what you want or nothing at all, well I know I'd prefer to get some of the way than get nowhere.

In fairness who doesn't want universal healthcare, a decent minimum wage, college subsidies and an end to big money controlling politics.

Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 10:31 am
eurocelticyankee wrote:
In fairness who doesn't want universal healthcare, a decent minimum wage, college subsidies and an end to big money controlling politics.

10's of Millions of people don't want the government involved in any of that.

But even those who want Universal Healthcare, there will be A LOT of disagreement on the details. There are those on the far left who are not willing to compromise to get even part of what they want. There is disagreement on the details within the Democratic party on all of those topics, even though in general they support going that direction.
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Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 10:32 am
and an end to big money controlling politics.

The big money would be in the hands of the government with socialism. How does it get anymore controlling?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 01:56 pm
How can you support him?
He is under federal investigation.
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 02:10 pm
mysteryman841 wrote:

How can you support him?
He is under federal investigation.

or not

There is also, however, an ongoing FBI investigation into corruption in the Tallahassee city government — though Gillum has not been implicated in any way, according to the Tampa Bay Times.


things are not nearly as definitive as your post suggests


the funniest bit of the Tampa Bay article

Aubrey Jewett, a political science professor at the University of Central Florida, said there are a number of reasons for Democrats' reluctance to weigh in. The case is still murky and Gillum hasn't been implicated in any wrongdoing, so Gillum's opponents would be going out on a limb somewhat to knock him for the investigation, Jewett said.

Gillum also hasn't polled consistently well enough to warrant attacks from his Democratic opponents, Jewett noted.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 02:11 pm
Seriously. What's happening? you used to be so careful about your posts. always walked a very fine line - always had the details just right. It was impossible to bust you Wink
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 02:13 pm
What's happening? you used to be so careful about your posts. always walked a very careful fine line

Justin stole his blush and hair dryer. Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 03:13 pm
Kumbaya, y'all.

In addition to openly refusing to pressure his caucus to unite against President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is also helping his Republican counterpart ram through Trump’s far-right lower court nominees at a torrid pace.

Sparking immediate outrage from progressives, Schumer cut a deal with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday that allowed the GOP to fast-track votes on seven of Trump’s federal court nominees in exchange for… well, it’s not exactly clear what he received in return, outside of getting to go home for a few days.

“Schumer is utterly useless,” wrote journalist Chase Madar, a sentiment that was echoed across social media in response to the Democratic leader’s dealmaking.

Just hours after the deal was reported, all seven judges were confirmed, with the help of some Democrats.

Because these judges—selected with the help of the right-wing Federalist Society—are relatively young, they are now in a position to shape American law for decades to come, threatening the planet, workers, and women’s reproductive rights.

“Sen. Schumer, why are you cutting a deal with Mitch McConnell to fast-track Trump judges? Why won’t you whip the vote to stop Kavanaugh?” wrote Indivisible in response to reports of the senators’ agreement. “We’re fighting to protect our courts and save our democracy. We expect you to do the same.”

While Schumer received much of the backlash on social media following his agreement with McConnell, activist and writer Jonathan Cohn pointed out that rank-and-file Democrats deserve some blame as well, given that they actually outnumbered Republicans in the Senate chamber for some of Tuesday’s votes.

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Jonathan Cohn
Fun fact: There were more Democrats than Republicans present in the Senate chamber for each one of these votes.

8:23 PM - Aug 28, 2018
See Jonathan Cohn's other Tweets
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Adam Jentleson, public affairs director for Democracy Forward, argued in a lengthy Twitter thread late Tuesday that ultimately Democrats’ refusal to use all the procedural tools at their disposal to block Trump’s right-wing court picks is due to a complete lack of political will at the top of the party.

“This comes down to leadership. Senate Democratic leaders could take a stand and station one senator on the floor at all times to object, forcing McConnell to jump through interminable hurdles and produce 51 votes—twice—for each nominee, likely resulting in fewer lifetime Trump judges,” Jentleson noted.

While pointing out that it is still unlikely that all of the seven nominees that breezed through on Tuesday would have been blocked if Democrats played hardball like Republicans so often do, Jentleson wrote that “at least one” of the judges could have been blocked.

Adam Jentleson 🎈

· 19h
Replying to @AJentleson
By having one senator on the floor to object, Dems could force McConnell to produce 51 votes often late at night and early in the morning. McConnell only has 51 votes, and he has attendance issues. If he fell short of 51 one time, the judge in question would be blocked.

Adam Jentleson 🎈

I just want to emphasize the asymmetry here. Dems would only need to have *one* senator on the floor. McConnell would have to produce 51 votes.

Rather than organize this, the Senate Dem leader gave McConnell consent to instantly confirm 7 Trump judges to lifetime appointments.

8:30 PM - Aug 28, 2018
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Adam Jentleson 🎈

· 19h
Replying to @AJentleson
I just want to emphasize the asymmetry here. Dems would only need to have *one* senator on the floor. McConnell would have to produce 51 votes.

Rather than organize this, the Senate Dem leader gave McConnell consent to instantly confirm 7 Trump judges to lifetime appointments.

Adam Jentleson 🎈

I want to be careful not to overclaim.

Would all of the judges in question get confirmed if Dems had put in this effort? Maybe. Would at least one Trump judge be blocked from a lifetime appointment if McConnell was forced to produce 51 votes twice for all of them? Probably.

8:35 PM - Aug 28, 2018
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Adam Jentleson 🎈

· 19h
Replying to @AJentleson
I want to be careful not to overclaim.

Would all of the judges in question get confirmed if Dems had put in this effort? Maybe. Would at least one Trump judge be blocked from a lifetime appointment if McConnell was forced to produce 51 votes twice for all of them? Probably.

Adam Jentleson 🎈

This outcome was predictable when McConnell said he was "cancelling recess." He whipped his troops and got them to accede to the "cancellation." Then he used the "cancellation" to extort this agreement, likely pocketing more Trump confirmations than he would have otherwise.

8:39 PM - Aug 28, 2018
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With seven more of Trump’s judicial picks confirmed with active help from the Senate Democratic leadership, progressive commentators concluded—once again—that Schumer is not fit to lead the party and has to go.

David Klion🌹🔥

Is there a way to impeach Schumer?

Sahil Kapur

Replying to @sahilkapur
Big victory for Trump and McConnell, who are already confirming federal judges at an extraordinary pace and are poised to get seven more done today. …

3:17 PM - Aug 28, 2018
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Seth Pollack 🔥
Why is there so much more talk about replacing Pelosi than about replacing Schumer????

Sahil Kapur

Replying to @sahilkapur
And here it is: Senate just cut a deal to fast-track votes starting at 3:45p today on 11 nominations—including SEVEN Trump nominees to be district court judges.

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Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 03:16 pm
But I'm the one out of step with reality.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 05:02 pm
I hope he won’t be corrupted by ******* Soros.
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 05:03 pm
Dude, Biden is a shoe-horn.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 05:05 pm
Like ... French kissing your sister is just the same....
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 05:06 pm
Look around. We’ve achieved our goal.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 05:08 pm
Whoops! Busted!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 06:48 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 07:26 pm
I hope he won’t be corrupted by ******* Soros.

There is really no way he can't be. Soros should be declared a terrorist.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Wed 29 Aug, 2018 08:34 pm
I am so happy and excited for Andrew Gillum's victory in the Florida primaries. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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