There's a particular propaganda device that Jim Jordan was using today that bears attention.
Quote:A lowlight [of the hearing] was this passage, the only time Jordan appeared to treat Cohen as anything other than a low-life who should be in prison already:
Quote:[The Democrats] just want to use you, Mr. Cohen. You’re their patsy today. They’ve gotta find someone, somewhere, to say something, so that they can try to remove the president from office — because Tom Steyer told them to.
Steyer, in case you’ve missed it, is the billionaire agitating for formal impeachment proceedings against Trump, whom a solid majority of congressional Democrats (and all of their leadership) have been resolutely ignoring or rebuking.
First, this was explicitly a conspiracy theory Jordan was trying to push. A theory for which he provided no evidence whatsoever. He is simply repeating a story pushed by Trump's supporters in right wing media designed to discredit
any investigation of Trump by Dems or news media as being motivated by sour grapes at losing to Trump. So that in itself is a propaganda exercise and one which, as Republican posters here demonstrate, seems to be working quite well with the base.
But the other aspect is the use of Steyer in the story (you can read wikipedia's page on him and I recommend you do). Why use his name in this way? First, it personalizes the "enemy" or "threat". Such a campaign is far less effective when left as an abstraction. Put a name and face on the story and this gives focus and seeming credibility to the story (it's why Orwell had the Party use the fictional figure of Emmanuel Goldstein in 1984).
Second, because Steyer has been lobbying (unsuccessfully) for impeachment and because he is a big fundraiser and activist for Dems and because he's a billionaire he makes a good character to fit in the role of covert string-puller behind the Dems, particularly with a base that has traditionally been highly susceptible to such theories (see historian Richard Hofstadter's brilliant essay,
The Paranoid Style in American Politics