Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 12:29 pm
coldjoint wrote:
We learn from Europe's mistakes all the time. Since Trump we learn faster.
The Anti-Socialist Laws were passed on October 19, 1878 by the German Reichstag .
But I was referring to the "hard-core left".
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 12:59 pm
Yes, as was their candidate.

Check out black voter support since 2016 in the demographic breakdown.

I imagine your English is as good as mine, so you know the adage ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’. The sword is pretty damn mighty. Buy or control how stories are presented - or not presented - and it’s more powerful than controlling a country with murders and threats of violence.

I believe it. Do you?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 01:02 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
The Anti-Socialist Laws were passed on October 19, 1878 by the German Reichstag .

And that has what to do with Western Europe being in the toilet?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 01:05 pm
glitterbag wrote:

Really George? I may not be a Bernie supporter, but you think Bernie is an authoritarian and yet claim you are a Trump supporter? Such hubris.

I ‘ve offered no opinion about Bernie Sanders’ behavior or personality - authoritarian or otherwise, and don’t claim to know the man or how he behaves with those around him. He has, however, long advocated the creation of a highly intrusive Federal Government involving high levels of direct control of education (through university), medical care, our economy and financial institutions. These programs have almost invariably led to the creation of authoritarian bureaucracies (generally with little accountability for the results they achieve) and increasingly authoritarian structures over them. This is fundamentally contrary to our founding principles of limited government, high degrees of individual freedom, private activity in civic affairs, and a preference for local over central government.
In contrast Trump is an advocate of individual freedom, a less intrusive Federal government, and reversing the decades long accumulation of legislative & executive power in the generally non-accountable administrative & bureaucratic elements of our government. Judged by the same standards, Trump is hardly an authoritarian at all.
It appears you are comparing apples and oranges here: Trump’s mannerisms vs Bernie’s political ambitions. I believe Alex de Tocqueville would recognize Trump as a part of his ‘Democracy in America’ and assign Bernie to the failed French Revolution with which he compared it.
Politically Bernie is a socialist theoretician (who, to my knowledge has never had a job outside government), while Trump is a pragmatist in the extreme, raised in the rough and tumble world of real estate development in New York, New Jersey and now a wider scale. Bernie is dogmatic in his political pronouncements and through years of carping from the margins of our political establishment, has never wavered very much or stood the test of the actual implementation of his ideas. Trump is indeed TR’s “man in the arena” now, and all his many warts are visible to all. However, he has also shown himself to be adaptable and flexible in the rough & tumble politics of implementing his ideas.

In short, your comparison is flawed and misleading.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 01:08 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I've never noticed that in the USA so many are on the hard-core left side.

We'd really need to specify what "hard-core left" means but based on my own observations I doubt if more than 2% of USAmericans could be considered hard-core left. I'm not talking about militant anarchists and professional protestors, I mean people dedicated to replacing the capitalist system in its entirety, either through directed evolution or political revolution. This includes some of the Greens and members of the old leftist political parties (SWP, CPUSA, etc) but not everyone who opposes Trump and not every black militant or immigration activist.

"Hard-core left" suggests a movement with strong theoretical underpinning based on an economic analysis influenced by classical socialism, not just every person who has a bone to pick with some aspect of modern society such as people in the LGBT movement and assorted "Social Justice Warriors". I think committed democratic socialists might be around 15-20% and about the same percentage of people who would likely vote for a democratic socialist as the lesser of two evils.
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 01:14 pm
hightor wrote:
I mean people dedicated to replacing the capitalist system in its entirety, either through directed evolution or political revolution.

There's never any "replacing the capitalist system in its entirety." There is job-creation and job-protection for some and capitalism for others. Once those with protected jobs are secure in their incomes, they spend their money and stimulate the rest of the 'free market' to serve their needs. Then, whoever is left out of the doled-out jobs and job-protections has to compete in the rat-race to satisfy the needs and wants of everyone who spends money into the economy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 01:25 pm
Boston College Offers Occasio-Cortez Full TUITION REFUND If She …

When questioned about ideas after ripping Israel a new one, she said she’s ‘Not an Expert on geopolitics on this issue’. Boston faculty was left with little choice. They had to unleash the big guns.

They’re giving her money back.

The full tuition.

Every last penny.

There’s only one condition: She must never again tell anyone that she ever studied at Boston College.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 01:28 pm
I agree with your definition of "hard-core left".

Regarding the percentage ...
At least here in Germany the figures of those who support this or that policy differ if considered on federal, state or regional and local election-level.
It's saver here, in my opinion, to look at the members of a party or group.

NSFW (view)
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 02:13 pm
For anyone who thinks Bernie is leading a cult of personality, he is being ratio’d to hell right now on Twitter by his own supporters.

Bernie Sanders
The people of Venezuela are enduring a serious humanitarian crisis. The Maduro government must put the needs of its people first, allow humanitarian aid into the country, and refrain from violence against protesters.

We are all of the opinion that the cycle of taking over oil-rich countries needs to stop, and the people of Venezuela should be left to take over their own country.

As disappointing as his statement was, it’s exhilarating to see that the movement most definitely is a living organism that coalesced around someone of a like mind in power.

This is not a Bernie thing, but an American thing.

☮️ ✌🏻
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 02:39 pm

Everyone Has Fallen for the Lies About Venezuela

There are three things I know for sure in this fanciful, sometimes inglorious experience we call life:

You will never have a safety pin when you need one, and you will have thousands when you don’t need one.
Wild animals are breathtakingly majestic until they’re crawling up your pant leg.
A U.S. presidential administration will never admit that it invaded another country or backed a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of said country.
This is why it was so very shocking last week when members of the Trump administration admitted they were backing a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of another country.

That country is Venezuela. I’ll get back to this in a moment.

Let’s take a second to go over the big three. There are three things that seem to provoke the ornery United States into overthrowing or bringing down a foreign government, no matter how many innocent civilians may die in the process. (If enough die, the perpetrators often get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.) If your country has one of these things, the U.S. might screw with you. If your country has two of these things, the U.S. will definitely screw with you. If your country has three of these things, then look behind you, because the U.S. is currently screwing you:

1. Being socialist.

Pretty self-explanatory. If you don’t have the same economic system as we do, we treat it like you have candy and we’re not allowed to have any, so we slip razor blades in yours and tell everyone your candy kills people.

2. Dropping the U.S. dollar.

Iraq dropped the dollar. We invaded.
Syria dropped the dollar. We invaded.
Iran dropped the dollar. We want to invade.
Libya dropped the dollar. We invaded.

Pakistan dropped the dollar in trade with China, and the following day the U.S. added them to the list of countries violating religious freedom. (I guess you could argue they did indeed violate our religion: The dollar.)

Basically, we do NOT take kindly to countries dropping the dollar.

In unrelated news, Venezuela dropped the dollar.

3. Having oil or other natural resources the U.S. needs.

In case you were curious, Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the known world. (But we haven’t checked northern Wyoming yet, because it’s a long, cold drive with nary a 7-11.)

So these are the three ACTUAL reasons the U.S. has created an attempted coup in Venezuela over the past several weeks. And right now, you are falling into one of two categories. Either you’re saying to yourself, “Of course those are the reasons. Those are the only reasons the U.S. ever tries to bring down governments.” OR you still have some strange, deep-rooted faith in our Pepsi-and-pharmaceutical-owned media outlets, and therefore you’re thinking, “That’s not true. The U.S. supports the opposition in Venezuela because we want to help those poor starving people.” But if that were accurate, we would be tripping over ourselves to help starving and sick people around the world. Instead we (oddly) only seek to help them when they have oil under their feet. And in fact, data has proven this true. A study a few years ago from the Universities of Portsmouth, Warwick and Essex found that foreign intervention in civil conflicts is 100 times more likely if the country has a great deal of oil, versus none.

So who is feeding the average American the idea that our involvement in Venezuela is about helping people? Only EVERY mainstream media channel in America—from MSNBC to Fox News to NPR to Bill fuckin’ Maher. It’s truly mind-numbing to watch so-called “liberals” march in lockstep with the likes of John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Donald Trump and every neocon not currently in a coma.

These outlets froth at the mouth while presenting segments explaining that the Venezuelan people are starving, but they also purposefully avoid mentioning that a lot of Venezuela’s hardships are due to U.S. sanctions. This isn’t to say Venezuela’s president, Nicolás Maduro, has done an awesome job. But whether he has or not, saying we must sanction them to help them is like if somebody fell through a plate glass window and you said, “Let’s help him! Let’s start cutting the glass shards out of his skin with this rusty flathead screwdriver I found in an abandoned mine! Then we’ll pour Mountain Dew and sewage water in the wounds to help them heal!”

But that’s what our sanctions are designed to do. They’re devised from day one to hurt poor and average people the most, in order to make them angry enough to rebel. Over a year ago, when Rex Tillerson was secretary of state, he publicly said we could tell our sanctions on North Korea were working great because poor fishermen were washing up on the beaches starved to death. (One is perplexed by how difficult it is at times to tell the difference between “helping other countries” and mass murder.)

Sanctions are not smart bombs. They destroy everybody, except the rich—who have enough money to weather the sanctions. Come to think of it, sanctions are kind of like smart bombs. We’re told they’re only going to hit the bad guys, but in fact “smart bombs” kill all kinds of innocent civilians, just like sanctions do.

Furthermore, the U.S. “humanitarian aid” that we claim to be sending is not what it seems. Even NPR took a break from its traditional role as State Department stenographer-in-training to reveal that the “humanitarian aid” is actually meant to create regime change. And McClatchy last week uncovered that the North Carolina-based private freight company 21 Air LLC has made 40 secretive flights to Venezuela from the U.S. in the past month, and the Venezuelan government claimed the flights were filled to the brim with assault weapons and ammunition destined for opposition forces. (Apparently we thought the Venezuelans were going to cook up a fresh pot of bullet stew to ease their hunger pains.) To make matters worse, two executives at the company have ties to an air cargo company that helped the CIA “rendition” supposed terrorists to black sites for “interrogation” (read: torture).

The next piece of propaganda lovingly pedestalled by our mainstream media robot-heads is simply calling Juan Guaidó the “interim president” without mentioning that he was not elected to that position and only 30 out of 200 nations recognize him as such. He just declared himself president. Last I checked, that’s not really how governments work. But if it is—OK, I hereby declare myself governor of … let’s say, Idaho. No one will really notice. I’m pretty sure the current governor is a hedgehog in a bow tie.

There are many other things CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and all the rest don’t want you to know about Juan Guaidó. For example, until he named himself president, 81 percent of Venezuelans didn’t even know who he was, according to a poll conducted by the Venezuela-based firm Hinterlaces. And he only won his own assembly seat with 26% of the vote. In order to win elections in any country, you often need more than 30 percent of the people to have heard of you. Pauly Shore has more name recognition among Venezuelans than Juan Guaidó.

On top of that, Guaidó went to George Washington University. As the Grayzone Project reported, “[In 2007] He moved to Washington, D.C., to enroll in the Governance and Political Management Program at George Washington under the tutelage of Venezuelan economist Luis Enrique Berrizbeitia, one of the top Latin American neoliberal economists. Berrizbeitia is a former executive director of the International Monetary Fund. …”

Guaidó went to GW, trained under Mr. IMF, and then we declared him president of Venezuela. That’s like studying at the WWE, training under Henry Kissinger, and then the U.S. declares you the King of Japan.

But it doesn’t stop there, according to the Grayzone Project:

“Juan Guaidó is the product of a decade-long project overseen by Washington’s elite regime change trainers. While posing as a champion of democracy, he has spent years at the forefront of a violent campaign of destabilization.”

Furthermore, Juan Guaidó has already said he wants to sell Venezuela’s oil to foreign companies and let the IMF back in, which will drown the country in debt.

So he’s an American regime-change pawn who was groomed by the IMF to take over Venezuela and give away their natural resources. What a catch. … But if this is what the Venezuelan people really want, then we should respect their wishes. The corporate media tells us this is what the people want, right?

Except that it’s not.

“According to a study conducted in early January 2019 … 86 percent of Venezuelans would disagree with international military intervention,” Grayzone’s Ben Norton reported last month. “And 81 percent oppose the US sanctions that have gravely hurt the nation’s economy.”

So, based on the Hinterlaces poll, most Venezuelans didn’t know Guaidó until recently. Most Venezuelans still support Maduro even if they believe corruption in the government has increased (whether you personally like Maduro or not doesn’t matter), and most Venezuelans don’t want military intervention or U.S. sanctions. Yet CNN and NPR and Fox News and the BBC and every other corporate outlet will have you thinking everyone is starving to death, on their knees begging for America’s democracy bombs to rain down like dollar bills at a strip club.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe those people really need our help, and U.S. intervention will work out great—exactly like it did in Syria,
and Yemen,
and Iraq,
and Iran,
and Afghanistan,
and Chile,
and Honduras,
and Haiti,
and Somalia,
and Libya,
and Guatemala,
and Nicaragua,
and Colombia,
and Panama,
and Fraggle Rock,
and those tree forts where the EWOKS LIVED!

Now that we have a general understanding of the situation (and why Anderson Cooper is not keen to remind viewers what happened with Fraggle Rock in the early ’90s), let’s get back to the question of oil.

When I first started writing this, I didn’t have proof the American government wanted Venezuela’s oil; it was just a hunch. Kinda like if you put a balloon in a room with a porcupine, you have a hunch he’ll pop the balloon. But I didn’t have a quote from a top Trump administration official saying, “We’d like to take their oil.”

Then national security adviser and Mustache of Doom John Bolton said, “hold my beer.” While on Fox News he stated clearly, “It will make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela.”

That’s Beltway Speak for “We want their oil.”

For 20 years we’ve been trying to destroy Venezuela, and our government always gives the standard line: “We want to help the people. We care about their democracy. They have a lot of inflation, and that’s why we need to drop our freedom bombs on their heads.” They’ve trotted out that bullshit brigade under Bush, Obama and now Trump. The officials never just say, “Yeah, there’s like, tons of oil there, and we want it.”

Yet, here it is. The disguise of neoliberal world domination has come off. (Ironically, the fake mustache was yanked off to reveal a much larger mustache.)

Also, it’s amazing how monotone and matter-of-fact Bolton is as he speaks. A U.S.-backed coup often ends in terrible violence with tens of thousands of innocent people killed. It’s truly heartbreaking, no matter which side you support. Sometimes it ends up with a brutal military junta taking control. Yet, here is John Bolton discussing it the same way he would analyze whether to have chocolate fudge ice cream or apple pie for dessert. (“Hmmm, possible death of a hundred thousand people? That sounds good—I’ll have that.”)

This is all the more horrifying because these policies are decided by unelected maniacs like Elliot Abrams, Mike Pompeo and John Bolton. Trump just named Abrams special envoy to Venezuela despite the fact the guy has a resume that would make Josef Mengele blush. And what’s even more jaw-dropping is watching the liberati like Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher and nearly every democrat in Congress get in line to support the talking points of right-wing warlords (the belligerati) like Bolton, Abrams, Pompeo, Trump, Hannity and nearly every Republican in Congress. The mountains of propaganda put forward make it hard to breathe (the air is thinner up here).

Worse yet—even the Wall Street Journal stated the U.S. push to oust Maduro is just the first shot in the oligarchy’s plan to reshape Latin America. It turns out sociopathy is addictive. Our American empire knows no bounds to its nation-building (after nation-destroying).

The Venezuelan people deserve self-determination, no matter how you feel about the current government. The absolute last thing they need is to be turned into a neocon / neoliberal parking lot in which America rips all their resources out from under them while calling it “freedom.” Luckily, there are already many signs this U.S.-created attempted coup is failing.

If you think this column is important, please share it. Also you can join Lee Camp’s free email newsletter here.
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 03:19 pm
Do you actually believe all that horseshit? Just a lot of misrepresented facts and illogical conclusions mostly drawn from meaningless associations.

The US (and many other neighboring and European nations) are not attempting a coup in Venezuela: instead they are trying to facilitate the lawful claims of the elected President of the now isolated Venezuelan legislature to an interim Presidency, following Maduro's unlawful hijacking of the last election.

While the sanctions imposed by the US, the EU and most of Venezuela's neighbors sanctions are indeed exacerbating an already bad situation, they are designed to hasten the fall of an already failed gangster government that has, by forced expropriations, and idiotic price controls in the face of a runaway inflation, which it created, destroyed the private sector economy in Venezuela and, after taking over PDVSTA, destroyed the producer of the worlds largest petroleum reserves and Venezuela's last remaining source of income. Since 2015 Venezuelan oil production has fallen steadily to a mere 15% of its previous levels due entirely to government mismanagement and the failure to maintain its industrial infrastructure. No one did this to Venezuela : all was entirely the work of the failed "Bolivarian Revolution" which in less than two decades managed to destroy one of the richest economies in the world. That alone is 1quite an achievement.
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 04:30 pm
I will say the machine running this country has infiltrated the reasoning processes of a lot of well-meaning people.

We must have the petrodollar to survive. Largely unregulated Capitalism is teetering on the brink of extinction because of the horror it has dealt to the majority of Americans, as evidenced by the falling life expectancy, percentage of people who gave up on voting because they know their needs won’t be represented, the number of people dying because they can’t afford health insurance, and the outrageous gap between the haves and have nots.

If you want to help starving people, go to Africa.

But, there’s nothing of value there, is there? We’ve mined everything of value there, along with Europeans.

You may connect the dots one day. You may refuse to look at the facts objectively because it would blow an ugly hole in everything you believe about your country.

If it helps at all, and I doubt it will, I hate the truth about the power behind my country.

I know there’s another America: men and women who love the American Dream, service personnel who hoped they were fighting for a good reason, people who desperately wanted to believe the best and who exerted themselves to make this country what they believed it could be.

They just don’t run things right now, but they will soon.
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 04:35 pm
Lash wrote:

I will say the machine running this country has infiltrated the reasoning processes of a lot of well-meaning people.

There's no machine running this country, but I agree that something appears to have infiltrated your reasoning.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 05:17 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
"hard-core left"

Here you go:

Communists reject the bosses’ phony national borders, which are designed to control labor and resources while keeping our class divided. Communists understand that working-class solidarity knows no boundaries. “One world, one class, one flag.” Workers share a class interest to smash the profit system, the fundamental cause of the misery and death inflicted upon us. Only a communist revolution can abolish profit and exploitation, enable workers to seize state power, and create a borderless world that serves workers’ needs.

While Trump promotes open racist terror through forced family separation, renewed workplace raids, and extended imprisonment of asylum-seekers in his Nazi-style concentration camps, the liberals’ brand of fascism is more dangerous to our class. Some Democratic Party leaders, recognizing the rise of anti-capitalist sentiment among younger workers, try to pose as friends of immigrants. They use popular social democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to enhance their “progressive” image. But the social democrats records expose them for the liars they are.

When Ocasio-Cortez and others call for an end to ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement), their plan is to reassign the immigration gestapo to other agencies that will continue to terrorize workers (The Atlantic, 7/11/18). None of these fake-leftists question the legitimacy of national borders. None of them are calling for the detention camps to be dismantled, or for freeing these victims of U.S. imperialism. None of them are friends of the international working class.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s willingness to make a deal with Trump shows that her objection to the “immorality”of the wall is nothing more than opportunist rhetoric. In 2013, Pelosi supported a bipartisan bill for more border fencing. She and other key Democrats want kinder, gentler concentration camps that allow parents and children to be jailed together, not separately. They want a smaller wall and more drones, surveillance, and cybersecurity—potentially greater threats to workers than anything Trump has imagined.

Anti-immigrant racism is nothing new in the U.S. It is deeply embedded in the country’s history. From the Alien & Sedition Acts of 1796 to the Chinese Exclusion laws of the 1880s to the eugenics-based national origin quotas of 1924, U.S. bosses have used their control of the state to divide the working class. The latest bipartisan budget agreement continues the same pattern. Working class struggle may temporarily force changes to the rulers’ immigration policy. But anti-immigrant terror, enforced by racist cops, has been a given from the beginning.

Workers’ power can shut down racist borders

Workers have the power to fight all of these racist attacks. As the caravan of thousands of workers from Central America moved northward to flee the capitalist horrors of poverty, gang violence, and state-sponsored fascism, hundreds of workers from Mexico and elsewhere responded to the call for working-class solidarity. They provided the travelers with food, water, clothing, and shelter. Despite the bosses’ racist anti-immigrant propaganda, many workers recognize how our own lives are tied up with those of our class brothers and sisters. We call on our comrades, friends, and all workers to join these heroic efforts now!

They're still here. So's the profit system. It's like the relationship between the rind and the cheese.
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 05:40 pm
Lash wrote:
This is why it was so very shocking last week when members of the Trump administration admitted they were backing a coup attempt in order to essentially steal the natural resources (oil) of another country.

That country is Venezuela. I'll get back to this in a moment.
The US is not backing any coup attempt in Venezuela, nor have we ever done so in the past.

The US is not trying to steal anyone's natural resources, nor have we ever tried to do so in the past.

Lash wrote:
Let's take a second to go over the big three. There are three things that seem to provoke the ornery United States into overthrowing or bringing down a foreign government, no matter how many innocent civilians may die in the process. (If enough die, the perpetrators often get nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.) If your country has one of these things, the U.S. might screw with you. If your country has two of these things, the U.S. will definitely screw with you. If your country has three of these things, then look behind you, because the U.S. is currently screwing you:
1. Being socialist.

Pretty self-explanatory. If you don't have the same economic system as we do, we treat it like you have candy and we're not allowed to have any, so we slip razor blades in yours and tell everyone your candy kills people.
We have not objected to socialism in other countries since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Our only reaction today is to pity those countries.

Lash wrote:
2. Dropping the U.S. dollar.

Iraq dropped the dollar. We invaded.
Syria dropped the dollar. We invaded.
Iran dropped the dollar. We want to invade.
Libya dropped the dollar. We invaded.

Pakistan dropped the dollar in trade with China, and the following day the U.S. added them to the list of countries violating religious freedom. (I guess you could argue they did indeed violate our religion: The dollar.)

Basically, we do NOT take kindly to countries dropping the dollar.

In unrelated news, Venezuela dropped the dollar.
We do not care whether other countries use the US dollar or not. Plenty of other countries (including many of our close allies) use other currencies. We have no objection to this.

Lash wrote:
3. Having oil or other natural resources the U.S. needs.

In case you were curious, Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the known world. (But we haven't checked northern Wyoming yet, because it's a long, cold drive with nary a 7-11.)
We do not steal other countries' natural resources.

We do however prevent leftists from stealing other countries' natural resources. Leftists are quite bitter about this.

Lash wrote:
OR you still have some strange, deep-rooted faith in our Pepsi-and-pharmaceutical-owned media outlets, and therefore you're thinking, "That's not true. The U.S. supports the opposition in Venezuela because we want to help those poor starving people." But if that were accurate, we would be tripping over ourselves to help starving and sick people around the world. Instead we (oddly) only seek to help them when they have oil under their feet.
We send aid to other poor countries too.

Lash wrote:
These outlets froth at the mouth while presenting segments explaining that the Venezuelan people are starving, but they also purposefully avoid mentioning that a lot of Venezuela's hardships are due to U.S. sanctions.
Venezuela's hardships have nothing whatsoever to do with the US.

Venezuela's hardships are solely due to socialism imposed by leftists.

Lash wrote:
Furthermore, the U.S. "humanitarian aid" that we claim to be sending is not what it seems. Even NPR took a break from its traditional role as State Department stenographer-in-training to reveal that the "humanitarian aid" is actually meant to create regime change.
Leftists must really want the people of Venezuela to starve to death.

I haven't seen such leftwing eagerness to use force to make people stay in abject poverty since leftists machine-gunned people trying to escape over the Berlin Wall.

Lash wrote:
Furthermore, Juan Guaidó has already said he wants to sell Venezuela's oil to foreign companies and let the IMF back in, which will drown the country in debt.
The one and sole reason that Venezuela is drowning in debt is: socialism.

Lash wrote:
Also you can join Lee Camp's free email newsletter here.
There's your problem right there.

Lee Camp is a retard.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 05:42 pm
Health Care and Insurance Industries Mobilize to Kill ‘Medicare for All’
Big surprise there, ain't it.

Something to watch for, Wendell Potter is launching a non-profit media website to be called "Tarbell". Potter was VP of corporate communications at CIGNA until he resigned and became a whistle blower on the industry. Very cool guy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 05:44 pm
Lash wrote:
We must have the petrodollar to survive.
There is no such thing as a petrodollar. Our survival does not depend on something that doesn't exist.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 05:57 pm
We'd really need to specify what "hard-core left" means
Yes a thousand times. The failure to stipulate definitions here (and elsewhere) is the primary element that makes discussion so commonly fruitless and silly.

I doubt if more than 2% of USAmericans could be considered hard-core left. I'm not talking about militant anarchists and professional protestors, I mean people dedicated to replacing the capitalist system in its entirety, either through directed evolution or political revolution.
I'd be surprised if it is even that high. When I went back to university in the late 80s/early 90s, there was no longer any visible Marxist group at Vancouver's second largest university (SFU, once a lefty hotbed) And I have personally not bumped into a single individual in the last 30 years in either the US or Canada who has advocated for the nationalization of industry.
Reply Sat 23 Feb, 2019 06:01 pm
Wow. Lunatics to the left of me, lunatics to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you
0 Replies

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