Capital Punishment and the Bible(particularly New Testament)

Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 12:30 pm

I don't think Head got your sarcasm.

According to the teachings of Christianity, we are ALL sinners. It is only GOD that doesn't sin. Hence. Man can not judge or punish if only the one without sin can cast the stone. Who would cast that stone based on your religion?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 12:33 pm
God gave governments the power and responsibility to punish those who are "subversive to good order"(criminals)

That is my question Thunder. Since WE are the government. Where does Christ give me the power to kill anyone for a crime? The government is my representative. It is ME. It has its power from ME. I am the one that allows them to kill for ME. Where did Christ give me that power?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 01:15 pm
Freewill from god?
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Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 01:41 pm
parados wrote:
I don't think Head got your sarcasm.

Was I being sarcastic?
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Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 02:43 pm
I hope you were antibuddha because if you weren't doing it intentionally you certainly managed to do it unintentionally.

"Yes, you can kill people but no one amongst you can do it." Sounds exactly like a ringing endorsement of capital punishment to me. <sarcasm> (Don't want anyone to mistake my last statement so I'll label it.)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 08:32 pm
Imposter, God gave man the freewill to choose. When we do evil things that is only because sin entered the world.
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Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 08:44 pm
parados wrote:
I hope you were antibuddha because if you weren't doing it intentionally you certainly managed to do it unintentionally.

"Yes, you can kill people but no one amongst you can do it." Sounds exactly like a ringing endorsement of capital punishment to me. <sarcasm> (Don't want anyone to mistake my last statement so I'll label it.)

Very Happy I was just seeing if I could get another amusing reaction where you each thought you knew what I meant, but I can't take it any more. Yes I was being incredibly sarcastic.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 08:51 pm
Ain't that somet'n; Adam and Eve sins, and the rest of us has to pay for their mistake. It seems to me that Jesus didn't pay the high price, we all did!
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Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 11:09 pm
Eorl, you have strong pts. for you opinions, but your constant attacks on members of this forum show you have no respect to understand. Your constant attempts to take things out of context are successfull and I am yet to see you understand my pts

I think even thunder and Rex will agree that I debate my case well and usually not in a personal way, I have made an exception to that just for you headoftheloons. Reason and decency both deserted me when you made the assertion "Atheism=The Holocaust" ADDENDUM: I apoligise for accusing you of saying that, it was somebody else I was annoyed with.

You are right, you are yet to see me understand your pts on account of the fact that I am yet to understand your pts..such as this one;

I just simply say that in a biblical sense I see capital punishment as justified. You may not but I guess we just naturaly interpret things differently.

Again, perhaps you are right. I probably take "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" far too literally. But oh, look at that, we are back at the beginning again!
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2005 11:44 pm
Back to the beginning? You gotta be kidd'n. ;(
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 02:44 am
Eorl wrote:
Evolution is death. One word: "Holocaust".

WHAT !?! I hope you are not refering to "The Holocaust" that Hitler waged against the Jews ?!?

If there is one thing THAT REALLY UPSETS me Mad , it's what those people did to other people just like them. What are you proposing evolution has to do with such horrific mass murder !?!?!

Evolution and racism are EXTREMELY different things.

Do you think people who don't believe in creation are all like Hitler?

Do you think they have no love for anyone if they don't love a god as a higher priority?

Do you think everyone who doesn't see the world the way you do is evil?

Man, you need therapy. Seriously.

You're absolutely right. I AGREE, "Evolution and racism are EXTREMELY different things."

*yawn* bloody *yawn*

*copies and paste* from page bloody 6. read it and understand it:

Biliskner wrote:
Eorl wrote:
Oh, and when I said "we are not talking about christians, we are talking about the USA", I was wrong which is why I withdrew it. We are actually talking about cap punishment and the bible.

I just think the bible should have nothing to do with the laws of any country.

Sure, everyone makes mistakes that's why i quoted from the first post of the first page. we are talking about the Bible.

Why do you say that the Bible should have nothing to do with laws of any country? it is because of the Bible that you sit there in your freedom to post on this board. and it is because of the Bible that i sit here in my freedom to post on this board. if you (can be bothered), read some 19th C history. The history of Christiandom, when the world (more or less) was "Christian" and had Christian standards. Less wars, and less problems with society. It is because of Darwinian Evolution and the secularists separating Church from Morals that we live in the sh*t that we do today.

Now I am NOT making an excuse for the crap the Church has done, and even till today I (somewhat) despise the Church for its malpractices, but when I think for a minute, "what would i have done", i would've probably stuffed it up even more.

WWII, and the holocaust - that's what evolution spawns. As Hitler begins his Blitzkrieg, he hands to his commander a copy of Neitzhie's work, why? because that is his worldview, pure Nihilism. Nihilism spawns from evolutionary thinking. Natural selection.
I am here. I have the power of the German country at my disposal. Survival of the fittest. Let us see who is fitter to rule this country. And away we go. Roll those tanks out. No concern for other human life, no concern for anything, not even his own Third Reich. Why? because Natural Selection says it all. "Survival of the Fittest" is his motto. And that is what our world believes. How do you even propose to impose morals into that worldview? It's impossible. 'cos if you say "no you can't kill humans" then you're imposing your authority over his (Hitler or anyone random), and who are you to tell me what to do? we're both human. we both share this space. if it is true that evolution is our god, then it's best if we fight to the death. aka: WWII.

Society: Disfunctional familes, broken homes, homeless childs, abortions, drug addicts, adoption clinics. wtf!!!! gg world!!!
We blame the kids that take drugs, we blame the teachers for not teaching well, and we blame the government for not enough funding. what about good old families? If you take the Bible away, you have no morals. If you do have morals, where do they come from? If your morals are just what you decide, then you and Hitler and I are correct. but that's contradictory in it's very own thinking.
The problem becomes worse when ppl get married. IF you make up your own arbitrary morals and your wife does the same, what do you think will happen? divorce? why even bother getting married?
is anyone surprised anymore that divorce rates are higher today than any other generation?

We (I used to) think that true freedom is freedom(world) without rules.
If you think that, you need to think a little bit harder.
Freedom without rules is anarchy.
And anarchy is not freedom.
You are human and I am human. The guy next door is human and so is the chick. You don't need a Bible to tell you that. Out of those 4 humans I've just mentioned, who has the authority to impose one's arbitrary morals unto another? Without a god, it is impossible. With evolution, it's just a matter of who has the biggest f*$!ing gun (tank).

I could go on for days, but you (presumably) get the point. Morals have no place without at least some concept of a/many god(s).


Biliskner wrote:

We (I used to) think that true freedom is freedom(world) without rules.
If you think that, you need to think a little bit harder.
Freedom without rules is anarchy.
And anarchy is not freedom.
You are human and I am human. The guy next door is human and so is the chick. You don't need a Bible to tell you that. Out of those 4 humans I've just mentioned, who has the authority to impose one's arbitrary morals unto another? Without a god, it is impossible. With evolution, it's just a matter of who has the biggest f*$!ing gun (tank).

You seem to think that what you think in your head (that you actually spawned from a murky god-like life-giving energy of primordial soup) is so bloody independent from what you actually practice (Love your neighbour, do unto others as you have them do to you) that YES, i think I do need therapy to understand how that works, since none of you are even attempting to explain how your Evolution gives you the need or requirement to have morals LET ALONE love your friend/mum/dad/girlfriend/sister/brother <insert random friend> etc.
I'm not even getting a half-arsed answer. Yet I'm getting shelled about bagging Evolution. gg.

g bloody g.

Let me reiterate:

FACT: Hitler caused the Holocaust on the Jews.
Question. WHY?
FACT: Because Hitler (and other nations) believed strongly in Evolution, and practiced a program known as EUGENICS. Eugenics is YOUR incarnation of the mechanism you guys hold so adamently onto, NATURAL SELECTION.

Eorl wrote:
Evolution is death. One word: "Holocaust".

WHAT !?! I hope you are not refering to "The Holocaust" that Hitler waged against the Jews ?!?

Shoot me. Go on, shoot me for saying it like it is.
Google Eugenics, and cry.

Eorl wrote:

If there is one thing THAT REALLY UPSETS me Mad , it's what those people did to other people just like them. What are you proposing evolution has to do with such horrific mass murder !?!?!

You don't understand Evolution, do you?
Answer: "no i don't."

Eorl wrote:

Evolution and racism are EXTREMELY different things.


Eorl wrote:

Do you think people who don't believe in creation are all like Hitler?

Most don't go that far. They have morals. the problem is that they don't know where their morals come from. Read the copied and pasted text from page 6 to follow the argument.

Eorl wrote:

Do you think they have no love for anyone if they don't love a god as a higher priority?

c.f. page 6.

Eorl wrote:

Do you think everyone who doesn't see the world the way you do is evil?

I see the World as Jesus does, that is what a Christian is - a Forgiven evil human being who CHOOSES to LET HIMSELF/HERSELF to BE Forgiven by the LORD God, and thus sees the world through Christ.

Know one thing:
Even God can't forgive you if you don't let him. That's the irony of our "Precious Free Will" that we all demand. Well, here is your damn free will. Be Forgiven. Let Him Do it.

But that begs the question. Forgiven? What for? For the Evil that is in the world, for the evil that we all contribute to. You haven't done evil? Told a lie? Lust after a woman? Get angry and want to kill that person you're angry at?

"There is no fear of God before their eyes." Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God.

Therefore no-one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify.

This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."

--Romans 3.

Let the Word of God speak to your heart. Be Forgiven. Yes I do think the World is Evil (as Jesus does, don't make me paste the WHOLE 4 Gospels here). BUT don't forget about me. I'm part of the World, I'm part of the problem. I'm Evil. That's why I'm a Christian. If I wasn't Evil I would NOT be a Christian, now would I? I'd be perfect. And I'd be in Christ's spot, reigning from "on high". But I'm not am I?

Evil World? You betcha. That includes me. gg.

Eorl wrote:

Do you think everyone who doesn't see the world the way you do is evil?

Yours is an opinion. Sadly opinions don't hold much in generalized worldviews (even if you're an atheist).

Mine is an objective question, such that it becomes (as yours should have been):

Q: "Do you think the world is evil?"
A: Yes.

""There is no fear of God before their eyes." Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God."
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 03:13 am
Well I got about 7/8 the way through that Biliskner and now I'm annoyed with myself for raising to the bait and replying.

Firstly you should tone down your angry rants, if you want people to read them properly.

Secondly its clear you know very little about evolutionary theory. Its about adaptation of the species through natural selection of those charactertistics that are best suited to the environment over an evolutionary timescale. But as you clearly think the world was build Monday-Saturday (or was it Sunday-Friday) 6000 years ago, the idea that evolutionary forces have been at work for 3 1/2 billion years is beyond your understanding.

Third you say it is not possible to have a moral code without reading up on what it should be from the bible. This is nonsense as you know yourself. I won't even start to list other sacred texts. And there are certain forms of behaviour in the living world which are clearly not just about survival, but appear to have an altruistic character. Where does that come from?

Oops I asked a question. Please try and limit your answer to a couple of paragraphs, thanks.
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 03:22 am
I will actually reply yours 'cos you've given some background and I can "tailor" answers towards you specifically.

Magginkat wrote:

Actually Bilkiner,
You didn't exactly quote yourself correctly. You avoided the key part that I was talking about. Here is the exact quote:

you didn't say which bit i was "confused" about, so i just "guessed" at what you were on about, so yes, i was wrong. but let's not dwell on that...

Magginkat wrote:

People don't die for a lie, especially not when all they have to do is say that "Christ did not rise from the dead" and their lives would have been spared. [/i]

I was saying both past and present.

Paul (the "apostle to the Gentiles") and the other 11 apostles (who followed Jesus around for 10 odd years) died for their faith, save John who was exiled (one of the 11). And I also refered (implicitly, and yes i admit, probably confusingly), that the ppl TODAY are also following in the 11 apostle's footsteps + Paul's footsteps in being martyrs for Christ. These present Christians are dying in North Korea and China. I know this from Voice of the Martyrs. I'm sure if you're keen you'll google that and find their URL. So yes my statement was twofold and i apologize.

Magginkat wrote:

If I read it exactly as you wrote it I would have to wonder about your sanity since so many Christian men are dying right now in Iraq because of lies and I'll guarantee you that saying "Christ did not rise from the dead" would not have saved any of them.

Roman officials told Paul (the apostle to the Gentiles) to "stop saying to the people of that land, in Rome, or wherever he was travelling that Jesus is the Christ and that he had risen from the dead". They warned him over and over again. Yet Paul kept doing it. Why? 'cos Jesus told him to, and as Paul preached, people came to Christ, and "The Church" grew. This will make no sense to you, because you aren't a Christian.

This point follows from Paul knowing that Christ is Lord and God.
It works such that:

Apostles follow Jesus.
Apostles witness Crucifixion.
Apostles witness Ressurection.
Apostles preach the word, as per Jesus' command, both alive and after death - when Resurrected.
Apostles die FOR preaching the Word.

I'm explaining to you the preaching of the Word, which what the Roman Officials told Paul not to do. The Romans haven't seen Jesus' life,death,and resurrection thus they do not know why Paul was preaching so fervently. But it was mainly the Sadducess and Pharisees (Jewish teachers of the law) that pushed for this message of the coming of the Messiah to stop, and since the teachers of the law could pressure Roman Officials to somewhat fulfill their agenda, the Romans did so, and told Paul to stop.

Paul didn't stop. He knew that Christ came to save the World, not just the apostles, so he kept preaching the word (note all he is doing is telling it like it is and teaching them the "Book" - OT etc.)
And he was finally executed.

So there is the context. Whatever you make of that doesn't really matter. What does matter is what you think of Jesus. The glory goes to him, not Paul, the apostles, or God forbid, me.

Magginkat wrote:

As for the rest of your ramble, I stand by what I said previously. You do this though out your posts making them almost unreadable. I assume that it's because you are in such a hurry to say that you are right and anyone who opposes you is wrong that you just spew away with no regard to sentence structure or how it might sound to other people.

I'm not in a hurry, there is just 10 Billion things to say on this issue. That's because these issues are not so independent of each other. It's like trying to explain how covalent bonds in chemistry works when ppl keep talking about bloody nuclear fusion and fission. Thus the whole reason why i usually ignore half arsed answers.

Magginkat wrote:

After all the religious fanatics, who support you, will understand because they read a word here and a word there that says what they want to hear.

half true.
the Christians will agree with me when i say:

"Jesus is God and rules the World. He made the World and therefore has Authority to Judge it AND Redeem it."

any other crap i spout they (and any other random) are free to disagree with.

Magginkat wrote:

I'm glad you are happy with your new found religion. I have read enough crap from the religious fanatics who think they prove that their god exists without buying one of their books. Thanks, but no thanks. I have ordered "Bible Fraud" because I know it will be interesting to read the other side of the story.

don't lie to me my friend. honesty is best policy. you are not glad that i'm a Christian. if i were an Evolution Atheist, you'd be happy, but you are not at the moment. but all is forgiven.

You can't know that my God exists without buying the Bible.
there, i'm unfashionable compared to your religious fanatics.

Magginkat wrote:

I sat here and watched a program on that fraudulent Christian Benny Hine, or whatever his name is, a couple nights ago. I find it amazing and appalling that supposedly intelligent people fall for this crap.

I can say the same about Evolution's Natural Selection. But let's not digress.

Magginkat wrote:

That phony weasel travels the world in luxury jets and stay in luxury hotels costing up to $3,000 a night and lives in a mansion all from money he has squeezed from these poor dumb people who for some reason think that he can cure cancer & a multitude of other diseases.

They do this in spite of the fact that this quack has been exposed time and again as a total fraud. This is typical of the religious fanatics who lead their churches in this country.

I would shoot them if i could. But Jesus has other plans. Smile

You have to understand that the "Godship" (for lack of a better word) of Jesus Christ IS NOT dependent on frauds and "weasels".

that's 'nuff said on the issue.
I am not going to, and CANNOT make an excuse for this guy.

Magginkat wrote:

I was raised in a Presbyterian Church & later in the Catholic Church where, at the very least, we were taught that God was a kind and loving God....likewise for Jesus.

They *should've taught* you that the Lord God is a holy God.

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."

Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God."

--1 Peter 1.

Magginkat wrote:

The final proof lies in death when everyone lies rotting in the ground. What we do know is that the body rots and lies there for however many yrs or centuries it takes for it to disintegerate.


with the exception (!) of Jesus Christ.

"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?

He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: `The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.'" Then they remembered his words. When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others.

It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James,
and the others with them who told this to the apostles. But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense."

-- Luke 24.

"because their words seemed to them like nonsense."
LMFAO! These ARE THE APOSTLES WHO thought: "because their words seemed to them like nonsense."

Someone said to me that Christianity is "nonsense".

lmao. They're not the first. And they sure as h3ll won't be the last.

Magginkat wrote:

That's all we know for a fact. The rest has been dreamed up in the minds of men trying to explain the facts of nature..... thunderstorms, lightning, comets, meteors, floods, etc.

The other answer is blind faith and that is of no interest to me.[/b]

Evolution is a blind faith. I'm not being controversial. I'm just saying it like it is. If you want to debate me on that, shoot for it. If you don't, just bag me. It's all good.

I'm sorry that you were brought up in <whatever> "churchs" and found that it didn't "fit" with you, or that it didn't "resonate", or "didn't feel right".

The fact is, Christianity is an intellectual faith, based on Historical facts. You can prove to me that Christ didn't exist? Didn't die? Didn't rise from the dead? Heck, even the apostle's thought that was "nonsense" and they knew him first hand. Know that you had predecessors before you with that argument, and that you most definitely will have followers of the same kind.

We ALL want miracles from God to show us he exists. But when he raises a man from the dead, we shun it and continue on our daily lives doing "what we want" saying that it is a load of $hit.
I sympathize with doing "what we want" but do YOURSELF a favour;
See it like it is; Say it like it is. I couldn't really care less if you did anything else differently.

But if you want to debate Christ's Godly existence, you are debating 2000 years of history.

History? Even God can't change History. And that is fact.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 03:31 am
You know it is possible to have a civilized discussion concerning matters of religion. May I recommend checking out a very pleasant discourse I enjoyed with marsh_of_mists beginning here:


marsh presented some excellent arguments, (not stupid raving bible quotes). I had to do some research to answer some the questions she put to me. We have quite opposite views but I'm thinking both of us understood each other better afterwards. I know I definitely gained from the experience. Perhaps you guys could learn how to put your views forward by studying her/(him?).

Now..my point once more is that church and state should be kept separate. The law was not founded on the bible and the bible should have nothing to do with discussions on capital punishment (unless you are discussing capital punishment history)

I do not see this as an inflammatory stance at all. If it is, please explain how.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 03:32 am
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:

Firstly you should tone down your angry rants, if you want people to read them properly.


Steve (as 41oo) wrote:

Secondly its clear you know very little about evolutionary theory. Its about adaptation of the species through natural selection of those charactertistics that are best suited to the environment over an evolutionary timescale.

those words mean absolutely nothing.
Your mechanism can be replaced with the word "magic"

Secondly its clear you know very little about evolutionary theory. Its about adaptation of the species through the magic of those charactertistics that are best suited to the environment over an evolutionary timescale.

HOW do those species adapt?
HOW does Natural Selection work?
WHAT characteristics?
HOW does the timescale work?

3 'how's' and 1 'what'... is what science attempts to explain. I've asked 4 questions. please write more than one sentence on each.

EG: Fish spawns leg to crawl on land is not adaptation. It's divine intervention. (just for the record).

Steve (as 41oo) wrote:

the idea that evolutionary forces have been at work for 3 1/2 billion years is beyond your understanding.

implicit insult. tone down my posts? ok i agreed to that. leave your biased insults out of your posts.

Steve (as 41oo) wrote:

Third you say it is not possible to have a moral code without reading up on what it should be from the bible. This is nonsense as you know yourself.

Putting words in my mouth. Please stop. Here are my words:

"I don't. Please elaborate. And use more than one sentence."

Steve (as 41oo) wrote:

And there are certain forms of behaviour in the living world which are clearly not just about survival, but appear to have an altruistic character. Where does that come from?

You want me to answer that question? what question? apart from the '?' your question is a very weird "question".
Ok, i'll play this game and beat around the berry bush:

"Certain forms of behavior"; "clearly not just about survival?"

Are you saying that "certain forms of behavior" = "proof of evolution"?
HOW clear is clear? what do you mean?

Say it like it is dude, and paragraphs will be as conscise and coherent as your 'questions'. short enough?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 03:41 am
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
As for your bizarre statement that "evolution is death. One word Holocaust",

"Christianity is nonsense" is not bizzare?
(someone spouted that first, just for the record).

We all talk about "tolerance" but it seems to me that everyone is allowed to bag Christianity and the Christians are supposed to just take it. Then when some random (like me) say "Evolution is death" (which it is), then everyone calms down abit and the insults "just disappear".

Wow. This is a simply amazing phenomena and I am glad I am experiencing it.

The reason i'm in this thread is to talk about Cap.Punishment and the Bible and all I've gotten is: "the Bible should have nothing to do with any country" and "Christianity is nonsense" which is 100% fine, I just didn't expect such stupendous comments in a thread clearly NOT about the *stupidity of the Bible*.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 03:43 am
thunder_runner32 wrote:
Please...anyone tell me(atheist or creationist) that there is something/someone that they love so much that they would not die for it.

I love this thread. But I sure as heck would not die for it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 03:44 am
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
I prefer to keep my ideas about Deity private. And although I say it myself, the world would be a better place if more people followed my example.

What makes you so special that we should follow?
(just a question, not an insult).
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 03:45 am
Magginkat wrote:

The Bible proves nothing to me.

have you read it?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2005 03:51 am
parados wrote:
To get this back on topic....
The bible can be use to validate just about anything.

So from the standpoint of the bible and the death penalty; some are more than happy to use the bible to give them the power to put others to death and others will fight tooth and nail against the death penalty based on the bible.

The bible is the most abused book in the world because it is the most published book in the world. Everyone uses it to justify their own viewpoint when given the chance.

albeit lack of examples, this is probably the most intelligent post i've read concerning our topic (YES WE DO HAVE A TOPIC, so all you trolls you know where to go).

but you're only about 3/4 of the way. context proves the best way to read anything. and if people read stuff in context rather than just pull what they like out ("love one another" for example), the world would be a better place. but don't hold your breath.

parados wrote:
The bible is the most abused book in the world because it is the most published book in the world. Everyone uses it to justify their own viewpoint when given the chance.

i second that.

one band sums it up fantastically:

"We ain't shinin' examples, Well some of the scandals are caused by people posin' as evangelists..."
- Apologetix, "The Real Sin Savior" - www.apologetix.com.
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