First of all the Bible is a very accurate history book. There are plenty proffesors that teach lessons from the bible b/c of its facts. Then I want to ask what book do you get "your' history from? Why don't you trust any history book?
Magginkat wrote:That the Bible is a "very accurate" history book, is a matter of opinion.
I'm sorry, but facts and opinions are not the same thing. If something happens a certain way, then to describe it accurately would be to create a fact....the bible does this....thus the bible is accurate.
Montana said "But then there's also the issue regarding innocent people being executed".
I can put forward many reasons why the death penalty is wrong, not least the one above.
But only one reason for it...vengeance. Blood lust, call it what you will.
And as some one mentioned the bible here, wasn't there something in there about "vengeance is mine saith the Lord"
Ok if you can't put faith into these history books, what do you put your faith in. The bible isn't intended to be a spelling book(of course), but Webster's is. How can you believe the words you say or spell are write. Just b/c Webster's says so. That is the idea behind history. It has been passed down through generation.
Ok if you can't put faith into these history books, what do you put your faith in. The bible isn't intended to be a spelling book(of course), but Webster's is. How can you believe the words you say or spell are write. Just b/c Webster's says so. That is the idea behind history. It has been passed down through generation.
head, Have you ever heard of "fiction?"
I never said put your faith in history books. I just said that you should put your faith in something instead of nothing. By the way it is just a short way of writting. Imposter- we have met before and I think it is clear we don't agree on much. I am just sure this isn't the first malarky you have posted either.
I put my faith in logic and science. That's not exactly 'nothing.'
Isn't it funny that logic and science and the bible all point to an intelligent designer?
Absolutely right ci
its the only way forward. We get there slowly, improving as we know more. Hypothesis, experiment, theory.
Theory falls, new paradigm. New hypothesis, new theory.
Alternatively we are all decended from giants who live in the firmament moving the stars around and the sun plunges into water ever night but doesnt go out because the Lighter Man god sets fire to it just before it rises. And its true because its written in a book. Which was written by god.
Creatonism is crap
Intelligent design is crap wrapped in tinsle paper
The scientific method will not be defeated by pseudoscience. Do not leave your trusted posts to be filled by less-capable educators. All reputable science knows that "intelligent" design is nonsense, yet those of the public that do not know are crying out for your wisdom!
What disturbs me most is that some school districts in the US are including ID into their school curriculum.
thunder_runner32 wrote:Isn't it funny that logic and science and the bible all point to an intelligent designer?
I question the intelligence of the writers of the bible.
It's also interesting that to prove the bible, only the bible is there to defend it's own words.
Imposter, there is logic and science in creationism. One thing though with your teaching it statement, they tought just creationism at first now they teach both evolution and the intellegent design. They refer to both as theories. So with that I don't understand why the topic has changed suddenly to evolution and creation instead of the original question.
Science & logic in creationism? Care to explain that since evolution and creationism are totally opposite of each other? I would be especially interested in the idea that there is science in creationism.
ID is creationinsm. Period.
Magginkat, give me time and I will get it to you.
Imposter, I know they are the same thing, I just like to use different words to say the same thing b/c I get tired of saying the same word.