You're the
queen of non-responsive posts, Fox.
People question your numbers? You tell them they are wrong to question.
People question the CATO institute (which, btw, is not even close to being impartial; sheesh) and you tell them they are wrong to question.
YOU wrote this:
Quote:Making note Dys is unable to correlate an analogy to the issue and C.I. doesn't wish to answer the question at all. That's cool. Nevertheless, I believe it is a question that will need to be answered as we work through the various scenarios of repairing what seems to be a broken system or even as we decide what we wish to accomplish with the repair.
After which,
I responded to your stupid question with this:
Quote:The argument you are making here shows how you really feel about SS. That those who are poor, are poor because it is their own fault. They have no money to retire, and it is always their fault.
This is a horrible argument, as it ignores the vast number of people who are destitute through little or no fault of their own.
Here's a few examples, that I am personally acquainted with, b/c it's either my family or our close friends going through it: <snip>
You didn't address the point about illness or Enron at all. Instead,
Quote:But where is it written that the person who makes right choices should be forced to support or rescue the person who make wrong choices? If I build my house on the San Andreas fault, should I not expect earthquakes? If I build on the Florida coast, should I not expect hurricanes? If I build on an unstable hillside in California, should I not expect landslides when the rains come? If I build on the Kansas prairie, should I not expect wind and hail damage and the possibility of a devastating tornado? If I build in the forested canyon, will not there be a greater risk of fire?
Basically stating that those people who have disasters happening to them, it's their own fault for not having insurance. Never mind the fact that some forms of insurance are extremely expensive for families who can barely afford the home they are living in to begin with. It's their fault, and now, they are screwed, and they deserver
nothing from anyone else to help them out, b/c we simply don't care about other people in our society...
As for 'enjoying making him my slave,' this is a completely idiotic line of thought; as at no point will anyone have to pay as much in SS taxes as your ludicrous example promotes.
You don't know what the hell you are talking about, Fox. I've said it before and I will again. You exist in some strange bubble world where everyone is responsible for exactly everything that happens to them in life; except the Iraqi people, of course. They deserve BILLIONS of our dollars and thousands of lives.
Heaven forbid we pay a little extra in taxes to help people out, though....
Can't you see the dissonance in your own positions?