Einherjar writes
Quote:The only problem is, where does the money come from? SS taxes can not be diverted to private accounts without cutting benefits for the recipients of today, or adding to the taxburden on todays workers.
Here's where I think I disagree. Currently, even though the numbers are all on paper because Congress spends every penny of Social Security it takes in, there are many billions more in the fund than are being paid out. The fund won't be in the red for some time yet. So now would be the perfect time to start setting up private accounts.
It would mean Congress would have less money to spend of course or they would have to borrow from other sources, but they would not be able to hide such borrowing any more. That is a good thing.
I am very much opposed to raising taxes because 1) it would hurt today's workers, 2) the rich would just move compensation from wages to stock options or whatever to avoid the extra tax, 3) employers would be hurt and that would cost us in jobs and/or wages, 4) it would just allow Congress to hide more money.