Child of the Light wrote:This has to be the best thread I've ever seen...
Can you do sweet jumps with this thread?
Ok, I won't ask any more questions, although I have a rich imagination.
shewolfnm wrote:> mixing a new batch of donuts<
1/2 tsp eye of newt
1 cup flour
1 dragon heart
1pinch of powdered spider legs
1/2 cup boiling dragons blood
3 cups of whoop
?? dunno what he did, but if he eats these...

Oddly enough, this is my recipe for chili.
I chased that little sheit (s/he/it) all damned night and day. I'm pooped.
I've got my super shooter primed with yellow food colouring for when s/he/it resurfaces ...
I need a shower and a nap. I ran through the swamp, tracking the sheit.
I'll put some towels in the dryer to get them warmed up for you, Sister LittleK.
<now I have to go have dinner with crazy people>
oh...Gu-us...Gu-us...where are you?
Here, kitty, sheit, kitty....Got a nice bit o' BBs for you....
Sister BorisKitten - I think you're demonstrating some great technique there. Proud to have you in the novitiate. :wink:
Now - Sister LittleK has gone to dinner, and I'm about to leave for a concert. Can I leave my SuperShooter, dulled razor and attitude with you?
Just show me the way...that is, before the upcoming pizza & video. After that we'll hafta hand off again....
Hey, do you think Gus could redeem himself, at least partially, by posting a real pix on the picture thread? (I think Gus is listening, just too scared to do much more than sneak off with donut. Smart kitty sheit.) Hey Gus, did you notice I have a bit of a mustache in my photo? Yeah, and I'm female. I hear it's a sign of excellent marksmanship.
Be afraid, Gus, be very, very afraid!
Pssst....hey, still hiding behind that door Gus?'s me...the merry,no, not Mary -- merry...lissen, me an' Kicky are here...we're behind ya', kid...yeah, that's right...waaaayy behind ya'. Don't worry about a thing. We'll get you outta this...somehow...right, Kicky?, where are ya, Kicky?
Can stockbrokers be trusted? he he he...
Gus has not been sighted since absconding with the Borgia doughnuts.
Alas, poor Gus, enslaved by his appetites.
I hear another hapless man sputtering in the bushes. I think he's trying to be inconspicuous, but.....
I votet for: You can have him. I'm done.
One less to worry
Alas, Poor Gus. We knew him...
Noddy, I love the word absconding (in it's variations).
Littlek, did someone abscond with your variations? What a bummer on a Saturday night.