He ran away from l'k and me, just as we figgered out what the rikitiki mongoose was up to.
The girl posse has got to find him, pants him and whip his @ss.
GET A ROPE..............Saddle up and lets ride! Weeee doggies!
kicky this is a dangerous place for a weak man
Teehee! This is a dangerous place for ANY man.
Oh, and though I voted for Stockbroker, my real guess is he USED to be a stockbroker. Now he just raises animals nobody ever heard of.
BB gun at the ready....
I don't know why we hangin' him yet...but I just like the thought of tying men up..lol
I seen some pictures of wimmins be'in tied-up - pretty sweet.
Did Gus ever post a "real" picture? Or was that one on the pictures thread his real picture, sans spackle?
humm, I betcha they were..lol
Did Gus do the tyin'?
Gus was doing the peeping - LOL
You mean the actual photography huh? lol
makemeshiver33 wrote:You mean the actual photography huh? lol
yep and Kicky was his assistant
I bet its all Kicky to do to stand the pressure. But that still doesn't explain why ehBeth has this posse rounded up and headed off into the hills to hang Gus?
Are you sure you're safe in here, husker?
I hope you didn't put on money on it.
Are you sure that you don't look like Gus?
That we might get confused and grass yer @ss by mistake?
Cuz these boots are good and pointy.
I still have no idea what's going on here. I can't believe Gus did something to screw all the women over, and he didn't include me. Damnit, Gus! I'll get you for this!
Canna figure it out neither...always ready with the BB gun, however, to sink some pain into little soft butts...butts which should Know Better By Now...
rocksalt in the gun stings better
rat shot...gopher bait him...lol, tack his drive way, saran wrap his toilet, string up that prized goat and sell BBQ......