Phoenix32890 wrote:Downy Wrinkle Releaser is the greatest invention since sliced bread!
I love that stuff!!!! With that, my Febreeze <sp?> and a handy lint remover, I can look fabulous in a heartbeat!
My former husband was wonderful helping out with the kids when they were little, but didn't do much else. I attribute a lot of that to going straight from mom and dad's perfect Beaver Cleaver existence type home to getting married without the benefit of him ever living on his own. Being young, crazy and in love, I didn't foresee how this would impact our life down the road. I never wanted to be "his" mom after all.... that and about a million other reasons eventually led to our breakup and I ending up with both kids. Thank goodness for that!
Moving forward many a year now. My future husband is everything my former was not. He cooks and bakes and cleans and scrubs floors and toilets and vacuums and does laundry and changes sheets and knows when to turn a mattress. He sews and irons, actually saves his ATM receipts (!) and balances his checkbook. He spends really quality time with his son, works about 60 hours a week and on top of all of that, he loves, adores, respects and best of all, honours me like none I have ever known. Honestly, I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with him!
They ARE there, but they are rare, Montana.