sozobe wrote: I'd be much more willing to pay significant money for a very good picture of MY child than for a very good picture of A child. .
And that is what is hard to price.
When I first saw that b/w pic of Mo i thought.. wow.. that is good.
Nicely done.
It wasnt until I started thinking about how I would feel if I paid for it, that I got all excited.
I imagined Beans face there and all of a sudden it became a work of art!
I would have framed that in gold.
With that kind of work, I truly think you should shoot a bit higher then 'target' prices. If the vast majority of freelance photographers are charging 175. Go 200. Attract that attention and with what you produce,you will earn the title and rep you deserve.
If I would have paid 200 for a session, and a black and white of Bean in a hat with that smile on her face was the result.. i woul'da kissed ya.
Because many people think the fake plastic backgrounds like the ones you get at Sears, and Walmart , are next to the only options they have aside thier own 35 mm disposable.. Seeing your work and your results will get them excited.
In your portfolio.. have you included other kids? Do you think that would be a good selling point? Showing your possible customer that not only can you capture the best of your OWN child, but you can do the same thing with other children as well?