chiczaira writes
Quote:Culture is not amenable to the fixes of funding or smaller class sizes. It must come from the people themselves.
The schools can help but the laws have to change. Teachers need to be able to bounce the disruptive child off to the principal's office and, if the principal can't get through a thick skull, the child needs to be bounced right out of the school so the rest of the kids can learn. I imagine given a choice between a run in with the law for not having their kid in school or taking measures to see that your kid is 'instructed' on how to behave in school, most parents will opt for the latter.
This will take strong legislative and social resolve to keep the ACLU and other litigious-minded people and groups out of the mix so that the schools can set and enforce reasonable rules for attendance, dress, conduct, deportment, and standards and take back control of education again.
As an aside and prime motivator, I would also make a highschool diploma or being age 19 a pre-requisite for obtaining an unrestricted driver's license.