"An ingredient is gone"... nice.
farmerman wrote:I remember over on abuzz once. I was in the middle of some argument (probably about evolution-duhh) and cav wrote a post that said
Youre just not having enough fun in your argument.Try to relax"
Hes been my hero ever since. You can never have enough fun in whatever you do, even washing the dog. Im gonna remember cav from that viewpoint.Im gonna try to practice his philosophy and to anyone who says otherwise "EAT ****"
At the expene of derailing an otherwise solemn moment.
Wouldnt cav have had something neat to say about this whole turnout?
Farmerman, I was thinking the same thing. I'm reminded of the fun we had with the Goddess Eva in her Venice Villa where Cav catered the various feasts among silly chaos.
Do you think Cav would say "Life is too short not to waste time on stupid things and silly people." Cav was full of fun genes.
I think you're right. A lot of people don't know. I didn't, until Beth told me a couple of hours ago. I didn't even know he was sick. It was a big shock to me. Maybe it would be a good idea to let people know. It's never easy getting this kind of news. I was posting as usual, having a good time when I heard. I think most posters would like to know.
I'll miss Cav. He was way too young and deserving of so much more. Eat ****. I'll never hear that phrase again without thinking of Cav and Ronald McDonald. Eat **** indeed. It's just not fair.
Eating **** as we speak....
Our WalMart has a McDonalds in it. Just outside the McDonalds area is a bench with Ronald McDonald, life sized, sitting with one arm across the back of the bench. Kids can sit there to get their picture taken, and it looks like his arm is around them.
Anyone else know of one of these in their area?
Think I'll go get my picture taken with Cav on Tuesday. Hope no one minds if I sit there a bit. Not really him, but the pic will be nice to keep at my desk. Will always bring a smile.
good idea Squinney.......let's remember him as the delightful man he was.
Squinney, we have one of those outside a nearby mall. I'm sure any observers would wonder why I was sitting on his lap with tears in my eyes.
make a sign that says
"Always remember to eat your ****" -CAV.
cav would have loved that ill bet.
LOL, Farmer. Since it's a public place, I thought I'd just Photoshop that in.
here i am coming home from germany, only to find that one of my favorite members of this board has passed away. i dont know what to say or to do. The prince informed me as I have neglected this site, and now i am heart broken. I knew nothing of his health. tears do fill my eyes, and I dont know what to say.
I'm glad you're here with us today, Seed.
squinney=right, good thinking, probably will save you from some public blasphemery law that NC has on their books from the 1700s.
Ha! The little bouncing clown ad has been driving me insane -- only just realized it was rather apropos.
Bounce, clown, bounce.
Mc Donalds will never be the same for me again. He gave me a reciepe that made my ex-girlfriend think i was the best cook ever. GodBless that man. I miss him more then i thought I could miss someone i knew from the net. at times like this I hate the internet. it seems so impersonal and so cold. yet, with friends like you guys you make it all go away...
I've experienced this several times now with A2K / Abuzz friends. It doesn't get easier or lessen the pain to have never actually met or touched. It just reinforces, for me, that through our words we can touch hearts. That's what Cav did.
cav was a great man how spoke with honesty and love in his words. -shakes head- i just dont believe it... i dont want to believe it...
I just realized was has happened, and am overwhlemed by the sense of loss for this dear character in the A2K community. I shall miss him.
Strange. Yesterday I rented "Super Size Me" and I was telling Mr. B about cav's avatar with its "Eat ****" Ronald.
Then I get up this morning and read that cav has died.....
And seeing his photo! He was just a kid.
I've been rereading some of the threads Cav and I participated in together. He's still making me laugh--and cry.