Thanks Sofia...I shall add the second chapter:
Mrs. cav says: "Umm, do you want to go for a coffee or somthing?"
"Well, I'm waiting for Anya [she was a student who was afraid of being attacked while walking home]"
"Hey, why don't we all walk together, then you and I can go out somewhere."
"7 West? That's nearby. I feel so weird in this 'Temple Knights' t-shirt."
"So do I. Who cares anyway? 7 West sounds good."
We meet, have some drinks, play some pool...
"I'm working at the Four Seasons tonight, but usually we get together with the guys afterwards for a drink and a bit of pool at Scallywags, right next door. You want to meet me there?"
"Yeah, sure."
I work my shift. I go to Scallywags with Brynn, the Welsh sous chef. Mrs. cav shows up in this skimpy black dress, looking gorgeous....having only ever seen her in Tai Chi pants and a non form fitting t-shirt, my eyes are popping out of my head.
We chat, she tells me things about herself that would send most men away screaming. Brynn, in fact, left the scene, but did compliment me on my taste. Somehow, I am intrigued. Pretty, and direct.
We return to her place, polish off a bottle of wine, and I say "Can I kiss you?"
Oh, the blushing....then "Yes, of course." We snog for a while, then I say "Can I draw you a bath?"
<adult content>
The next day she says "This is strange."
"What is"
"Well, I don't want to kick you out...also, I thought you liked Anya?"
Aww, such a charmer....to quote myself, the rest, as they say, is history.