husker wrote:Oh Wow - hmmm having just gotten off the antibiotics (Dec\Jan) from my Staph infection - I'm not feeling as confident in reading this that I'm really over it.
My wife had the most virulent type of staph infection that a person can get. So, I wouldn't panic about this. Check with your doctor to get full details about your condition.
You must remember that we all (as far as I know) have dormant staph in our bodies. With some, this may never be a problem. It tends to surface when one's immune system has been compromised, or you are weak from an illness, etc. Also, some types of staph are more resistent to antibiotics than others are.
Even though staph generally is easy to spread, I never caught it from my wife, for whatever reason. Of course, we took all the usual precautions and were careful.
If you ever have any eruptions or boils and you're worried, go to your doctor and get a swab test done. Anti-bacterial soap, like 'Hibitane' is excellent. It's expensive, but worth the piece of mind.