So I started off the conversation with " you will never believe what I have been noticing about child care and parenting.. , ( then i gave the findings I have posted earlier about the child care books and thier titles) And i asked him, what do you think of the UBER mom ? So he asked me to elaborate and I read him the Vitamin B woman story.
His first statement... " I agree with the vitamin lady"
Go on...
( forgive me for details, but I am going to attempt to quote him on this )
" Sugar depleates many vitamins in the body. Children shouldnt be on overload when it comes to sugar. regulating thier exposure to sugary substances and the thought that they are OK is a parents job. Too many kids have alot of sugar in thier diets and people slap the ADD or ADHD label on them with out first looking at thier diets. Sugar isnt the prime reason , but I guarantee you it is 60% of the cases today that have been labled ADD!!!"
So I ask him what he thinks of ' saturating your child'. And i worded it something like this : " So you are saying that a few minutes of innocent play that may include a simple referrance to sugar is wrong? What I get from your statement is , that even in play , you have to control what they are exposed to. Wich I agree.. but in real life people eat sugar. In real life people order cake, in real life your daughter will eat sugar. How is a referrance to cake bad? "
He said that parents have to take responsibility for what they teach thier kids. And that too many parents take a very laid back stance on what comes out of thier kids mouths and what is a ' common' game between young kids. Even in play we hear and rememeber things WAY into adult hood. And if you are not enforcing what you teach at home 24-7 you might as well preach to the wind. He said that he would be equally upset and wanting to correct the topic if it were a steak that was ordered. Of course, I asked why... He said that it was because he didnt want JIllian growing up to be a meat eating high cholesterol heart attack waiting to happen and that if he tells her about the health risks of certain foods.. he has to tell her all the time. So I stressed.. again.... even in a fantasy game? At play time? ANd he said yes.
That was a kicker to me. ! but.. i will go on..
He then gave some examples as to why he felt this sort of behavior for parents was important. His father told him one time that something he made wasnt going to do what he wanted to do and he still remembers that today.
He made a paper air plane as a child and took along time, alot of tape and plenty of fantasy to make this plane. He ran down stairs to show his dad his " space ship " His father said, It looks like a big airplane. Can you fly it? Can you throw it? " he said, no. It is a space ship. His father commented " that wouldnt make it through space.. laughed and left.
Mr wolfs whole point was that , his father wasnt being mean, or rude, it was just that little comments that an adult seems to think nothing of can weigh on a child forever. Comments from OTHER kids do the same thing. So it is a parents job to intercept when necessary to do thier best not to allow these seemingly simple comments to cloud thier basic teachings.
( ok, im thinking at this point... that makes sence.. a little more then when he started....)
So he goes on to talk about the UBER mom and how it is actually a good thing to do. His take on a parent who teaches a child in alsmot everything they do was pretty neat. He said that kids are sponges. They are learning from the moment they take thier first breath. And it isnt until someone else tells them that learning ISNT fun that they truly do enjoy it. Learning is a great thing to kids because it isnt a task, it is exploring. And parents who take advantage of that desire to explore are smart in doing so. He used Beethoven for an example...
He said, you think beethoven HATED playing the piano? No. He did it all his life. His parents allowed him to explore the piano as a child and encouraged him to keep exploring. That isnt forced learning, to a child that was fun. I asked him " how do you know it was fun for him?! Maybe he was drilled 24-7! his responce.. He did it as an adult.. As an adult, he would have stopped doing what his parents were MAKING him do if he didnt like it. He would have never found paino playing to be enjoyable if his parents didnt allow that exploration. And if that is what you call an UBER mom or dad, I would hope that we all are UBER.
He then said that it is truly unhealthy to be lost in your child. Your child should never rely on you completely for everything. They need room to exlpore and learn on thier own. You just need to be there to guide it.
And if that means that yo uhave to walk on egg shells until the child is 6 or 8, or 10 , and correct the things they say, do, see, etc.. then DO IT. That is your job as a parent. Children are blank slates with permanent writting. You can cover other writting with new writting but the slate stays the same with all the marks you put there.
Im still not sure what I think he was trying to say. I can understand his take on some things, but I feel like he is sitting on the fence about the be an UBER parent or not..
what do you think?