I have not been able to stop thinking about this thread and the term ' uber mom' has found its way into my head like a nail!
I have been looking over my shoulder alot when I am in bookstores, baby stores etc, trying to see examples of this compitition that moms so unwillingly induldge in.
And WOW! It is everywhere.
At book people, ( a small local resale store here in austin) they have , of course, an entire section of baby psychology.... how to do this... how to do that.. and a LARGER section of titles like " Raise your babies IQ, Your child should be able to ..., How to have a smart baby, How to have a popular kid, Teach you rchild to read by 2 ( THAT is a real book.. like to see who can pull THAT off...)
And so on.. NOTHING but titles that feed into this competition of having the smartest baby on the block. Be bigger and better. Make your child learn faster, harder etc etc etc...
And you know what else I found strange.. not a one about how to enjoy your baby. You know why?
It is simple... one sentance doesnt consitute a book:
see what i mean?