Ooh! Those marvelous tables have given me an idea, Francis. We could really use a console table just inside the entrance back at the Wine Cellar. You know, a place to display some fresh flowers and a wine list...? Perhaps with a Venetian mirror on the wall over it? What a wonderful souvenir of our Paris trip that would be!
You guys go on ahead without me for a while. I'm going to stay here for a bit and see if I can find just the right table. They have so many to choose from, and I happen to have a measuring tape right here in my purse. I'll call Sophie back at the Wine Cellar and make sure of the size we need. It may take some time to negotiate a good price...the proprietors here seem to have them marked up higher than usual. And of course, if we do come to an agreement, I will have to make shipping arrangements. So go on ahead, okay? Francis, you lead the way......
Note: It is Spring Break, and we are leaving in the morning for a trip to Galveston, TX. It isn't Paris, but a few days at the seashore sounds absolutely lovely right now. We'll be back for Easter and I'll catch up with you all then......Love, Eva