Hundred mile ride~~~
You can eat anything you want.
Joe(I need a poached egg this morning and have no time.)Nation
Eva baby, I actually had something better.
It is called a "lingering kiss"
that's it, not saying anything more
Not that it matters now that you've found something even better.
@the prince,
This kind, by any chance?
Lingering Kiss
Mixologist: Trip Hosley, United States / Tequila: Don Julio 1942™
Just like pairing food flavors, the robust vanilla in the Don Julio 1942™ accentuates the citrus and the fresh grapefruit. The Damiana Guaycura Liqueur brings some viscosity and herbal depth and the chili leaves your lips a little hot, wanting more.
The Recipe
1.25 oz. Don Julio 1942™
.25 oz. Guaycura Liqueur
.25 oz. Fresno Chili Simple Syrup (from the pickled chilies)
.75 oz. Fresh Grapefruit Juice
This recipe contains .5625 fluid ounces of alcohol
Garnish: Mini-chili kabob
The Ritual
Drink to life and love, sip the Luxury Drop™, and eat half of the chiles off the kabob. Repeat.
Let's put it this way. No drinks we involved.
@the prince,
Ah, those are the best kind!
I'll let Jacques know he can stop skewering the chilis.
I know of a man called Art, and he likes wine
Been dying to find this place again, so need a glass of wine, please with maybe some crackers and cheese? Been one heck of a week and I so felt like dropping by.... I got lost though when trying to find the place...........
(blushes). How did you know I choose wine by the label?
I admit it. Presentation matters to me.
Good thing Jacques does most of the ordering!
I too place too much on the label and its design to help me pick a bottle or two. That and the description card written by the Trader Joe staff.
I think we're out of crackers, FS. How about some thinly sliced baguettes with your cheese tray?
It's nice to be back here.
I've always liked birds on labels. Thinking of one Old Vines Zinfandel from Amador County, Renwood -
Others are more vague in memory.
That's a good wine, at least per a maniacal oenophile friend.. don't know about the year. (Tasted good to me, it did)
It's nice to be back here too

Brrrrr, that fire looks awesome.
Actually? That's better than crackers... That will be great, thanks...
It's not wine o'clock, darn... But then again ....
< footsteps approach from outside.... suddenly the doors swing open, the dry, creaking hinges causing the mice to scurry away under the piano.
Aswas squints into the room, his eyes slowly beginning to make out shapes.....a counter, two large wine racks, half full with dusty bottles. A large fridge standing silent over in the corner, obviously switched off some time ago, judging by the staining where a large pool of melt water had once leaked.
Eyes now used to the dark, he enters and steps over the upturned table, crunching over shattered glass, accidentally kicking an empty bottle, sending it spinning across the floor. Reaching out and holding the fridge door handle, he pulls.
Inside, he is surprised to find that the door is still well stacked with various white wines....Chardonnay, Monbazillac, Liebraumilch, Don Cortez Sweet.....typical of Eva, catering for all tastes.
On the bottom shelf he spies a mouldy portion of Slovakian chocolate cherry cake with hand written note attached....he picks up the note and tries to read the faded ink message....."Dagmar's cake. Steal zis and I vill kill you".
Aswas gives a knowing smile, sighs and closes the fridge door. He heads behind the counter to the cash till. Another note.
"There is no money left in this till overnight. I secretly store it under the jukebox to fool burglars, signed Eva xx."
A quick glance over to the jukebox confirms that someone had already read the note, the machine flat on its back. Vinyl records spread out across the floor.
Aswas leans down and reaches under the counter, feeling around until he finds the dustpan and brush. A quick search in the cupboard under the stairs locates the main power switch, which he clicks to ON.
He can now see the scale of the mess. Granted, Eva was always terrible at housework, but this was something else. It would take a full day to clean this up, but seeing as all the yanks have buggered off to celebrate their Thanksgiving and he has nobody else to play with, he decides to roll up his sleeves and get stuck in.........>
...the cleanup. What a way to spend a holiday.
@cicerone imposter,
What the...? Who's here?...What's going on???.....
<flips on light switch>
It's alright, officer. You can put the nightstick away. It's friends.
Hello, Lordy & c.i.! What are the two of you doing here on a night like this? You tripped the motion sensors and set off the silent alarm. Good thing I wasn't too far away!
I guess as long as I'm here, I might as well help you. <takes off coat, hangs it on coatrack near the bar> I'll start cleaning up the bar. We'll need a few clean glasses first.
<just then there is a clattering towards the rear wall. As the trio watch, the small window is slid up and first one leg and then another pokes through. There is a grunting sound and then, like a bowlful of bread dough, Joe Nation oozes to the floor.>
"****" he says when his eyes focus, "I knew this wouldn't last forever."
He gets up, knocking dust and godknows off of his jeans and sweatshirt.
"Okay, you got me."
Joe turns around and reaches back up into the window well and retrieves a laptop and what looks like a six-pack of dynamite.
"Yes, I've been sneaking in here for months. I use that back table and these candles."
He holds up the 'dynamite'.
"I don't know who messed the place up, it's been awhile. All I ever do is sit over there and drink a little red wine and write."
He walks over to the little table, littered with the stubs of hundreds of candles, and pulls out the chair.
" If I stay over here and don't make any big moves, the alarms don't go off. Heh."
He opens the laptop, leans over and plugs it into a nearby socket.
"I've been careful to tally up all the bottles I've opened and consumed. It's not a little, I confess, but I'm good for it. If anyone is looking for a glass of Cabernet, there is no Cabernet left. I know, shameful. The same goes for anyone desiring a nice Malbec, there is no Malbec.
Ahem, there is only some Pinot Noir or some Merlots, I'm not sure how many, but not many and anyway.....I'm glad you've come back, I just hate drinking Merlot!!!"
Nobody moves or says anything.
"What?" says Joe, "Where the hell do you think I've been all this time?"
Joe(Um. It's 92 bottles of red wine, six fifths of Johnny Walker Black and one flagon of some kind of brandy of unknown origin. Check, please.)Nation
I've brought some plum wine if anyone's interested.
I could also crack open the 2011 Fronsac ~ Les Portes de Bordeaux my manager gave to my this Wednesday as a birthday gift.