Hee hee hee..!
Go Swimp go Swimp go Swimp...
All right then. I am happy for you, Swimp!
Where's my pie?
Osso, I will FedEx the crumbs to you. Is that OK?
No, no, I was being too pushy re the pie. Hmmm, bet it looked nice with the kitchen colors..
Swimpy wrote:Punk kids! They don't know who they're messin' with.
You go get 'em, Swimpy!!
I love the image of you making them get down and feel the floor. <heehee>
Osso, you're not too pushy. (Don't tell anyone but there is still some in the freezer.) It is a little yellower than the walls.
Piffka, I stressed me out, I'm sorry to say. I'm basically a softy, but damn, they made me mad!
I do too. I've felt those kind of floors. No, no, I don't mean that way. I mean seeing if they were sanded smooth, with my hands.
I've got a couple of mpeg files of the kitchen. Does anyone know how I can post them here? They're pretty big, like 10MB.
The bench is upholstered and it looks fabulous. It turned out to be higher than I was expecting. Now I have to try and get the table made a little higher. I hope they didn't start making it yet.
I think you can on imageshack, then put the thumbnail here, we click on it, and it takes us to the full sized version.
maximum image size: 1024 kilobytes
...which is ONE MB.
10 MB is ginormous!!! Is that the video you were talking about?
Swimpy wrote:Well, folks, the refrigerator and the stove are in. I have a kitchen again. There are still some loose ends to tie up, but the bones are in and she's ready to use. I'm going to see about borrowing a digital camera that takes mini movies. Then I can get you all a better idea of the layout. (I hope.)
Littlek, Can I post the file on your website?
You're welcome to try it!
Image shack doesn't work for me. I don't know why. Probably the same reason I can't play Scrabble.
You could try domaindlx.com
That's what some of use on the Where Am I? game. You have to register -- it's free -- then you can upload any file from your computer. I've noticed a2k won't allow compound names files to show, so go for simple one-word names.
I don't know, it might be a load for this site - I suspect all our photos take up a lot of a2k bytes or whatever they are as it is.
Maybe that's specific to domaindlx? I use compound names all the time, no problem. What's most important is that it has to end in jpg or gif or whatever -- if there's stuff after that, you need to delete it back to jpg (or equivalent.) That happens with MSN images for example.
K, I already tried. The files are too big. thanks anyway.
I'm just going to take some more pics tonight. To heck with the movies. They make you seasick anyway.
Osso, I think if they're just linked, it's no particular load. That's opposed to if they're hosted, as with the gallery.
Ya know how sometimes people try to post a photo and what shows up is a "DON'T STEAL OUR BANDWIDTH!!!" image of some kind? I think that every time a photo loads on A2K that is hosted elsewhere (imageshack, whatever), it is the place that hosts it that feels the burn. (And for sites that don't want to feel the burn, they punish people who link to their images.)
Not 100% sure of all of that.
Looking forward to the pics!
Here we go.... This is my new bench