Y'know, Swimpy

... I didn't really know what the difference was between a Swedish Finish and other finishes, but I googled it and here's a website:
It is well-known in the Seattle area and is a very durable finish, laid down in two successive coats. Because of the fumes, which are toxic and can start fires, we had to move everybody & everything out of the house for two nights while they did the work. It looks pretty good -- but after a few years, I wanted a little more shine. I had selected the low-sheen version (there were three to choose from: low, medium & high). Now I wish I'd chosen the high sheen. That was about ten years ago.
I've never had a problem with all the different spills that have happened... tomato sauce, wine, coffee. Just about food that we've ever had has been spilled and I just wipe it up. If it dries, I get it wet and scrub a little and everything has always come away easily. We also have it in the bathroom where it has been equally care-free.
The biggest problem we've had was with the dining table chairs. Some of the sliders came off the legs (it is hard to find good sliders) so there are some scratches. Not a big deal to me, but I imagine we will have it refinished if we sell the house.
A friend recently had her wood floors done and said she chose a new finish that seems to be equally durable but doesn't require the entire family to move out for 48 hours. You can also have prefinished planks or parquet installed.
If you decide on either wood or bamboo floors, they say it is important to have good rugs at every outside entrance to pick up dirt & grit. We have two active dogs and the wood flooring goes from one outside door to the other, so that's particularly important for me.