Nap time was a bugger for me too.
The neighbor came over last night to talk about upholstery. He took some measurements and left some samples. He said he'd be back a couple more times to recheck measurements before he had a final plan. The good news is that I found that the oxblood color will work beautifully with the countertop and the paint colors. Actually the counter top sample has both green and deep burgundy flecks in it.
Sounds great. I'll bet the bench upholstery job will be fast, too, and you'll have it finished before summer starts.
The countertops are in! The countertops are in! They look great, too. I'll have photos soon. I'll have a sink by tonight. That has been the hardest part of this whole remodel, being without a kitchen sink.
Sorry no pictures yet. I'll get them up tomorrow. A little snag on the dishwasher. I thought I had ordered a stainless steel door panel. Apparently I didn't. Sears is trying to tell me that I ordered the wrong model, that the one I ordered was meant to only be used with custom door panels that match the cabinet. <Is not!> The salesman claimed he talked to the manufacturer's rep and that is what he was told. <Did not!> So I called the manufacturer and got the part numbers for the stainless steel door panel and handle, called Sears back and said this is what I need, now order it. I hate it when people lie to me.
Lesson learned...avoid Sears like the plague.
Contractor came back and put in that panel to cover the other side of the refrigerator. It looks great. He's all finished. Last coat of poly goes on the floor Friday. Then I just need to get the bench and the backsplash and the table.
Don't know if anyone is still interested, but here are the latest photos:
Counter top
More countertop and the panel to cover the side of the frig.
The sink
And finally, the refrigerator will be pretty well covered now.
Of course we are!
The countertops look good & I love the shape of your sink and, especially that it is an under-counter mount. I think that will make it loads easier to clean.
That piece of wood to the side of the frig...makes a nice finish, I think.
I'll bet you are hugely pleased.
I am very pleased. I even have the dishwasher dilemma solved. It was my fault for not reading the fine print. Anyway...the door panel will be delivered in 3-5 days.
Hot diggity, Swimp, it's gorgeous.
The last coat went on the floor yesterday. I'm concerned. I spoke to the guy when he came to do the work. I was concerned then that the floor finish felt rough to the touch. He said not to worry. The final coat would fix that. Well it didn't. The boss is on vacation, but I'll get him when he gets back. <grrr>
It looks like one of these model kitchens Swimpy.
I like it a lot, and I bet you can't wait to use it and have
a home cooked meal again.
You've done a great job!
Thanks, CJ. Yep, Monday night I'm cooking a feast!
Well, folks, the refrigerator and the stove are in. I have a kitchen again. There are still some loose ends to tie up, but the bones are in and she's ready to use. I'm going to see about borrowing a digital camera that takes mini movies. Then I can get you all a better idea of the layout. (I hope.)
Littlek, Can I post the file on your website?
How's the floor?
Oy, the floor! It's rough. They're coming back tomorrow to try and smooth it out. I've no faith, at this point, that it will be any better but I'm holding their feet to the fire. But at least tonight I will cook. We're having salmon, napa cabbage salad, roasted new potatoes and key lime pie for dessert. (Oops, wrong thread.)
Swimpy, what a bummer! How rough is rough? Didn't they sand it in between the coats of sealer? There is always something that doesn't go quite right, but the floor is pretty big. Hold those feet to the fire!!!!
Meanwhile... dinner sounds good

Dinner was very good, if I do say so myself. I missed home cooking.
RE: the floor, it feels like sandpaper. I'm disappointed because this is the same company that refinished the rest of my floors 10-12 hyears ago and did a beautiful job. Back then it was just the owner working alone. Now he's gotten bigger and has at least two employees. I think they've just gotten sloppy. They are screening between coats, but I don't think they did a good enough job of cleaning before they recoated. I just hope they can fix it without sanding it all off and starting over.
I think the floor has been saved, but it didn't happen without some arm twisting. The slacker boys showed up this morning at 7:30 thinking they could do a quick buff and be gone. Uh-uh, think again boys. I made them get down on their knees and feel the floor. "Do you see what I'm talking about?" Yes, they said. So they started sanding. 15 minutes later they thought they were going to start varnishing. Uh-uh..."Do you feel this?" Oh, it's just scratchy because we sanded it, they said. "No, I don't think you understand why you sand a floor. You sand it to make it smooth." OK, we'll sand it some more. "Good, I don't want you to have to come back here again." No, Ma'am. We don't want to come back here again, they said.
Punk kids! They don't know who they're messin' with.