I can't see it either, and neither can Gus. He's just
Oh, I can't see either...
Well, darn it. I'll have to upload them to your site, lilk. Ca't do it until thurday. Soz. I think I still have your email address. I can send you the link. Anybody else who wants it, send me a pm with your email address.
If I get the pix, I can upload them to my site and post them here.....
i can only get pm's but my email is in my profile
I send you my email Swimpy.
I'm going to wait and see if Beth and Soz can access the site before I send anymore.
Calamity Jane wrote:I can't see it either, and neither can Gus. He's just
I assure you, Jane, that I can see the pictures quite well.
Whoa! This is weird. I just went back to look at the photos and now all I get is image image image.
They were there before. I don't care who believes me.
I'm uploading them to your site now, K.
OK, let's try this again. Around the room starting with the fridge.

Now you all now what a slob I am.
Now we turn around and look the other way.
i just got the link
quel slob?
ha! i'll take your before kitchen for my after
Note the clock on the wall. That's AM people. The things I do for you.
and we love you for it, swimpmeister!
ok, i'll keep the floor i have. as much as i don't like my floor (the contractor and i had a huge fight about it), it is, well, not that floor
The floor doesn't look that bad in person, but I still hate it. I've hated it from the day I got it.