Piffka - I'm feeling pretty badly that I couldn't swing a side trip out to see you.
Pdog - draw one! draw a pic of P&L! Yep, when I came back home from NM with loads of pictures my father looked through, oh - maybe one roll - and named the whole mess of them as "rocks and sky" and lost interest. I even had a phase where I took pics of clouds.
I love that purple spiky thing. What is it? Some kind of orchid?
pd, I know about the sun and stuff. My sympathy, really.
I hold out some hope that you will be shocked and amazed when you actually get there -- "wait a minute, THIS is Madison? But but it's sunny and wonderful!" -- since you visited at about the worst possible time.
Soz, I'm not sure about all the plants - especially that one and the orang-ish fungus looking thing. One of the reasons I snapped the pix was to look'm up later.
Beautiful place. We hope to get to the family cabin in the Rockies this year (E.G.'s ancestors had a gold claim there), and the pictures made my longing to go there more tangible yet.
little k - I sent you a note this AM. Are we on for lunch?
Hi lil'k....
your pictures are great.... I love the pics of everyone together.... I recognize all the brush and flowers, but don't have names.... most of the brush around here is called "salal"....
also, we get "fireweed" in some places.....
I love living in this area.... it rains a LOT of the time, but I still love it....
P.S. you can see a picture of me (and more importantly, Jack, my dog) from a link in my A2K profile.... I just went there and added some Jack photos and deleted a bunch of other photos.....
Oh, hey! Nice pics! The two jumping ones are amazing -- Jack (such an intelligent face) and your daughter on her horse. Wow!
okay, so the stig-figure i was going to contribute for PaL won't work so well now. so playing around a bit...
I had lunch with little k!
Nah nah nah nah nah nah.
sozobe wrote:That's just spooky...

It is? Oh. I'm a bit of a morbid sort, I think. She's got very piercing eyes, so I thought they should be the focus. Ah, well.
boomalingadingdong - that was funny!
of course littlek is going to be totally fileted, grilled and bbq'd to learn all about you (did littlek pass on a message from the general?).
Bwaaaack for Super Chicken!
That message?
At the end of my days I'll happily look back on the fact that there will always be Super Chicken.
And I'm certain that you'll all be terribly dissappointed with my normalcy.
Not to sound vain but in my own defense, prior to her posting any photo, I must admit that nothings been done to my hair since my stylist's wife was diagnosed with cancer and sitting around sipping Bailey's with my Mommy over the last three weeks added a few pounds to my frame.
Of course, other than being average, at the heighth of unphotogenia, and the exhausted grandparent of a closing in on three year old monster (Do not poke the hyena - that's our new motto) I'm perfect.
It was really a lot of fun. We met downtown for lunch and really had a great time. As many of you have already met little k I don't need to elaborate on how truly wonderful she is.
I had a blast meeting with Boomer as well! I always pictured her with dark hair for some reason..... I will divulge more info, but I just got a minute to use the puter and now we need to get to dinner. And, Boomer, I still have not gotten this a.m.'s email! Grrrr....
Hey, is that teeny tiny boomer with teeny tiny Mo?
Sooooooooooo jealous. -sigh-
Yes, spooky.

Gotcha with piercing eyes. And not that spooky is bad. But spooky.
ey look! I think that it tiny teeny boomer!
Wow, Betheh - SHAZZAM! Nice avatar.
So, I'm home. The animals look great as does the garden. Aaaaahhhhh.....
I had a wonderful time meeting everyone. I wish I hadn't been late meeting the group in Seattle - I wish there was more time that night and that I wasn't so travel-weary. Everything's already been said about that night. Everyone was great.
And meeting Boomer was a real treat! She was as awsome in person as online. She showed me the way back to the MAX(transit) and we got a couple pictures we can share later.
Thanks to everyone for going out of your ways to show your faces to me and eachother. It made my trip a better one - it was good to have something of my own thing out there.
Welcome home, lilGirl. I'm glad to hear Boots and Screech are well.
and congrats on taking a break!
I flew right over Tranna!