I agree with you, littlek, it was very helpful for me to have friends to meet on a trip back east recently. It really helped me coordinate myself in my own mind.
In my case, I had lived back there years ago, and read about 'back east' ever since. Knowing people when I got there helped me not just be a tourist but to be myself in that place over time. I loved it. I know you already know your sister... but imho the buds add whole nother sense of yourself on a whole other coast.
Yep. And I think Sis really needed a little time off from being hostesss.
Glad you're home safe! And yeah, it makes a huge difference to me when visitors (no matter how welcome) take some time to go off by themselves.
flies right over tranna and can't drop in
it's not like parachutes are THAT expensive :wink:
{grin} - but, Beth, I waved!
Sozobe - I fear I didn't do enough to get out of her way.
uh, colloquial for friends... ;>)
Sure, sure, you there in "the north of northern California." What else could it mean, sitting there next to Humboldt like you are.
I've been there in Humboldt Co. I think "buds" has some other meaning, only I forget...
The place can engender forgetfulness...
Yes, that's tiny me and tinier Little Mo on the enormous beach. I just got some snaps back from the lab and came across that one - my mom must have taken it when we went beaching during her visit. I can't recall the last time there was a photo of me so I thought "why not?".
Now as to photos of Little Mo... That poor kid is going to be so embarrased when he starts bring home girlfriends.
And speaking of photos.... I saw the very first photos of the twins yesterday! I know I'm supposed to be exasperated but what do you know... I find myself a bit excited. Tessa and Julie are the front runners in the naming competition.
Are these little Mo's little sisters?
(Nice pic!!)
Yes indeed, Little Mo's half-sisters to be very accurate. They are expected to arrive in early November.
<< le sigh >>
where is notwavingbutmostlyharmless when you need him. One of his songs might help right now.
I like Tessa and Julie, but they don't flow together like I think, somwhere in my tinker, they should for twins.... Ah well.
My sister find out the sex of her second child (due in mid december) - it's a boy!