Hey littlek!
My mom has been in town so I haven't been online much lately. I'm sorry I missed out on any local festivities.
We are headed to the beach to spend the night - leaving in a couple of hours. We'll be back tomorrow and my mom is leaving on Saturday.
I'm pretty well homebound with Little Mo but you and your sister are both welcome to come visit, hang in the yard, and drink some margaritas anytime while you're here.
My wife and I will be in Vancouver on August 14. Any chance for a quickie A2K Gathering? We have some free time in the afternoon. c.i.
Here's what SeattleFriend reported for those anxious ones among you:
Quote: I met with little k and her sister and brother in law, as well as d'artagnan, stoat, PAL, and um, I forget some of the names. Some weren't on abuzz or a2k, but were friends, spouses, etc. I was the first to leave as I needed to go take care of something at René's house, but it was fun and I'm glad I went. Thanks for sending me the reminder. I had been thinking that it was still a week away.
Many of the people ordered dinner. I had eaten, so I just ordered some hummus with pita bread and a glass of porter. (It was a big glass -- half was all I could do.) The place was nice and smoke-free, but very noisy.

wish I'd gone and not worried about the long, dark drive home. Glad everyone had a great time. Hope littlek & family enjoy B.C.
Here's what it's looking like in Seattle today...
Yes, Piffka, I heard nice things about you, and I wish you could've been there. But it is a way to go for a few hours of frivolity. One of these days I really do want to check out the Tides--and, of course, I hope we can synchronize our calendars and meet!
Thanks, D'a. I'll look forward to that! Maybe the Seattle contingent can get together again this summer before PDog leaves for school.
Just found out I won't be online while in canada. Talk to you all later!
so, Boomer and piffka - maybe we can talk about details later? Hope that's ok!
Oh! Have fun littlek! Be safe!
i am so envious. first a seattle get-together and now a trip to Whistler. There's been tons of coverage on the radio tonight about the party that's starting there. Whistler is beautiful and fun anytime - but to go there during a celebration - shazam!
Before Patiodog leaves for school? I dunno about this, are you going to veterinary school, PDog?
Also, delighted y'all had a nice time meeting or remeeting.
I was there too, and one thing I must pass on, is that part of the conversation was about others on A2K, and how nice it would have been if everyone could have been there!
So you talked about us, huh? Whatdidyasay?
Oh this thread will never do!
More details please!
We lurkers want any little scraps and tidbits of info. that you can supply.....come on-n-n-n! or I'll start whining.
Definitely stay in touch with me re Aug 14
Lola wrote:So you talked about us, huh? Whatdidyasay?
Anytime girls get together and talk abt me they say "What a waste" ! Anythime men get together and talk abt me they say "Thank god" !!
Where are dem pictures ?????? (Stomping his feet in impatience)
Gautam, how did you guess? You were all we talked about...