I listed here neighborhood somewhere..... I'll go find it.
Piffka - Ok, I understand. I'll let you know what I can before I leave (my family isn't good at making group decisions...)
She lives in Ravenna/Bryant - which is closer to that neighborhood?
"Family group decisions." Isn't that an oxymoron? LOL c.i.
Esysian's website says their new location is at 55th and Meridian... pretty easy to get to on ptrans and probably the closer to Ravenna/Bryant...
Yes, the new Elysian must be the one at 55th and Meridian and close to (or in) the Ravenna Neighborhood. The original is the one I know of on Capitol Hill...
So, what does everyone think? Is it accessible enough to all who want to meet?
Thanks for understanding, K. I'm sorry I'm going to miss everybody.
I am the one who wore piffka out... long long long drives, worth it to both of us, but way harder on her. Will make up for it if I ever get there with a rentacar. It is so strange to me, like looking at Long beach and Newport on an LA map...
ah, who ever of you meet, hoist one, tea, sympathy, or booze, for me.
Re the Elysian in Ravenna--should be relatively easy for folks to get to. Why not set a time for Tuesday, littlek, and those that can make it, will?
I guess there will have to be some way for those who arrive to know who everyone else is; I could figure that out easily at my local pub, but not at the Elysian. Any suggestions?
Well, we've always managed - the best way would be to use a reservation name. The next would be to have a balloon tied to a chair at our table.
so, we have:
patiodog plus one
and Stoat!
and kris plus 3.5 (well, the child is only 3).
If reservations are makeable, we'll make one under the name of Abel (thanks to Jespah for that beaut of an idea). If not I'll get a balloon.
So, is the above list correct?
I'll look for a balloon, then (just guessing about reservation possibilities at a casual brewpub in casual seattle, esp on a Tuesday nite).
What kind of time frame are we looking at here, 'k?
patiodog's probably right re reservations. The Elysian I know of is really casual, so I'm guessing the new one is equally so. I'll look for the balloon. Just set a time. Thanks!
Oy! has anyone contacted seattlefriend? Maybe stoat could give her a call?
I sent her an email about the planned get-together last week but she didn't mention going when I heard from this weekend.
I was think about 6-9pm......? maybe later if we're having fun. But, if people are going to be late getting there, I want a good window, ya know?
I suggested the balloon because I had a sneaking hunch that Seattle might be too casual for reservations.
Sounds good, esp. as that's pretty close to my house and parking will be free...
soooooooo, the packing list included balloons and cameras. Right?
Great. I expect to show up 7-ish, all things being equal. I hope the balloon's still inflated!
I'm bringing cameras
Pdog has offered to bring a balloon - still on for that pdog?