spendius wrote:Sanctus:-
How about when the religion entails human sacrifice?Many religions have that.Some,I gather,still do.
How about temple prostitution?
There's many other things too.I don't think your definition is workable.It includes freedom and non-freedom at the same time.Its a bit rhetorical to say the least.
I get where you're going; but it's very hard to describe what I am talking about. Pretty much modern-day America, without such religious and bias undertones.
Sanctuary wrote:Freedom is having some laws...individual religion, opinions, and reasonings - yet having government. I think laws/rules are essential to living somewhat peacefully, at least compared to life without rules for everyone.
Itallics: referring to communism & anarchy. Neither would ever work, or do, in reality. People are suppressed or unprotected - or both.
The mixture of laws and freedom is hard to explain, I know, but don't view it as a concept - actually think about what I mean. Some laws, yes - as people will be punished for murder. But freedom as well, as in I can be a Buddhist, you can be Jewish, that guy to your right there can be Hindu and that lady up there is a Christian - and we're all welcomed here.