What does "9the" mean? It appears to be rather confusing to me.
Plus, Izzy is British, then his "local barbers" would have been in the UK. So the Iraqi Kurds are now in the UK?
Well, these casual English is really a puzzle to me.
Thanks in anticipation.
izzythepush wrote:
The Kurds were given the shitty end of the stick when the British and French carved up the Ottoman Empire. There should have been a Kurdistan, instead it was divided up among Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey. Following recent evens the Iraqi and Syrian Kurds are fairly autonomous, and Turkey fears losing territory to an independent Kurdistan.
My local barbers, 9the one I use anyway,) has just been taken over by Iraqi Kurds. They're really lovely people, we hit it off straight away. I tried to give him a tip but instead he gave me a discount.