Faux News Blindsided

Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 08:59 am
Thank you, Bear. Yes, I was being sincere.

Lash wrote:
It sounds shitty. That's very damn serious to be snarking about cavalierly on a message board.
If you were going, I wouldn't dream of saying that to you. When you are adversarial, the intent is clear.

You sound pretty incendiary, Lash. Face it, war kills. And war kills babies' daddies.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 09:50 am
Thanks for clarifying that, Cinnesthesia. I'm sure you realize how someone could take what you said the wrong way. How would it sound if you, for instance, were to write a letter to all of the soldiers over in Iraq in which you said: "I hope your babies don't lose their Daddy over there." Do you see why some would believe that to not be an appropriate message?

While it can be sincere, it can also be a political snipe, as Lash pointed out. Her point is that when it is delivered in the midst of an "adversarial" discussion, the intent seems to be the latter. Your "rolling eyes smilies" in your immediately prior post certainly could call into question the sincerity of your sentiment.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 09:54 am
She said she was sincere. Drop it, you guys are projecting again.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 10:08 am
Chrissee wrote:
She said she was sincere. Drop it, you guys are projecting again.

I know she said she was sincere. I thought I mentioned that at the beginning of my last post.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 10:09 am
Neil Boortz wrote:
Ted Turner is not what you might called thrilled with the surge of Fox News Channel in the cable television ratings. After all, CNN is Ted's baby. I can remember many, many moons ago sitting with Ted Turner at a private lunch at the Commerce Club in downtown Atlanta. At that time, the early 70's I think, I was hosting a television show on Turner's WTBS. Turner sat there at lunch and told me of his plans for a cable television news service. I nodded politely and tried to keep my elbows off the table. Little did I know the level of success that Turner would achieve with his dream. Now that success is sullied by the growing popularity of Fox News Channel ... and Ted is torqued, and Ted felt the need to go on the attack against Fox News. So, attack Ted did ... at the National Association for Television Programming Executives meeting in Las Vegas.

In attacking Fox News I suspect Ted is faced with the same problem that my more liberal listeners have faced for the entirety of 2004. In January of 2004 I challenged my listeners to watch Fox News carefully and to call my show with any evidence of any right-wing bias in the presentation of news stories on any Fox News program. Obviously you will find bias on the opinion programs, that's to be expected. But my challenge dealt with the presentation of actual news stories. Well, the entire year went by with repeated goading from me, and not one listener ever made one phone call or sent one email which illustrated even one instance of right wing bias in the presentation of news stories on the Fox News Channel. Not one. Turner faces a similar dilemma. He has no examples either, so what does he do? He does exactly what our friend Steve did! He goes the "Nazi" route! Yesterday Ted Turner was out there in front of God and all those people comparing the Fox News Channel, and it's superior ratings, to Hitler! Yeah, Ted says, Hitler was popular with the people too! So, Ted Turner is comparing people who watch Fox News Channel instead of CNN to the people who put Hitler in power in Germany! I particularly like the response to Ted's tirade from the Fox News Channel spokesman: "Ted Turner is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network and now his mind. We wish him well."

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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 10:28 am
Literally, a waste of time..
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 10:43 am
Zane wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Thanks for clarifying that, Cinnesthesia. I'm sure you realize how someone could take what you said the wrong way. How would it sound if you, for instance, were to write a letter to all of the soldiers over in Iraq in which you said: "I hope your babies don't lose their Daddy over there." Do you see why some would believe that to not be an appropriate message?

While it can be sincere, it can also be a political snipe, as Lash pointed out. Her point is that when it is delivered in the midst of an "adversarial" discussion, the intent seems to be the latter. Your "rolling eyes smilies" in your immediately prior post certainly could call into question the sincerity of your sentiment.

This is why I generally avoid the political topics at A2K- Conservatives who take pleasure in trying to read between the lines to make accusations, pick fights, further their own agendas, pontificate sanctimoniously. .....big snore...

What is it you are reading into my post that you quoted? What "accusation" did I make? ..... In what way was I trying to pick a fight? I merely pointed out the basis for Lash's post.

Perhaps you'd be better served by not trying to read between the lines of my post, and to take it for exactly what it was intended to be. That being said, if on the other hand you wish to consider my post to be "sanctimonious pontificating" and in furtherance of my conservative agenda, and you therefore have a desire to leave this forum, don't let the proverbial door hit you in your proverbial a**.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:06 am
tsk tsk girls.....why can't you follow my example and be reasonable?
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:08 am
I hope your babies don't lose their Daddy over there.

When a sentiment like this is given within the context of a bullsh*t war, it is with a fervent hope from those of us on the left that our fighting men and women DO return home safely, for what are they truly fighting for over there in Iraq?

When you have soldiers continuously questioning this fake war, and when you have soldiers defecting, committing suicide, shooting themselves in the foot, 1/3rd coming home with severe mental problems, being poorly trained and poorly equipped, then it is Cinnesthesia's heartfelt sentiment that rings truer than ever.

We sincerely support our troops, but we are adamantly against this corrupt and criminal administration for sending our men and women into a war based on lies, and by men who NEVER SERVED IN COMBAT.

It's not only sad, but profoudly pathetic that neocons fail to understand this.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:11 am
And as far as the topic of this original post is concerned, Fox news got what they deserved, as they demonstrated their usual tendencies in skewing the news to fit their rightwing nutjob agenda.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:20 am
Dookie wrote:
When a sentiment like this is given within the context of a bullsh*t war, it is with a fervent hope from those of us on the left that our fighting men and women DO return home safely, for what are they truly fighting for over there in Iraq?

When you have soldiers continuously questioning this fake war, and when you have soldiers defecting, committing suicide, shooting themselves in the foot, 1/3rd coming home with severe mental problems, being poorly trained and poorly equipped, then it is Cinnesthesia's heartfelt sentiment that rings truer than ever.

We sincerely support our troops, but we are adamantly against this corrupt and criminal administration for sending our men and women into a war based on lies, and by men who NEVER SERVED IN COMBAT.

It's not only sad, but profoudly pathetic that neocons fail to understand this.

Some anti-war folks have a tendency to try and demoralize the troops. In doing so, they think they are doing what is in the best interests of their country. When there are liberals on this very board who believe that they are being patriotic for wanting the US to lose the war in Iraq, I believe I'll reserve the benefit of the doubt to the best intentions of the anti-war folk towards our military until I have good cause to do so. I believe Cinnesthesia had good intentions, but her choice of words in the context of this thread were not the best to convey true sincerity.

And I wouldn't ascribe to the most left-leaning libbies on this board the beliefs which you hold. Therefore, when you purport to speak for same, I take it with about 1/2 a grain of salt.

Dookie wrote:
And as far as the topic of this original post is concerned, Fox news got what they deserved, as they demonstrated their usual tendencies in skewing the news to fit their rightwing nutjob agenda.

What did they get that they deserved? What they got was a kookie guest. Those aren't limited to CNN and MSNBC, are they?
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:26 am
God knows, I do not normally agree with Lash. Most of you know I'm a flaming liberal.

I sincerely do not wish to offend anyone, though I probably will offend many with my next statement but I think it needs to be said. I think it is disingenous to say Cinnesthesia's comment was not meant to hurt. I was very surprised when I read it and realized there must be a lot more bad blood here then I knew about.

If you have a "fervent wish for them to come home alive" then say that. Or say, "Stay safe" if you cannot morally say "Good luck."

I would be extremely offended if anyone said to me... I hope your son comes back alive, just as I would be shocked if I were having a baby and someone said, "I hope you don't die in childbirth" or "I hope the baby is born alive."

The damage done by words said in anger is rarely worth the satisfaction of having said them. And if you do say words in anger and mean them -- then don't back down. We liberals have to quit being passive-aggressive.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:27 am
please name these anti war folks who try to demoralize our troops and give specific examples as well...SPECIFIC examples please...specific meaning examples that ar so crystal clear they cannot be left open to interpretaion....thanks...
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:34 am
My comment was sincere, and meant to be taken at face value.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:34 am
Piffka wrote:
God knows, I do not normally agree with Lash. Most of you know I'm a flaming liberal.

I sincerely do not wish to offend anyone, though I probably will offend many with my next statement but I think it needs to be said. I think it is disingenous to say Cinnesthesia's comment was not meant to hurt. I was very surprised when I read it and realized there must be a lot more bad blood here then I knew about.

If you have a "fervent wish for them to come home alive" then say that. Or say, "Stay safe" if you cannot morally say "Good luck."

I would be extremely offended if anyone said to me... I hope your son comes back alive, just as I would be shocked if I were having a baby and someone said, "I hope you don't die in childbirth" or "I hope the baby is born alive."

The damage done by words said in anger is rarely worth the satisfaction of having said them. And if you do say words in anger and mean them -- then don't back down. We liberals have to quit being passive-aggressive.

Well let me go on record my dear Piffka, of saying that I truly do think Cinn was sincere in her remark.....and let me also say that I apologize for no remarks I make have made or will make...so I'm doing my part on the no passive-aggressive thing...although as I have stated before...I'm not as liberal as many people think..... I prefer to think of myself as someone who knows bullshit without having to stick his head in it.... Very Happy
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:37 am
Piffka wrote:
The damage done by words said in anger is rarely worth the satisfaction of having said them. And if you do say words in anger and mean them -- then don't back down. We liberals have to quit being passive-aggressive.

If that was directed at me, I'm sorry, but you're very mistaken. I'm not passive-aggressive and not angry. I hate to see more families lose their loved ones over this ridiculous war.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:38 am
There is anger in truth from us liberals, and neocon minions like Ticomaya cannot handle the truth. It's that simple. Instead, they demonize. "kookie?" These are words the neocons love to use. It makes them feel good. They are simple words, really. Simple enough to bring the trailerpark trash into the debate. And they are the only words they seem to truly understand. Demonize the messenger.

Can Ticomaya refute any of the facts that were offered by the "kookie" liberal commentator who appeared on Faux news?

I sincerely hope that our men and women in uniform can come home one day to their families again. There has been enough death and blood spilt over a war of lies to last a lifetime.

Let's not be mistaken here; this is a war of lies. It is the neocon chickenhawk's war. It is THEIR mess. And individuals like Ticomaya will justify their actions until their blue in the face. Demonize the messenger when you cannot offer a substantive rebuttal. Typical neocon drivel.

We protested this war because we KNEW it was based on lies, we KNEW they wouldn't find any WMDs, we KNEW this mess would unfold, and we KNEW that 10's of thousands would die in Bush's war about oil.

It all came true. ALL OF IT! So what do Neocons like Ticomaya do? Demonize the messenger.

More death in Iraq:


And soldier's stories regarding the insanity of Bush's war:









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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:50 am
I'm glad to hear it, Cinnesthesia and as I said, I didn't mean to offend you. I can only point out again that it not the best choice of words to say to someone who is going to war, even if the war is screwy.

The reason the comment is considered passive-aggressive is that you are visualizing someone's death while saying you hope it doesn't happen.

How can you NOT be angry over this stupid situation the administration has orchestrated?
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 11:54 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
please name these anti war folks who try to demoralize our troops and give specific examples as well...SPECIFIC examples please...specific meaning examples that ar so crystal clear they cannot be left open to interpretaion....thanks...

You have apparently jumped to the conclusion that I was referring specifically to any particular posters on A2K. You may find this hard to believe, BPB, but I had a life prior to my A2K existence which began a scant 3 months ago. During that prior life, I had occasion to post at other boards. <gasp> I'm not going to be able to tell you their user names, nor would that do much good for you in any event, but there were some who would try and tell the military members of those boards that they shouldn't go, that things were going badly, and other such rhetoric. Of course they would say they were trying to educate these military members, but that explanation is disingenuous in light of their complete and utter opposition to the war, and the fact that these boys are going over to fight for their country. The last thing they need to hear is propaganda spewing from the mouth of some anti-war liberal that is going to have no other effect than to demoralize them. It was in light of those experiences that I made my comment.
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Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2005 12:00 pm
right...nothing specific....just the same for us or against us bullshit.....if you tell a soldier you're anti war and try to explain why you're demoralizing him...and on top of that purposefully....whatever dude...is the sky blue in Kansas?
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